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california 5…tide pools

this is why i wanted to come to california.

i am serious.
i wanted to have my kids searching through the tide pools discovering things we don't have in kansas.
it was as good as i had hoped.

at lover's point they climbed and climbed as fast as they could trying to keep up with each other.
this did not make me nervous…who knows why.
but it didn't.
then i encouraged them to slow down and look.
see what they could find.
OH!  it was good stuff.
hermit crabs…hundreds of them.
like what you'd buy at pet store but in real life!

i have spent my entire life…33 years…thinking starfish were squishy.
they aren't.
they aren't even bendy.
they are hard and scratchy and don't move at all in your hand.
isn't that something?

can you believe it?  :)
woo-hoo!  she is smiling.
california brings it out in you.  
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we went out searching two different times.
the second time our family, peggy, matt and peter came along…and their wolf dog Oden.
we were hoping to watch some surfing but there were no big waves that day.
annie found a sand castle…and quickly raided it of all it's shell decorations.
she thought the ocean was stinky.

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he's up to his knee in this one.
each of the kids were searching on their own and then they would shout "look at this!" 
and everyone would come running.


when i took this i said "there's nana's new screen saver!"  :)

i could have stayed here all day.
that sand was the softest i've ever felt.

but we were headed out.
(perhaps you don't want to the 2nd largest ball of twine, only four short hours away…name that movie)
we said goodbye to monterey….and the family…and oden the wolf dog.

hannah montana UNO…they must have played 50 games over the week.
(i'm loving that they are choosing to play UNO instead of watch movies on the dvd players in their laps.)


Shannon - Okay, I just figured it out! Lauren looks like NATALIE PORTMAN!!! It’s been driving me nuts trying to figure out who it is she looks like…a movie star…hhhmmm! WHAM! It hit me! It’s Natalie Portman. Do you see it? I know I sound like a weirdo, but I swear I’m not! HA! Glad you finally got a vacation – it looks like ya’ll had a really great time.

Kelly - I seriously love the sparkly blue fingernails in the photos and Lauren is truly stunning. Kelly

Jen - THose tide pools are AMAZING! I’ve never seen starfish except at an aquarium and there were, I think, sea anemones in the one picture too. So cool! It’s the best when your kids can spend hours (or at least minutes!) looking around for things instead of staring at a screen, isn’t it?

juliann - Megan – I LOVE tidepools! I lived in San Diego very briefly and they actually have a real tide pool “park” with a park ranger explaining all the creatures in the pools – I was blown away by that. That is on my list of “must do with the kids”!!

Cate O'Malley - Love the starfish pictures. Well, ok, love all of them, as usual. 🙂

Steph - I love all of your pics. Your kids are so beautiful. It is absolutely beautiful there! We are going to California in a few weeks and I’m so excited, and even more so now. 🙂

Victoria - What gorgeous pictures!!! I really enjoyed looking at them all.
Love the starfish especially!

Emily - Hi! I found your blog via Like Merchant Ships. I just moved away from San Luis Obispo (I’m sure you drove through there) last year and moved to… Kansas! We’re in the middle of building a hangar/house right now in SE Kansas. Beautiful photos; I miss California so much!

deb meyers - The starfish are amazing! Can’t you just see a chocolate donut made to look like one?
LOVE this post and the joy on your family’s faces.
Come east, we have tidepools too, but not as diverse.

Katie - UMM MEG! What about I was flipping through my new Country Living tonight and had to turn back a few pages because I realized: Waaaait a minute, I know that face. ANNIE! Then had to explain to my best friend that I recognized the cutie pie from a blog I stumbled upon months ago and love reading. haha.
Love the vacation pics. 🙂

kristine - i love talby leaning over the cliff in the background of that one shot. Lauren’s picture just screams VICTORY and how lucky to get the next two of her with more smiles! we did this vacay in reverse order… we were married in palm desert and for our honeymoon drove up to san fran and then worked our way back down the coast making these same stops. gorgeous drive. stayed our last night in santa monica. bringing back good memories!

CherryTreeLane - I think this has got to be one of my favorite posts you have ever done. The pictures make it. I just love the excitment on your daughters face (the little one) and the pics of the starfishs’ are great.

Lisa K in FL - Wow! I have so much to say about these pictures!! I love them all. What is the purple stuff dripping down the rocks in the first pic? And oh my goodness, how cool were the tidal pools?! That is so neat to find all that stuff! And my favorite one is the last – it’s priceless and tells a whole story by itself. Thank you so much for sharing these – they are great!

Beth - LOVE these photos!!!! Make me want to take my family there! And California has never been on my radar for places to take a family trip 🙂 Too many places on my list already.

Laura - Oh my, I’m in heaven just enjoying the picts. Thanks for sharing- really- So glad the Kansas family got to head to the coast!

Penny - What wonderful memories you have helped create for you family. Thanks for sharing the GREAT photo’s with your readers!!

Ruth - that beach looks incredible! starfish totally freak me out so good on your kids being way braver than me and holding them. and lauren is beautiful – totally jealous!!

Kelly - It looks like you guys had such a great time in CA! The teenager was even smiling – solid proof! 🙂
We love searching tide pools. We’re lucky enough to go to the Oregon coast at least once a year (the inlaws are there and we’re in Idaho. A much shorter drive then from Kansas.:)) and we always spends HOURS climbing & searching.

A pocket full of posies... - AMAZING!!! the photos tell the story…a great time was had by all!!- I wanna go now! 🙂
Many Blessings!

Kathy - I love love love your photos! I just told my husband I want to go to Monteray CA, never been north of Newport Beach. My favorite picture is your oldest and youngst together classic picture.

Sandy - Looks like everyone had a great time. Hooray! Lauren is beautiful and I’m happy she was happy (I have my own 15 y/o so I can relate). You’ve just got to start setting your camera on a timer and getting in the photo yourself…totally miss you in the group shot. 🙁
Can I go with you next time?

Lorilee - I LOVE the photo of Annie sleeping! Way back in the days of film, my mom and I scoured our photo albums and had reprints made of “sleeping” photos. We then made collages in big frames. Kinda weird!

Laura - beautiful photos. I remember being Lauren’s age. I didn’t like to smile either!
Every once in a while hand your camera over to someone else and snap a shot of YOU with the kids…I need to do it as well. We have thousands of great family pictures. And I am in none of them!

Patti - i’m dying right now…not only did you go to the same restaurant we ate at in monterey, but the photos of annie with the stuffed animal…that’s the same little otter stuffed animal that my 4 year old, anya chose at the aquarium too. so crazy!! but i digress. lovely photos as always (do i say the same thing all the time? sorry about that.) looks like the entire family had a blast on the vacation! thanks for sharing with all of us!

Maria - I *heart* tide pools! Great pictures! I would love to visit Monterey some day!

Heather Mattos - I’m sad we didn’t bump into each other 🙁 What a fun trip!

Nina - love the pics! looks like so much fun……and your teenager….she is just so beautiful. Looks like she was having fun with everyone. I know you must have really enjoyed this vacation

Starnes Fam - Oh, dear. I must answer that question….Vacation! Check my header for further proof of our unhealthy obsession with the Griswolds. We aim high. And, we’re seeing the world’s largest ball of twine this summer on our way back from Walley World!
On another note…..this is what it’s all about…..finding nature in it’s natural setting. Seems simple, doesn’t it? Many parents don’t seek it out, though. You’re doing your family a world of good by encouraging such!

Marie - Oh my…those starfish are awesome! I need to visit this place. I live in CA – how is it I’ve never been there? Enjoy the rest of your visit!


adrienne - fun adventure and makes me want to hold a starfish!!! love the last pic… thanks for sharing.

Alyssa - Looks like such great family fun!!! As always I so enjoy your blog.

Sharla - Beautiful. We are taking our two little boys to Portland next month and this is what I dream of for one of our day trips.

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