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and her family.

this could be my new most favorite shot ever.
sophie with her mom and dad…and baby on the way.  :)
and she is wearing my most favorite of all the Cora dresses.

click on it….it's just….precious.
goes right to your heart.

sophie's mom wanted to try some fun girlie pics with colorful balloons.
great idea!
but sophie…she didn't think so.

here's what we got.

1.  do i have to?

2. but WHY do i have to…i just want my jelly bean.
(that little belly sticking out is calling to be tickled!)

3. i asked her "what color is elmo?"
she didn't want to talk to me anymore.

4.  she let go.
we were all busy trying to get her to smile that we forgot to remind her to hold on tight.

it was their anniversary coming up.
i love anniversaries.


after sophie got some candy she was happy again.
we bribe because we care.
oh i hope we get to do this again…i had such a nice time.
thanks sophie.
and sharla and nathan too.  

funny story:
sharla's mom came to pick up her CD for her…she's a really nice and sweet lady.  
she came an hour early.
9:30 instead of 10:30 AM.
well…it's summer now and i had only been awake about 10 minutes.
but after i saw it was her i opened the door anyway.  
she got the REAL me.
nightgown…teeth not brushed…messed up hair…no bra!
sooooo professional.
oh it was her lucky day.
i'm sorry cindy.
i hope you were able to cope after that scene so early in the morning.

gina - Those pictures are awesome! ESPECIALLY the ones with the balloons- priceless.

a thorn among roses - balloons…great idea! and great shots. cute fam.

Thebluestbutterfly - I like the balloon pick where the fence is the next shot…because when I looked at them real quickly it looked like she was walking on top of the fence. 🙂

Christina - Some days I go all day without my bra! Yikes, too much info, huh?
I spotted that Cora dress from a mile away (you know…). So sweet!
And precious is the perfect word. I thought it and then read it beneath the very next picture. I agree with jennymama, I wish you were near!

Elisa - we bribe because we care 🙂

Traci - another awesome photo shoot. they are an adorable family. her dress is the cutest.

Kate - Wow! What a great pic! Great job, Meg!

Ashley Ann - Great shots…they capture seem to capture the personality of their family. I love the one where she is facing the wall with the balloons. And congrats on the magazine feature – they made a good choice selecting you. So jealous that you get to sleep till 9am…someday, someday.

Mattie - More great pics. I’m always inspired by your photography and crafts. My daughter(14)loves all the color shots and does her own versions. Thanks for the repost of “I could live here.” More inspiration for her room.
It feels weird…I don’t know you, but you really do bless me all the time. Thanks for sharing the creativity.

Kelly - Oh these are AMAZING!!!! I knew that was a Cora dress right away! Love how it coordinates with mom’s dress. I love the ones with the balloons, especially the first and last. Those are priceless and that all yellow outift, cute, cute! Love the one with the heart shaped sucker too and I think “we bribe because we care” is so funny! 🙂 The couple shots are GREAT. So fun! Kelly

Cindy - Meg – You do an amazing job. I love these pictures and I knew I would – THAT is why I showed up an hour early! Well, anyway, you were so gracious about it all – I’m the one that was embarrassed!

Kathy - I love these photo the colors they are wearing really photo well together. Cute family!

Sharla B. - Meg–thank you, thank you, thank you! We’re very happy with the pictures. You are so sweet and fun, and incredibly engaging/patient with our very-much-2-year-old Sophie. 🙂 I love how you bring surprise goodie bags for the kids at your shoots–so you! We will be calling you again sometime after Baby #2 is here! Thanks again.

Jill J - You are too funny! “no bra!” HA! Anyway, lovely pictures! I love the mom’s red dress, so cute!

sandy toe - What a cute young family!
sandy toe

Patti - ok…i know i’m repeating myself, but love the photos…again! i’m so stealing that idea with the balloons. love it! have a great weekend!

Christy - Awesome photos Meg! I think the back turned one is my favorite. How cute!
Love the Cora dress too!

Laura - these are my favorite pics of a family…and I need that Cora dress…..

Sara at Be Still and Know - the balloons are fabulous….i may ‘borrow’ that idea! 🙂 thanks for stopping by too 🙂 ……theses pics are great!

Mindy Harris - I would have liked to have thought my hubbie, son, and I are the cutest family on earth, but, no–the award goes to these guys!
This family is adorable–I have met them before and they are as precious as they photograph.
These pictures are superb.

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Fantastic photos! Are you anywhere near Kansas City. I visit my aunt up there sometimes and I may just need to arrange a family “portrait” on one of my trips. Seriously…let me know.

Steph - I LOVE the photos! You did an amazing job! What a beautiful family! Hey, do you ever come up to Chicago anymore? If so, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have you take pics of my family. 🙂 lol You are amazing!

Vera - Beautiful!
You know those vinyl wall letters that people get with quotes on them? I think I’m going to commission some for my living room – maybe above my fireplace mantel – that say “we bribe because we care.” Classic.

Leigh Ann - too funny. I love to answer the door like that! i have a beauty salon at my home, so it can really throw a person off. i’m sure they spend the rest of the day thinking “and she runs a beauty salon!!!!”

jamie - Love this Shoot, what a Beautiful and Sweet Family. The Balloon shots, Perfect. Im sure she understands the whole, No bra, teeth not brushed, hair a mess thing. Its Summer! Jamie

Jennifer P. - beatiful! I LOVE the shots with the balloons—how clever!

Lindy - Awesome pictures. However, I want Sophie’s rainbow shoes. Do you think they have my size?

Lori - These are so good. I honestly laughed out loud when I saw her little face in the balloon pictures! (I think the people in my office are starting to get used to my outbursts—finally).
And Sharla, as I assume you will read this, Congrats on the new baby!! You must be like 2 seconds along because you’re still so skinny!!! With my second, my Mom and I were joking that I MUST be pregnant because my stomach was sticking out—only to find out later that I really was!!!

A pocket full of posies... - if you ever come to Memphis….I want you take a million pictures for us!!!! really! a MILLION!!!! cause you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!!! 🙂 (really!)

4JJM - You just make me laugh!

the tulip lady - Okay, so that lovely family looks like models, the kissing daddy shot…STOP…your KILLING me!!!! And the shot with her back to you…it couldn’t have been planned better if you tried!!! Great work…all of you.
Hmmm, and it’s 9:30am, I’m still in PJs, 4 year old is asking when are we going to get dressed. I think I deserve mom of the year if we ALL get dressed by 10:00am.

Wendy - I love the 1st balloon pick – gotta love that face! And that little belly is pretty darn cute, too!

Jenn Thomas - so natural and real – that is what I love about your pictures. What a pouting face.

brooke - wow…i would absolutely love to have you take our family photos! these are so great!! i have one of penny with her back facing the photo because she was “done” with the session and the studio brought it out to me in black and white because it was just amazing and i still have it up and framed it is one of my favorites…so i absolutely love the one of her with the balloons facing the wall…

maribeth - love the one of her when she decided not to talk to you anymore! ha! now that is real life.

jennymama - I’m begging you-PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to Richmond, VA. I would do anything to have you take pics of my family. These are just amazing.

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