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california 4…monterey aquarium

craig has talked about wanting to go the the monterey bay aquarium forEVER.
we finally made it there.


happy girl.

ok…the aquarium…fabulous!
you have to go.
it's clean and colorful and educational and HUGE.
it goes on and on.
and ocean views everywhere.  it was such a cool place.
a tidal wave wall….lots of squealing laughter here.
jelly fish were my favorite.
what weird things they are.
lunch break.
big enough meatball?

and  a time-out.
big spaz-os.

Kelly - This looks SO cool! We didn’t go here but my husband and I did go on a whale watch from Monterey on our honeymoon in Oct. and it was so, so cool!!! Did you by any chance go to the playground in Monterey? I thought it was really neat. Kelly

melissa @ the inspired room - Jealous of your family vacation…I want to go SO BADLY! Sigh. If my house would only sell.
Looks like a ton of fun!

Julie - So I have been reading your blog for quite a while now and I was so excited to read that you were coming to Cali. Maybe I’d have a Meg sighting 🙂 Then you were back home and sharing pictures of places I’m not all that close to. Bummer 🙁 But then you posted these pictures of Monterey… I connected with those. In fact, I am pretty sure Annie is sitting in the exact same spot I sat almost a year ago on the balcony of Louie Linguini’s when a bird landed on my HEAD! No joke. It’s was crazy wild and a little unnerving. Such a beautiful place though. Monterey. My honey and I went for our first “parents weekend away.” 🙂 Now I want to take my three boys there to visit the tide pools. How did we miss those?!

Christina - I know this is not very original, but YOU TAKE THE MOST FANTASTIC PICTURES! I covet your ability…but I won’t because that is against the 10 commandments.
What a fun trip!

the tulip lady - Hummm, isn’t it great how moms can ALWAYS find a “time-out” spot no matter where you are…I LOVE it! My favorite place on God’s green earth is the Oregon coast…love the dramatic coast line, Newport Aquariume, cool sand, kites, and giant trees. I could use some of that right now.

wendy - OK, how did you get such great photos in the dark parts of the aquarium? Please share. I would love to master that.
I made your rainbow cake last night. It turned out less spectacular than yours. But it was fun. 🙂

Tracy - Great pics, Meg! What’s a vacation without at least ONE time out! HA!

a thorn among roses - so much fun!!! and the jelly fish remind me of finding nemo!

Andrea from Orlando - I am enjoying your vacation pics. Thanks for sharing. I love Monterey. I went there once. We just happened to be there when the Japanese Light Festival was going on. At dusk everyone was along the coast with little paper lanterns all light up. It was magical. The aquarium was awesome too.

Kathy - Love it time out wall on vacation!!! Great pictures!

elizabeth - The pictures are spectacular! Did you take any photos of seahorses or sea-dragons?
On another note, I opened the magazine Country Living today and saw your quote and photo — congrats on that!

valerie @ Robots and Candy - This is my most favorite aquarium of all time!!! It’s totally amazing!
When I was there they had an installation about jelly fish and the art they inspire. I don’t know if it’s a permanent thing or not, but it was super cool. The windows into the tanks were framed like art.
I’m glad you have fun there! As a Tennessee girl, I’m proud to say I made it that far west. 🙂

melissa@afamiliarpath - i love the monterey aquarium!

Mindy Harris - you crack me up (time out)!

Sara - Hi. My name is Sara. I blog stalk you. I love your sight. Your kids are adorable and your house is amazing. Anyway, I used to live in Monterey and the aquarium was a favorite activity for my family. Isn’t it amazing? I’m glad you enjoyed!!!

Danielle Lindberg - I grew up near the Monterey Bay and we would go there on fieldtrips, little did I know how lucky I truly was!!
I just got my Country Living magazine in the mail today and as I was flipping through I came across a picture of your youngest, so cute!! I am a new reader, love your blog!!

callie grayson - i love the jelly fish too! aren’t they amazing. I am so happy you went to the Monterey aquarium!!! it is one of my favorite places on earth. Did you get to see any of the sea otters?
i hope so.

Kameron - That is so funny. My sister is moving from So Cal to oregon and she and my neice stopped at the MB aquarium yesterday!!

Julie F. - I LOVE looking at your pictures of your family’s California trip. Andy and I went to Carmel and San Fransisco on our honeymoon (almost 2 years ago) and the pictures bring back many special memories. We also went to the aquarium and thought that it was good birth control 🙂 LOTS of rowdy kids there, but beautiful fish and scenery. I thought it was strange that they served fish in their cafe, but whatever!

Lorilee - We have a nice aquarium in Corpus Christi. It is great because much is inside! South Texas is unbearable outside in summer unless you are IN the water!

AshleyR - Meg your pictures are amazing. Makes me want to take a trip out to California.
BTW… I saw Annie’s pic in the July issue of Country living 🙂

Laura - Super beautiful pictures,,, aquariums are amazing. But I think you are right about Monterey(have not seen, but heard). By-passed it on our coastal trip… /?? what were we thinking??? Just have to go back!

Courtney - We stayed in Monterey last summer… more Cali the summer before that… I had convinced myself I was okay not going to Cali this year… thanks A LOT for these wonderful pics reminding me of how fun it is!!! 🙂

Erin - Jellyfish are weird but SO beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Lori Danelle - I love how just when you think you’ve seen every color on earth, you catch a glimpse of the world under water and realize that you’ve only just begun. I desperately want to see those colors for myself!!!!

Patti - we live about 3 hours from monterey. just went to the aquarium last year. our kids loved it too. it’s one of my favorite places to go. funny…that’s the same restaurant we ate at too. looks like you had an awesome time. love all the pictures, as usual.

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