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my country life

so here it is…

Photo 1773
thanks for all those sweet comments about my little blurb.

Photo 1763
there we are.
page 12.

so back in may i got a phone call.
ME:  hello.

CL: this is heather and i work for country living magazine and some of the girls here love your blog"

i looked around for a hidden camera.

ME: HA HA HA…is this a joke?

CL: no…we really do.  you take great pictures!  
      we wanted to feature you in a section called My Country Life.

M:  ummm…i don't live in the country.

CL: that's ok.

(she was calling from new york city so i would say newton is probably pretty "country" to her.)

it was semi-weird for her to know so much about me because of the blog…but that's what i get right?   
i answered her questions and still kept thinking it was a joke.
she chose the picture from the blog.
and it's my favorite picture of all of 2008.
annie is just so proud of that fish…and that little polka dot suit on her little bod…her bangs.
and she loves mike.

here's a scan of the little piece….

pretty cool.
i was very excited.
but then i only told five people…because i wasn't sure it was a real thing.

i hope they call me again someday….

Emily - Oh my goodness it was SO fun to get find you in my Country Living magazine! But I’m glad to see that fame hasn’t gone to your head. LOL
I’ve loved reading your blog for quite awhile now (and the fact that you are a fellow Kansan and KU fan.) I just know we’d be good friends in real life! 🙂
Smiles from Olathe!

amy bell - wow!!!! seriously….i am so excited for you. frame that…really. i would!!! my fav picture is the one of you holding the magazine….:)

tracy - I opened my magazine and thought that little girl looks like so much like yours. Wow, Congrats on doing such a great job!!

Jen - That is great! Congrats! I got my issue beginning of last week, but have been so busy I haven’t had time to sit and enjoy it yet, but when I saw your post, I ran to grab it. Wow! How neat! Now I can say I “know” someone who was in Country Living Magazine (the bestest magazine ever). Congrats again…you deserve it. Maybe next they’ll do a feature on your super cute house?!?!

Rachel - I just saw it yesterday and was so excited!!! Congrats!!!

katie - okay, so i was going to the bathroom with my new issue of country living and i open it up to find you…made me smile and yell to my husband ‘hey, you know that one girl i like that has like five kids and blah, blah, blah, blog,….she’s in my magazine!’
congrats meg!

Daisy Cottage - That is AWESOME Meggie!!!
YOU are SO deserving – off to find a copy…

Amber - Very cool! It’s no surprise that they wanted to recognize you and your cute blog.

Lisa - I love your blog and read it quite often. I have this issue of Country Living and it was SO weird. I saw that photo and thought “WOW, that looks like Little Annie from the Whatever blog…” moved on and now days later I’m reading this. Congratulations!
Awesome Blog!

Heather Richter - I saw the blurb, I follow your blog, I love your pics. All put smiles on my face. Congrats! ~Heather R.

Traci - MEG – THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! couldn’t have happened to a better person. i haven’t opened mine yet. can’t wait to see it in print.

maisy - so cool.
my friend also had a blurb in the mag.{lola bs}
2 very cool blogs in one mag.

Laura - You are very country to me!!!!
Country fabulous.

wendy - That is way awesome Meg! I will have to pick up a copy next time I make it into town. It’s not surprising that you made it into a magazine. I am inspired by your photos. And I love that you can pull off braids so well! 🙂
(Hey, thanks for the shout out on your sidebar. My blog has enjoyed the fleeting notoriety this past week)

Karina - I LOVE your blog; your house and your photography absolutely should be featured in a magazine – it would be so easy for the magazine since you’ve already done the decorating and taken the pictures! You have a huge fan in me, up in Canada! And Annie is as cute as pie, if that’s an expression.

Steph - That is so awesome Meg!! Congrats!! I love that picture too btw. 🙂

Trina McNeilly - Yay for you Meg.. that is so awesome!!!!!! I’d wonder if it is the real thing too but I have no doubts they would want to feature your fabulous blog!
Happy weekend!
xx Trina

Leigh Ann - Yea! I was starting to read my mag and thought hey that’s Annie and yep it was! I was excited for myself that I read your bog and I was excited for you ’cause you deserve the honor! Maybe next time they call it’ll be for you to do a photo shoot for them! Congrats!

Michelle - Very cool! Congratulations! I’ve been checking your blog daily for about a year now, and have my sister hooked too! Love it! Totally going to the store to buy that magazine today.

Jennifer P. - I danced all around when I saw that little blurb! Surely these people HAVE to feature your house at some point! If they don’t—I’m starting my own design magazine and putting yours in first thing!!! 🙂 Congratulations to you—I love your blog too!

Beth Ann - To borrow a quote from my 3 year old “That is SUPER DUPER COOL!”

michelle allen - Super Cool Meg!!! Congratulations!
You’re such a great inspiration and example to women.

the tulip lady - At our house we call that being a ROCK STAR!!!! So ROCK on SISTER!

Blanca - Congrats! I was so excited for you and Annie when I saw it. What did Annie say when she saw her photo in the magazine?

Cate O'Malley - Saw that in the magazine the other day – how totally cool!

Kelley - Ok so WE all knew you were famous…now you’re REALLY REALLY famous…like NEW YORK CITY FAMOUS!!!!! Good job and darling photo!

Mary Elizabeth - Totally Awesome! You so extra rock!!!! I knew you were great, but this is just so cool. Am so proud to be a blogger junkie of yours!!! Thanks for sharing .. am going to sneek out today and get a copy of the magazine! 🙂

Erin - I saw this last Sunday at my mom’s, and almost flew off the couch trying to tell her that it was from the blog I love with the really cool old house and neat ideas!! She knew exactly the one I was talking about!! Congrats. Sooner or later, I bet your house will be featured in there as well!

Peggy Rice - Hi Meg. You are famous the world over, I made your rainbow cake and took it to Jaylee’s school in PARIS!!! They loved it.

kate - oh my! excitement!
annie’s a doll. great picture they chose.
yes, and now i also want a cherry limeade.

Jane Weston - Congrats on the mention…you deserve it ;o)

Kathy - Wow so cool! I love that magazine! It’s a great picture, what did your daughter think of seeing herself in print?

Christina - Oh! I’ll have to go look for your mention in my magazine. Just received it this week and haven’t gotten to look at it yet. How fun!
I love your blog—you do take wonderful pictures. Congrats!

princesslasertron - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY meg and annie!! what an awesome thing!

Sarah - That’s VERY exciting!

Kate - Meg – that is awesome!! Congrats!! 🙂 Woo hoo!

Amber - Very cool! I subscribe to CL but in Australia that issue hasn’t arrived yet – so I look forward to flicking through to find it. That little girl of yours sure is a knockout!!

Dawn - Congratiulations!!!! How exciting.

sara - congratulations!!! so exciting!

danelle - Wow! I KNOW a famous person now!!

emily :] - that’s so exciting!!! congrats :]

ang - Wow!!!! Sooo cool. They need to do an entire spread on your awesome house and decorating ideas! Seriously, you’re stuff is awesome.

Heather - Congratulations Meg!! It is high time that you- with all of your many talents- gets recognized! I have a feeling that you will be in many more magazines…………and that your comments are going to be in triple digits soon!!!
You deserve it! You are so inspiring and it is such a fun treat to visit you every day.
Annie- she has got to be the cutest!

jamie - Congratulations! How Exciting, Jamie

Jenn Thomas - I feel so honored to live by you
You look like Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island (cute)
Just looked at my pictures you took – L-O-V-E them
You are the BEST

Aubrey - I think that is the ultimate of coolness. Really. And when you’re having a bad mom-dealing-with-kids day, you can think about this and know that on the other days, you’re so awesome. Seriously.
Now teach us all how you take your awesome photos. I sure wish I had that natural talent.

Sara at Be Still and Know - very very cute! i saw that when my subscription came in the mail 🙂 annie is a doll…

Cris - Congratulations!
I love your blog! I check it every day!

Anna Marie - ummm…I don’t know how to say this…but you’re kind of a big deal

callie grayson - yay very cool!

Nina - fabulous!!!


Shannan - Oh, dang! I have that mag sitting on my island and it’s been there for a few days. I would have spit my tea out if I had stumbled upon swimsuit-clad Annie on my own! Those are always fun moments. But no worries, it’s pretty fantastic hearing it straight from you, too. Congrats!!

Erin - How sweet! The picture is adorable! And you do have a really fun blog and GREAT pictures! I’m not suprised you were noticed! Who knows what’s next?!

pam ferrari - I love your blog. I look forward everyday to see your beautiful pictures. Congrats on the magazine coverage.

PamperingBeki - Awww, congrats!!!

Lisa K in FL - Wow! That’s so neat!! 🙂

se7en - Brilliant, congrats! I have been following your blog a while and loving it. Your photographs are brilliant. Your holiday has been fantastic. I am as sorry that it passes so quickly as you are.

Melissa Flohr - Meg, that is G-R-R-R-E-A-T!!! So very cool for you. Love the magazine and I can see why they like your blog, it is such a cheerful, hope-filled place, (and incredibly decorated, I might add)! Cheers to you. P.S. first came across your blog via

missanne - you’re so fancy.
glad to know ya!

Shann - My sister called and said….”Isn’t there a blog you read that has a little girl named Annie and a mama named Meg you have told me about?” I said, “Yes!” And she said….look in your new Country Living Magazine and I think they are in there. So I did….and there you were! How lovely!! 🙂 And, just for the record…I think this was their best issue so far this year! Gotta make some of those little cherry pies. Yum! 🙂

Starnes Fam - Yay! So cool. I have a group of friends who love “the whatever blog” and I’m proud to have introduced it to them! Now, I know someone famous. 🙂

Lee Ann - OOh OOOh OOOh!!! You’re even MORE famous !!:-)
So happy for you! What a fun phone call! 🙂
Seriously, yours is the first “click” I make of the day. Your pictures, your life, your writing, just bring smiles to my face.
Way to go Meg!

Courtney - That’s adorable! Congrats!

Jill J - Oh, that is so awesome, congratulations! Annie is so cute in that pic!

Jodi - Congrats! That is so cool.
Your whole house and your adorable family should be featured in a Home/Lifestyle magazine.

Donna - Hi Meg….Last week I was skimming through the pages and i saw the pic and thought: that little girl looks like Annie – so I went back and read it and sure enough it was. How cute….congrats!!

erica - that is AWESOME! congrats!!!

Sarah - See! You really are my CELEBRITY interview next week…and who knew! That is AWESOME!!! Congratulations!

Keri - Too – darn – cool. When you hit the big time we can say “Aww, we knew her when!” Congrats!

traci - HOW COOL, HOW COOL, HOW COOL!!!!!!!!! Pretty soon the paparrazi will be outside your door or they will want you to have a reality
SOOOOOOOOO neat. How many can say they were featured in a well known magazine due to their awesome blog and fabulous pictures??

adrienneK - ok thats so cool! you are so cool!!
and yes indeed i do love a cranberry limeade here in the south <3

AshleyR - Congrats Meg!!
Annie is such a cutie 🙂

Vera - That is so cool!! You’re so adorable 🙂

Kelly O. - You’re a blog CELEBRITY!!

Trish - super sweet! Annie’s suit and bangs are adorable! 🙂

Holly - This is so cool. And you put braided pigtails in your hair just for the occasion- love it! That Annie is such a cutie and you can just see it through all your photos that she is very determined and has a strong personality. Love her coordination of patterns and prints that to most would just not work- but on Annie it is just the Annie look. congratulations! (holding up a Sonic slushie to you.)

Melanie - Love it! So much fun and I am happy for you. Congrats!

deb meyers - yay Meg! I love Annie’s little ‘bod’, too. So FOUR.
deb meyers

Suzanne - Congrats! I only know you from reading your blog, and I am glad that others enjoy it too! I love Sonic, and we don’t have one anywhere near us now. Reading this made me totally crave a cherry limeade!

Lisa - Hi Meg,
Not sure where I stumbled across your blog but just wanted to tell you that I’ve been enjoying it for several months now. (And you do take awesome photos). Congrats on the magazine – that’s soooo cool!
Smiles, Lisa from outside Chicago

andrea liese - that is so cool, now your blog will be more famous then it already is 🙂

Beth - How cool. Love how you have your country look goin’ on with your braids and all 🙂

Erica - that’s pretty cool! Go Megan! 🙂

Mindy Harris - That’s awesome, Meg, but I’m not surprised. You have many adorers. Thank you for posting your wonderful pictures and inspiring others to do creative things. Thank you, thank you.
See you in July for Wilder’s photo op!

Ruth - No way! Congrats! I have no doubts that you’ll get plenty more calls like this. (…pleeeease write a book?!)

amy - believe it or not, but i called my mom and said, “get your new issue of country living out and flip to yadda yadda page–that’s my bloggy friend who made all my pillows!”
too cool for school.
you be famous! well, famous-er.
(let me translate that into country for you: (ahem) you’re rootin’ tootin’ somethin’ else, little missie!”)

chris - That is so great , I will have to make sure to get a copy too .
did you know that I am dying to go to Sonic, when were are in Florida next week I am making my family try it too , because of you that is , see we do not have Sonic , it is so funny how much I am looking forward to going .

meghan - i was putting my little bean to bed the other night and cracked open my cl magazine to read by the light of the moon…and i saw annie. i was so excited for you…yet i only know you because i follow your blog. yea for you, though. very cool indeed!

Marisol - Congrats! I am sure you will have another magazine call you again. I mean just look all that beautiful decor in your house. You are an inspiration! 🙂

Sandy - I also meant to say I think your hair is adorable in braids. Pure country whether you think so or not. 🙂

Amanda Jo - How awesome!!!! Congrats Meg!

Sandy - It’s no suprirse to those of us that follow you daily that the girls in NYC love you!! We all love you (and your family!). How excited is Annie to be in the magazine?!?!

Leah - Meg thats SO AWESOME! Your famous! “Get me out of here I’m a celebrity” is going to be calling next. I’m so happy for you…but also, I kinda just rather pretend you arent famous so that I can keep your blog all to myself. Im selfish that way 😉

Joni - OHMYGOSH! I saw that and I thought that sweet lil’ face looked familiar! Congrats and what a thrill!

Sarah - That’s AWESOME!! Congratulations!!! 🙂

Mattie - Congrats. I’m sure the world will be seeing even more of your pics.
Could you re-post the link that was in your happy things labeled “I could live here”? (or email it?) With all the colorful rooms? I can’t find it now.
Thanks. Love the blog.

jimaiemarie - omygosh!! this is amazing Meg!! HOW COOL!! I have to go find a copy and see it for myself, what fun!! heehe, Annie’s FAMOUS! 😉

Lorelei Eurto - I’ll definitely be buying this issue! Congratulations! I think that’s awesome!

Darby - Yay!! Congrats Meg… I love it!!!!

Sharla - What a fantasy – Your house is definitely worthy to be featured in that mag!

Christy - How awesome! I remember when you originally posted that picture & thought it was adorable then. Annie jsut looks like such a spunky little thing, so adorable! Congrats on the mag! I don’t think this will be your last 15 mins of fame, your home is awesome & your blog is one of my favs (as well as many other peoples too).
PS. I picked up this mag at the store recently, flipped through it quickly (didn’t see your pic/insert) & put it back. It will be on my list now! 🙂

Patricia - Just got my magazine and I knew it was your Annie when I saw it! Congrats to you!!

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