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bald babies

my boys were bald…and i loved that.

this guy was a sweetie.


he's had his picture with this horse every month since he was born.

i love when people bring something special along.



we found a puddle and i was so happy his mom said it was ok to get wet.


that is real life.

kids love puddles….so why not get that shot?!


i wasn't the only one who was happy.  


oh my.

that belly is just too much.

i can barely stand the cuteness.  


there is his beautiful mama.

she just moved here & i am looking forward to getting to know her better this year…

and squeeze on her baby.


and there he goes.

he's done with me.

that's the usual routine.

alisha thank you for a fun morning.

see you at church…i'm so happy you moved here!

kerry is too.

baby gifts - So adorable. I love his picture playing in the puddle. Cute! ^_^

Erin - My kiddo was bald until she was a year old. And she’s a girl. She still barely has hair. I remember going to the store with her in an all pink outfit, pink carseat, pink shoes, pink blanket…..and people still asking “how old’s the little fella?” CRAZY PEOPLE!!
Maybe the next bebe will be a boy and it won’t be a problem.
Now I’m off to go get my girlie a pair of overalls because that is SO adoreable on a girl or boy. I half forgot they existed!
What a sweetie, great pics! : )

Liz Miller - Meg,
I love the B&W puddle shot!! So Sweet!!

Jennifer Dawn - Your pictures are awesome, and I would love for you to take some shots of my little one. Alas, we live very far away from you. If you ever happen to pay the state of Tennessee a visit, let me know. 🙂

Patrice - I just happened upon your blog and these pictures are amazing. I mean UH-MAY-ZING!
They make me think of my little Sampy (Sampson)…sigh. He’s just in the next room over. Sleeping. But still…..I miss his cute, chubby, baby, self. 🙂

Sarah - Oh God…you are your baby pictures. Seriously, you are killing me. Those cheeks! That bald head! Those overalls!

Kristine Robb - oh and we were living in chicago on 9/11 also. my husband worked in the hancock and they were evacuated. i was teaching and was supposed to comfort a classroom of kids when i didn’t even really know what was going on. it was so sad and so chaotic.

Kristine Robb - *laundry counts as a room!
*take your time with the pics!
*enjoy your vacation!

Joni Lloyd - Hi Meg. I know I’ve been missing for a while reading your blog, but I have a favor to ask you. I know your readership is really high, and I remember all that you were able to accomplish in helping with Cora’s playground. It was a story that touched my heart and I felt honored to have contributed in my small way. My favor is this, I have a friend who needs a bone marrow transplant and needs to get as many people as she can to register on the site to get swabbed. It’s a numbers game for her, so the more the better her chances are for a match. I just posted her story on my site: and I’m hoping that you can help me spread the word? I would really appreciate it. smiles, Joni

Sarah @ In A Dream - Great pics! I love the first puddle one! You have such a great eye and your pictures really show it!

Vera - The chubby feet… aaaah!! heaven!

Lisa K in FL - Everytime you post portraits, I grieve again the fact we live many states apart. I need you to do pictures of my kiddos.

Jocelyn Stott - Wow – he’s a keeper. That belly…oh that belly. Why are babies so perfect???!!!?!

Christina - I agree with someone else…those toes are so wonderful!! They are lifted up out of the water in one of the pictures…too cute!
Mama and baby are both lovely!

Miranda - I love bald babies too…these pictures are so fantastic. I mean really, just gorgeous.

carissa... brown eyed fox - that water reflection shot… “shut your mouth”… GOOD!
have you checked for leaks lately? talent is pouring out i tell you… like cats & dogs!

Joni Lloyd - darling pictures. i love the blue background..really pops. and i squealed a little when i saw the puddles…too much fun!

emily :] - i love the b&w puddle one. & the last one. sooo cute.

heather - I love these pictures!! (I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I love it too!) The puddle ones are SOOOOO cute!

Cate O'Malley - Love those puddle shots!

adrienneK - omg the picture of him with his little tongue out is too precious!!!

Tammy - just adorable!!!!!!

Kathy - Seriously they don’t make um cuter!

Sara - Look at those darling little baby toes! So cute!

sara - you have such an amazing talent, capturing the best moments! he is a cutie pie for sure!

misty - oh he is so CUTE! i love the pics of him playing in the puddle! cute lil belly! i just love baby chub!

joycee - Ok, I’ve had my “cute baby fix” for the day! He is adorable, a real butterbean!

Susan - Adorable! I’m partial to bald babies my self and I have a friend who actually told me that if her baby was born hairy she would have to shave it!

Michelle - Wow.
That b/w shot and the last one are some of my faves of all your shoots. Just gorgeous. Great job!

Toni :O) - Great, great GREAT photos! Love his belly and his cuteness!

Jennifer - TOO cute! I really like the puddle shots. Our street is flooded right now. We might have to take some pictures, not that they would be half as good as yours, but we might just steal that idea!
LOVE the belly pictures. Wish having a sticking out belly was still cute at 34! HA!

megan duerksen - tiffany….that door is THAT blue.
crazy right?
i love that door. 🙂

Tiffany Morris - Love these pics! One question… the blue wall in the first picture… did you color that with Photoshop?
Hugs – Tiffany

purejoy - love the reflection of him in the puddle.
oh to have the unbridled delight of new discovery!! no wonder Jesus singled out that childlike faith!!
hope you have a blessed weekend (thinking ahead, of course!)

Penny - What wonderful pictures. Once again, you have really captured the moment. The puddle shot is my favorite. Those little feet are just yummy! I am way past wanting a baby, but I did get a twinge. Keep taking those wonderful shots!

Jess - oh meg, how could you? stop it already! this little guy is absolutly bringing my baby fever back! my little guy was a baldy too. awww i miss those days so so much.

Michelle B - So very very cute!

Julia - ooh, I love that belly!

Dawn - Your pictures are amazing! I love that last shot, so adorable!

Ruth - oh these are just perfect!! that puddle shot and the last one… you are so talented. and what a beautiful family!

pve - ok, his mom, looks like his big sister, and forget that bald head, i wanna take a bite of those sweeeet feet!
nibble nibble….

Sam - Awwww that first puddle picture is my fav. He is super cute! - Loved the black and white puddle shot. Perfection!

amy d - major cuteness!!!! love the last, with his overhauls all rolled up!

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