it wasn't bad at all.

everyone had their own carry-on rolling suitcase and back pack.
they were in charge of their own…which they loved!
i took your suggestions and loaded each of their bags with surprises.
they were told not to look until we got on the plane.
in each bag i included candy, granola bars and gum,
a new activity/coloring book, a notebook with a pen, crayons or markers,
and everyone got one special thing….a book or a cheap movie, UNO or a calculator.
it was so fun for them. (and me too)
we got the back row of the plane.
it was loud so they could be loud.
the people in front of us didn't speak english….so they couldn't complain. :)
we had one window for all of us.
but that was fine…it was ALL exciting.
sean: "i could LIVE on this plane!"
and "this is the flight on my life!"
who knew a sprite would make such a great iPod holder.
every seat was full.
and i will admit…i hate the smell of airplanes.
the notebooks were a hit.
talby and sean even wrote a comic book together…Puke-ah man and the Poisioned Banana.
is that the cutest thing?
lauren was in lots of my pictures but she deleted almost all of them that had her in it.
silly girl.
she listened to her iPod and watched a movie on her iPod…pretty much 99% of the week…24/7.
spotting taxis (loudly), riding the shuttle bus, going through security, getting a rental car…
so thrilling when it's your FIRST time.
we made it without losing anyone, losing any bags, no tantrums or throwing up.
dawn - I love your blog! And I agree — airplanes stink and the back of the plane usually smells the worst. Great pictures — glad you had fun. The surprises in the bag do the trick at our house too. 🙂 My girl is all of 3 and has been on more flights than we can count. It doesn’t matter — she still loves her window seat and her “surprise” when she gets situated — WITH her seatbelt on. (That’s our one “issue”! It’s required some bribery…)
OH — and congratulations on the Country Living spot! Adorable picture.
Dee - Hi Meg,
I lurk on your blog all the time. Thought I would say HI. I really enjoy your colorful stories and photography. I opened my Country Living magazine for July and said, boy that looks like Annie with that fish, and it was! She is adorable. I love her cheeks. They did nice size feature.
wendy - Great pictures Meg, as always! Oh Lauren, I love her. I can totally relate, unfortunately. Just a phase. Just a phase. Say it with me. Just a phase…
traci - Great shots as always…….might be too personal a question but just curious what your husband does for a living?
Emily - We have the same ipod and holder. Great idea with the soda can. I’ll remember that for the next time we fly. I hate the way airplanes smell too.
Julia - whenever I take pics of surly teenagers (rarely) I tell the parent (within hearing distance of the teenager) something like – this is great, now you’ll have their grumpy looks recorded for FOREVER.
Sandy Coppertone - I’ve got to know; who was pulling your carry-on bag when you were shooting the airport shots? 😀 Does anyone ever get irate and tell you to move when your setting up shots in places like a busy airport? I’ve started leaving my camera at home when we go out because I’m always holding the family back when I start fiddling with camera settings and repacking the camera after I’m done shooting. Plus I seem to piss off a lot of people who want me to get out of the way when I block sidewalks and walkways. Yesterday I went to my daughters last day of school party. I have no memory of it and never interacted with anyone because I was too busy taking pictures. You must have a secret I haven’t discovered on getting photos on the road. Maybe I should just get a little point and shoot…
missanne - yay for quality time as a family… and traveling no less! 🙂
Lorilee - I love the photo of everyone pulling their bags! So sweet. I’ve only been on a plane once–before kids. I love all of your photos.
Toni :O) - Not only do you have great posts but terrific photos. Looks like fun and I hope to have that experience next year when we take our 10 year old son (11 by that time) and six year old daughter to Disney World in Florida from Michigan! Can’t wait to read more!
Lisa - I hate the smell of planes too! And airports and hospitals!
Sharla - Okay, I hope I haven’t missed Ms Annie’s picture in Country Living. . . . . What issue was it in?
Thanks for the ideas on traveling with kids – we’re going to Oregon next month!
adrienneK - ah! i love this! we will be traveling in july (first time on a plane for my whee babies) i am a mess, not knowing what to pack etc, BT backyardigans on the ipod looks pretty promising!;) cant wait for more!!
Angela Conklin - Oh, fun! What great memories!!!! Love all the pictures…even of Lauren!:)
Beth - I, too, HATE the smell of airplanes… and doctor offices.
Love your photos, the colors just pop. How do you adjust them for the color? Do you simply saturate the color? Is there a certain camera setting you favor?
Oh, and what breed of dog is Waffle??? He is SOOOO cute!
Shann - I have a fourteen year old daughter. She too LOVES to listen to her Ipod. I am with you on parenting a teen girl….IT IS HARD! God gets “talked to” frequently from me about what to do with her. 🙂 Please tell Lauren I think she is BEAUTIFUL!! And, I love it when I get to see pictures of her that she does not delete. 🙂
Hugs, Shann
Tracy - AWESOME pictures as usual, Meg! I love the way your pictures always tell a story. Lauren sounds like my two 15 year olds too – that’s all they ever do anymore is listen to their ipods everywhere we go and I have to literally force them to leave them in the car when we are out shopping somewhere – *sigh* – but what can you do?! LOL
The first time I took my kids on a plane ride – they were both 9 years old and as we were taking off I looked over at them and my son was making a sign of the cross and I just cracked up! The funny thing was that I am the one terrified of flying (but I never let them know that) and was trying to be the strong one for them and he’s doing that – I thought I was going to die! HA! First times always make for nice memories! Glad to know you guys had a great time and a wonderful trip.
Thanks again for always sharing your “story boards” with us.
Hugs, Trac~ :o)
Wendy - I noticed that you guys didn’t fly hubby’s airline….. it’s ok. I forgive you. lol. Glad you had a great time. We opt for the back of the plane when we travel too. Closer to the bathrooms and you don’t feel the need to rush into the isle to get out first….. you already know you’ll be last, so what’s the hurry. 🙂 We take a trip to Maine every year and my youngest daughter’s favorites are mini golf and a local ice cream shop (and of course the plane ride).
pve - I wish that they still handed out those plastic wings for flying,
If I were the “stewardess” or “flight attendant” – I would give you a special gold one.
Brave woman you are. Glad you had a safe landing.
Stunning photos.
Kathy - Your a pro traveller! Rarely does travelling with that many go so smooth.
Laura - great pictures! wish I could have met you at the airport.
congrats on your little blurb in Country Living! I turned the page, saw the picture, and said out loud…”I know that little girl! That’s Annie!!!!!”
Very cute.
Sarah - Great shots!
Your family is beautiful! And I love getting to peek in 🙂
Question…Do you use macro on any of these shots? If not what setting are you using? I’m really trying to work on my photography in daily life…
Christina - Ha, ha, I checked under “my camera”-no info there! Well, I’d love to know what your favorite photo gear is. I’m sure you have more professional stuff than I might be able to acquire, but knowing what is worth getting is fun. I really admire your skills.
Christina - So funny-save that comic forever! What lens do you use? You have probably said it somewhere, but I just started reading…ahhh, maybe under your camera? I’ll check there.
Kids love airplanes so much…I think they’re awful! Sometimes I wish I could get back to that “Everything’s wonderful” stage.
Staci - What fun it looks like you had! Can’t wait to hear and see more!!! I think Annie’s answer from your last post sums it up….about her loving the candy from the gas station….when we took the boys to DisneyWorld a couple of years ago….Connor said his favorite part was the swimming pool at the hotel 🙂 Glad you are all back safe and sound! I hate the smell of airplanes too 🙂
Nicole Q - Yea you made it! Traveling is so much fun with kids but so much fun. Did you get lots of looks in the airport? We always do. I know people see us and think “please don’t let them be on our plane.” Glad you had a good time! Love Annie’s quote!!! Reminds me of when Jas and I got back from Hawaii and our son asked if Hawaii had a gift shop?
Ashley - Puke-ah man…totally genius, my boys would love reading that comic strip!
donna bourgoin - how fun. I have 6 kids and we traveled a lot….we lived in England for 3 years and we did our best to see Europe ………it was a lot of work and I got used to a lot of nasty looks from fellow passengers….but those were the best memories!!! I have so many funny stories, maybe I should blog about them!!! I am glad you are back – love reading your posts.