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i am a celebrity.

or at least that is what sarah called me.

sarah at clover lane interviewed ME!
it was fun.
she has a great blog…you will love it.
she has five kids and a dog too.
(what kind of crazy person does that?)

p.s. i don't ever EVER want to be a celebrity.
after my dvr show the other night (at 1 AM) the show ET came on.
oh puke.
they honestly said…"did Kate Gosselin get implants?!" 
then they zoomed in the photo of her to full screen on her bikini clad chest?!
i said "who cares!"
and switched it off.
if that is what being a celebrity means……i never want it.

not that anyone was seriously suggesting that i was.  :)
or would be.
it was just going through my mind.

Elisa - crap I always call you Meg!!

Shannan - I really liked the interview. Such a pleasant surprise! And I could not agree more with your comment on focusing on the positive on your blog. It’s fine now and then – but I’m no sucker for a “heavy” blog. Let’s have light! And fun! And pretty! And funny! We could all use a little more of those.

Starnes Fam - Her blog is fabulous. Totally agree!

jenn - Hey…just read your interview and got a little choked up when you openly shared about getting pregnant at 18 and making it. I don’t want to share a bunch via the comments section, so, suffice it to say, I have a very close and precious family member who is in that same situation…and is fighting hard to make it work, to defy the odds. I know she and her husband will be super encouraged by your lives. I’m sending her a link to your blog. Thanks!

Mrs. Dunbar - I read the interview yesterday. Loved it. I am so glad you referenced Phillipians and that your marriage has survived 5 kids! You are a wonderful inspiration.
PS When are you going to put some more wonderful things on Etsy?

juliann - Great job Megan! I am proud of you for being honest about your life, and for sharing your faith. I am sure that is part of what draws so many to you! May God bless you and your family and grow you all closer to him.
Love, Juliann

Kathleen - You are so real and so inspriring. I know you don’t realize this-even though you are a celebrity!
Congrats on your interveiw and the magazine spot!
Even my kids love seeing what you’ve written if they are walking by. Snails and Waffle are the faves!

sara - i really enjoyed learning more about you, on sarah’s blog too (another of my fav’s). very cool! take care!

Kimberly Au - I googled “Baked French Toast” for an upcoming trip with my family. I stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading it and looking at your wonderful photographs! And I can’t wait to try your recipe. It is the one I am using next week for friends and family!

Sara - I like you even more now.

Elaine Schienvar - I loved reading this interview … how cool. I also LOVE THE PHOTOS AND HOUSE. WOW!!!!
From another mommy of 5 (girls) who married pretty young.

Amber - Hey! Great interview! I think we all wish we lived next door to you 🙂
BTW, I’m another mama who met her man at school… crushes at 12. Dating at 15. A year break a few years later & now we’re both 34 and have been together 19 years. Married for 14 years.
I love to hear there are other people out there who stumbled upon the best thing at such an early age! Congratulations Meg-an 😉

evan - awe what a great interview! kinda cool to learn those little tidbits about your life (aside from your blog) you’re totally inspiring. and totally cool.

Joy Cronauer...Joy at Home - country living??? this month? that is awesome! i’ll have to go pick it up! tell us how that transpired! this year i found your blog and sarahs so this morning i was happy to see my favorite blogs were chatting! too fun!

meso - you are on for your heart-shaped rocks…you are a celebrity in my world… m

adrienne - that was a great interview… i learned a lot about you!

kristin - i just read your interview…very nice…my heart really is warmed.
way to go.

Laura - I’ve read all her other celebrity interviews, but had never ‘known’ one of them… you’re the first! Of course I only cyber-know you (can I really call that my brush with fame?)… Enjoyed the interview- see you in cyber-world- or at Sonic 2-4 — 🙂

Angi - I have been reading your blog for about a year and I’m hooked! I would definitely consider you a celebrity, just because of the fact that when I saw you in the Country Living~I totally freaked out!!! I think that What I love the most is how “real” you really are. Thanks

andrea liese - that was a great interview. i did learn something, we have a similar story, had the same guy for a long time (12 years for me) and both got preggers really early in life (17 for me). bu twe pushed threw and made it, and no one thought we would. good story, i love to tell people he is my best friend

andrea liese - scrabble cheeze its are the best

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I feel the same way. I would never want to be famous, rich maybe! Anyway I love your blog and to me you ARE famous. You were in Country Living magazine for heaven’s sake!!

dawn - Great interview. I don’t want to be a celebrity either. Who needs someone else keeping tabs on your cellulite, taking a totally unflattering photo — and then printing it on the front of a magazine for all the world to see? Not me.
You have a beautiful family. I admire you. I have one child and one dog — and am frazzled regularly!!! Oh well. My kid has fun. Our house is a mess and we sometimes call toast and berries “dinner” — but she’s loved and she smiles lots. Even when her hair is stuck to her face with boogies and peanut butter… 🙂

Kristine - I have been a reader for a little while now…your craft room and house got me hooked! I actually can’t remember how I found your blog…but it’s a good one!
Appreciated the verse you noted from Phillipians in your interview. It helped me remember that God initally makes all things good. I just need to keep seeking out the good and the lovely and keep it at the forefront. Thanks for that encouragement, albeit in a roundabout way!
Last tidbit, I’m actually from the Chicagoland area. Graduated from Wheaton College and lived in that area for a short while after…your shots from the Highland Park area remind me a lot of that neck of the woods. I’m in MN (7 years now)…doesn’t sound like a big move, but there are SO many differences!
Great interview and keep up the fabulous photos! Love it!

valerie - You’ve inspired me. I love your blog and decided while looking at it that I’m going to add more pictures to my blog. I have 5 kids (and a husband, dog, house and laundry) too. (Got pregnant at 18 too). My two oldest are grown. Three girls are with us, 14,13,9. Life is very good and keeps getting better. But really, you’ve inspired me.

amy (not corey) - So when I move away to the farm someday, and you’re all bloggy-famous, will you still be my friend?

the rauths - so fun! i love the blogs you point to … but i love your blog more! so much fun. you make 5 kids look realistic. love that! btw … my one comment on kate … after 8 kids i’d probably get a boob job too , and a tummy tuck. no harm no foul! keep up the great work!

Lane - I liked you before I read that interview and now I like you even more!!! I LOVE your blog. You make me want to have 5 kids and a dog…right now we’re at 1 baby and 2 dogs! 🙂 I love that you are so honest and real, but aren’t complaining or ranting….like you mentioned in your interview. You are truly inspirational! Keep up the great work!
We have a lot of the same favorite foods too……I want cheese breadsticks and ranch right now!! 😉

Kathy - Great interview glad I found your blog! Have a great day!

Anna Marie - OH MY GOSH!!! Did Megan get a boob job…did you see her chest??? Ugh!
I will be sure to address you as “Megan” from now on 😉
I love you MEGAN! You bring happiness to my day. I was a little less happy yesterday because you didn’t get to post 🙁

Carrie - You are a celebrity. The fact that you are so fun, real, and stinkin creative and aren’t afraid blog about it all makes you a blog celebrity. And really, you share so much of yourself it makes you one in your own right.
You don’t get the paparazzi, but then again, you don’t get the swag either. I bet you could have had real snails flown in from California on demand if you were.
Meg “I have never seen real snails. Please find me some snails”
Agent “You betcha Meg. Let me see what I can do”
So, you pick…on demand snails, or adoring blog fans knowing all your business. : )

Mary Elizabeth - You are just on a roll these days .. the magazine and now this .. everyone just wants a piece of miss meg!!!! I might just have to share you on my blog as well. {after vacation!!}

sassafrasanne - face it.
you’re a celebrity.
now let’s sell something of yours on ebay.
p.s. love the interview!

Shar - I read your interview and really love everything you said. I love your blog and read it everytime you post. I am a grandmother now living with just my 2 dogs but I just really enjoy everything you say. I love your family, your dog, your faith, all of it. And, I love that color of turquoise up there. Is it something you painted and if so what is the color?
Thanks for the entertainment!

Laura Phelps - you are a blogebrity.

Sara at Be Still and Know - great interview meg. you’re totally a celebrity 🙂 …in an awesome “non camera zooming” kind of way 🙂

Wendy - So, would you want to be a celebrity if it didn’t mean that you had to have cameras zoom in on your chest?

kitchendoor - Oh MAN, now I am dying for a Cheez-It. We tried the grown-up Wheat Thin version at my house a couple of weeks ago, and Boyfriend was NOT impressed. The real deal or no deal, I say.
Off to check out your interview 🙂

Trina McNeilly - I like this picture… It makes me happy and it makes me want to eat cheez its….I”m going to read the interview… yay!
xx Trina

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - That was so much fun! The biggest shocker to me is that you mainly go by Megan, not Meg! You’re totally Meg to me. You know, I got pregnant with Chloe at 18 (yeah, not that great at birth control either) which was a big part of making me who I am today! You rock!

Diana - Your interview was amazing! I would love to be a friend in your house sipping hot coffee and chatting about nothing and everything!!!!

Sarah - I promise I won’t zoom in on your chest and ask if you have implants. 🙂 I can’t promise the paparazzi won’t though!!!

adrienneK - wow! i didnt know you were pregnant at 18?!
honestly i feel like crying right now (i was pregnant at 20) (none of my friends had kids etc etc…i now try to live the best life i can and for my kids,my husband and i had to grow up very fast.) one thing that helps me is well blogs going and seeing what everyone is up to,(knowing that other people have chaotic lives but still manage to find themselves amongst it all)you have been such and inspiration to me…ok im gonna stop i sound UBER cheesy!!
congrats celebrity momma!!!

Alyssa - I do not have any idea how you have 5 kids and a dog and a clean house…..I cannot for the life of me seem to manage 3 kids and one 3 yr golden retriever who is at this moment eating a crayon…..making little crayon pieces on the floor and my 18 month old is turning the TV ON and OFF.
What are your words of wisdom….Ms. Celebrity?

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