Masthead header

7 things.

1.  i have been listening to Pandora all week with the station i typed in of the Jackson 5.

       it is making our morning chaos a little fun…..we're groovin'.

2.  this was on the radio this morning on the way to school. 


     i was belting it out and dancing too….oh oh oh ohohoh!

     it was 20 years ago that i went to their concert in Kansas City with steffany.

     they wore rainbow colored sequined blazers.  

3. i bet you didn't know i am really good at naming movies from another room…by sound not sight.

    i will be doing something in the kitchen and craig calls to me "name that movie"

    it's just like name that tune….

    i am a name-that-movie expert.  (self appointed expert of a game that i made up)

4.  my 15th anniversary was last week…..and i forgot!    but craig didn't.

5.  i made coffee on sunday about 2 minutes after i got out of bed.

     i forgot to put the pot in the machine.

     the whole pot of coffee ended up on the counter and floor.


6.  i have a attack plan for cleaning my house over the next 8 days that i will be home.

     2 rooms a day…deep cleaning….UGH.

     but it must be done.

     i started with the craft room so i would feel like i could breathe.

     and today is the boys' room.  MAJOR mess.  

     they "clean" it on saturdays but i am going to CLEAN it.

     with The New Kids on in the background.  

7.   wild sunflowers are everywhere….


Liz - I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been cotleemlpy delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am cotleemlpy healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed!

Sabine - I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been comtlepely delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am comtlepely healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed!

Zeynep - Sensitization , Bewilderment and Fear. This person is treppad in the anxiety state due to extreme sensitization, both physical and mental ( you can see his nerves are edge all the time). This sensitization is kept alive by belwiderment ( he does not know why he feels like this and wants to be his old self agian if only he knew how) and the most powerful emotion FEAR. Unknowinlgy he adds FEAR to FEAR. He needs to PASS THROUGH the fear the right way and not avoid or quiten it. DR Weekes

Kristine Robb - talby’s shirt is awesome!

Trina McNeilly - Love this post.. always love knowing random things about people especially when they are things like making coffee without the pot… i do things like that too.
ps- if you get a chance stop by my blog.. i’m having a fun giveaway….i think you will like!
Have a great rest of your week!
xx Trina

Val Russell - I have done the same thing with the coffee TONS of times… but at a restaurant that I work at! The coffee pots are right behind the counter where people sit, so they always notice and laugh.
And one of my talents is naming a movie that a certain song is on… Like in the car hearing a song and knowing what movie(s) it is on. Don’t know why I’m good at that. But it’s fun.

tami - Love the new look too cute!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That is a great plan of attack. My house needs a thorough cleaning, but all at once seems overwhelming. Two rooms at a time may be doable. Thanks.
Love that you screw up too. I’ve been running around with my head cut off lately. That just lends it’s self to screw ups.

Heather Richter - I have done the coffee thing, danced to NKOB, but I can’t name people or movies to save my life. I need the “mom translator” from Saturday Night Live. Thanks for the flashback. :)~Heather Richter

Courtney - I started playing the video and my two year old got up and started dancing all around! So cute to see my kid jam out the music of “my day”. lol!

Angela - LOVE IT!!!
I am such a NKOTB fan. I went to a concert 19 1/2 years ago. LOL
I actually had tickets to a concert this past summer. I was going to go w/my husband. But then he had to go out of town. So my mom was going to go with me. But then they MOVED the concert ahead a week, and SHE was out of town (as was my husband still). So I sold them. It was a two-hour drive and I didn’t want to go alone. I’m still bitter.
I have recently discovered Pandora and LOVE it! I’m sure you know this, but you are aware, of course, that you can combine artists for a station, right? I have a New Kids/Debbie Gibson station that rocks my socks off! 🙂

se7en - Oh good grief – I have never even thought of your coffee project, what a nightmare… but I never remember our anniversary or the poor man’s birthday!!! The luck of the draw I guess… I could remember his birthday and forget his lunch!!!

DreamGirlLisa - Love the picture! And I like your idea for the cleaning. Made the rainbow cake this weekend for my daughter’s 18th bday, it turned out great, she loved it!

ashley - i love pandora…it also makes my daily activities a little bit more groovin’.

Jennifer - I LOVED Jordan. I practiced writing Mrs. Jordan Knight on my notebooks! My mom took me and my cousin to see them in Wichita. We had a NKOTB wall with all of the magazine pictures of Jordan and her favorite Joey. When I hear their songs, I can’t help but smile and sing along!
Last week, I told my husband to throw the pancake griddle away beacause it wouldn’t heat up. Turns out, I forgot to plug it in!

Betsy - I was also at the New Kids concert in KC. I didn’t realize it was 20 years ago. It was my first concert. I still talk about the fact that I went to it … AND … Young MC was the opener. Wouldn’t it be funny if all of us were sitting near each other?
Happy cleaning! I wish I had the same plan to clean my condo this week. Maybe you’ll inspire me a bit! 🙂

Dana - I totally play the ‘name that movie’ game with my husband, he tries to stump me all the time and gets mad when I get it. I can even name movies I’ve never seen, as long a I have seen the trailer at some point. Great list, I love your blog.

Jaime - I too love your blog…and the coffee pot one cracks me up. That is so something I would (and probably will) do. 🙂

Kate - I was a Jordan gal 🙂 LOL – awesome song – it is cracking me up! 7th grade I think? 🙂

Lauren - I love your blog!!! It’s one of the first things I read in the morning and it always makes me smile 🙂

amy - let’s see here…
-love pandora. i like to type in dixie chicks or led zeppelin or sometimes both. fun stuff!
-NKOTB…yep. went with my seventh grade boyfriend and he was mad at me the whole time because i wanted to attack jordan.
-my anniversary is coming up…my husband reminded me yesterday!
-hate it when coffee pots can’t fix their own malfunctions!
-can you say cleaning frenzy?? come on over.
-talby is too cute.
oh, and one more thing, thank you for your sweet comment about my ben boy. it made me smile. {hugs}

carissa... brown eyed fox - meg… you are happiness!

Meg - i too was at the nkotb concert in kc 20 years ago. although i’d rather not put the number of how many years ago that was. wow!! still love them to this day.

Jenny Wenzel - Hey Meg…love your new kids video…I never got to go to their concert “back in the day”, but my friends and I went when the came to KC last November…it was a BLAST! A bunch of 30-something women screaming for these guys!!! What a memory!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You are rainbow-rific.
And I wasn’t allowed to listen to NKOTB. I revolted a couple years later by memorizing most of the Metallica Black album. Showed them.

sarah w - I have the same cleaning plan this week. A room at a time, deep cleaning.
I HATE cleaning. But I HATE living amongst a mess.

Christina - I LOVE THIS POST!!
I was such a New Kids fan…I went to a concert and peed in my pants a little I screamed so hard. How embarrassing is that?! My mom was so sweet, she took me and a bunch of friends to a concert at the Richmond Col. and then she wouldn’t let us have the binoculars. It was also about 20 years ago. Crazy. And that song has been stuck in my head for several days for some reason-weird. I thought it was such a riot to see it here!
And I have done a couple of similar things like your coffee pot story the last couple of weeks. I also had to share them with the world. Funny stuff.
And you are majorly inspiring with your deep clean…I was about to tear into our living room and our schoolroom, oh, and our computer room. Blech. But seriously needs to be done, just like you said. Wouldn’t it be fun to get together with a group of your friends and clean together? Just go from one house to the other! It makes me miss my mom. Or my sister-in-law. It’s so much easier and fun when someone is with you. Since I’m all alone, I guess I need to be Hangin’ Tough. 🙂
Have a great day, and hope you get lots done.

fanee - I totally play “name-that-movie” too! The smallest little snippet is all I need- Glad there’s someone out there who shares my “gift” 🙂

Jill @ Barnes Yard - Oh I could really get some deep cleaning done with NKOTB in the background!

amy d - man, if you can deep clean your whole house in 8 days, then i must really have a lot of stuff….i gave myself until halloween! bonjour!

Summer - I was pretty into Jon…I liked the shy guys.

Erin Drennon - Love Love Love New Kids, I too went to their concert in Kansas City (that is where I live) what a blast from the past. They were on the The Today show a few years ago and I was singing the songs in front of my girls and they thought I was so weird. I tried explaining that I loved New Kids like they love Jonas Bros.

Molly Pearce - Oh gees girl you just brought back memories with that song. That was me and my sisters first concert and we screamed so hard that we had sore throats the next day. My mom got us the bedding, sleepng bags and dolls. Me and my sister would play Barbies for hours and pretend that they got married to Jordan and Donnie. HAHAHA, fun times!! Love reading your blog everyday chicky!!!
~Molly P

adrienneK - my husband loooves pandora radio it’s pretty neat!!

Kelly - GREAT photo of Talby! Fun list! Kelly

Keri ~ ForeverFoldingLaundry - I have done that coffee trick as well. It’s such a mess. My condolences.
Have fun with the cleaning. Funny that my boys’ room is my least favorite room of the house to CLEAN as well!

purejoy - i know i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but a little new kids along for the ride never hurt. i love that idea!!

Nicoleigh - I like the sunflowers! That is one thing I don’t see a log of in Iowa.
But a comment on Pandora…you get only 40 hours of free music a month. Last month I used it up the first week…since I had it playing every day at work. But I still love it!

Kathy - OMG great list, I can’t believe you forgot your anniversary!!
Deep cleaning good luck with that, I think I have ADD when cleaning! Love your sunflower picture, so cute.

misty - new kids!! yay! i am glad someone else likes them and remembers them from when they 1st started! sometimes i feel so old! love the sunflowers! wish we had them growing like that here in Tulsa!

Laura Phelps - #5 is HEART BREAKING. I actually cried a bit for you.

Sarah - Love the 2 rooms a day!…think that might motivate me!

Erin - I had NKOTB everything – even pillowcases – pathetic. Never went to a concert though – just to Boyz II Men 🙂
And we were just singing The Right Stuff at a party last night – so funny!

Lori Danelle - the coffee. . .I have totally done that!! Luckily, now I have a coffee maker that holds the coffee until the pot is in place. Or at least in theory it does. I think that feature is working a little less well than it did originally.
Now, I just find the milk in odd places. Like the cupboard with the sippy cups.

Michelle - Joey WAS the hottest. Ahhhh memories of my mom driving 2 hours in a snowstorm to take my sister, me, and several friends to the concert. She must have REALLY loved us.
Thanks for this post this morning Meg, it really made me smile.

Miranda - NKOTB. Yes. I also adore ‘name that movie.’ I think in high school I quoted so many movies that I rarely spoke original thoughts.

Starnes Fam - I cried at their concert. Seriously. I did. Not sure why. I think it’s what I thought I should do.

Jess - happy belated anniversary. i am in “organization” mode right now, ’cause i procrastinated getting it done before school started. i like to do a deep cleaning in the fall more so than the spring. i luuuuv fall!
delightful pic. love it.

Julia - We went rollerskating this weekend and in a very “uncool” move I participated in a race. I got put with the other mommas. Apparently this embarrasses one’s children.
I won by the way.

Sarah V. - Donnie was and still is my favorite! Only I didn’t get to go to their concert until this year and man was it fun!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - NKOTB was the best! 🙂 It was Jordan for me! 🙂
Deep cleaning, huh? Yeah, I had a 4 day weekend and was supposed to do the same. I managed to get just about nothing done. =(

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - NKOTB was the best! 🙂 It was Jordan for me! 🙂
Deep cleaning, huh? Yeah, I had a 4 day weekend and was supposed to do the same. I managed to get just about nothing done. =(

cori barney - NKOTB FOREVER!!! Donnie still makes me light headed!

Sara - Oh, I was so in love with Joey. Now I feel old.

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