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a program (that i didn’t forget)

annie's preschool ends tomorrow.

so sad.
she will miss all the wonderful creative love and joy that
she gets walking in that door 3 times a week.

even though she hides behind me every single day as we go in…
she can't wait to get there…then she hides and gets shy and nervous.

she participated in half of the 5 songs they sang.
and not the other half.

and that's O-K.

she will miss her teachers.
so much.
but….she gets to come back next year so we will focus on that.
she will probably talk about it everyday…all summer.

these are annie's bff's
micah and lizzie.
glued at the hip…tackle each other in hugs…share their snacks…play together constantly.


after the singing we enjoyed some juice and cookies and playtime at the park.
what a nice way to end the school year.

thanks kristin…this year has been awesome for annie!
september won't come fast enough.
at least for us anyway.

Kathy - You take the most amazing pictures, really inspiring.

heather lea - seriously the most adorable children! my little brother is 5 (i’m 24..yikes!) and his kindergarten graduation is in two weeks. he keeps insisting that he’s going to stay in kindergarten forever because he loves his teacher and friends so much!

missanne - … i love the views children have.
they know the meaning of true friendships.
🙂 sharing snack, hugs and lots of smiles.

Dawn - I understand how you could forget a program. I only have 2 daughters can’t imagine how you keep up with everyone. My oldest is graduating from high school and there is something every other night it seems. Drive ya crazy but so much fun to be a part of. Hope you all have a good summer.

Whitni - This preschool looks like an amazing blessing to have around. Makes me wish I lived in Kansas so I could send my future kids there. Also, you’re blog is so colorful! It makes me soo happy to come over and have a look everyday. Sigh…

kristin - amazing, eh?
yes, september will be good.
thanks for being a part of this joy.

Mary Beth - I need to find a picture of my PrincessLasertron’s preschool show…she STEPPED FORWARD during all the songs.
And then took a bow.
Yep. She was born this way!!!!
Meg, I love your honest life.

Aubrey - Ooh–and she’s wearing her cute rainbow dress–it’s so perfect for the occasion, right?

chas at the wild raspberry - annie and lizzie look like two peas in a pod!

Joni - Awww….it’s hard to believe it’s the end of the school year already.

Lazy Mom Leslie - Your title cracked me up!

pve - so I guess home schooling is out. he he.

Lori Danelle - So cute! I’m looking forward to when my girls have friends. Right now Charlie, my oldest, plays beside other kids, but she doesn’t really interact a whole lot yet when she plays. I think that aspect of their childhood is one of the parts I’m most looking forward to!

Darby - Go Annie!
We have that little dress and love it!!

Michelle - My baby girl’s preschool program is tonight. She’s off to kindergarten next year. Sigh.

brooke - i always love whatever annie picks out for the day to wear…her style is awesome!
it is funny how you know they love school but they act like it is just pure torture for you to leave them there…meghan does this to me in the morning…i have to peel her flesh from mine and run…and then when i go to pick her up it takes us ten minutes to say our goodbyes and actually leave…silly silly girls…

Laura - and I just finished my post about how I can not wait for school to end!!!!
I am a crappy mom.

Wendy - Hooray! You made it to something! I hope that you had some juice and cookies as a reward. :o)

Melissa - Annie’s school looks like so much fun! The pictures actually make me miss teaching, but after the day I had I guess it’s to be expected! So glad you were able to make this one! I also have a little one who can be very shy at first. Enjoy the summer fun with Annie!

CherryTreeLane - I love this dress she wears! And she is so happy to be there–you can see it! Delightful!

dawn - This is sort of embarrassing — but I decided to sign my daughter up for some summer “preschool” (field trips to the park, movies, that sort of “preschool”). I love my child to the moon and back (and I AM a stay at home mom) — but she loves preschool — and my sanity is worth pulling together a little extra money for a summer session!

Shannan - Please tell me that you made Annie’s dress – and that you’ll be making more to sell. 🙂
We had Calvin’s program last week, too. He had been singing the songs at home all week, then walked out furiously itching his head with both hands – the truest sign that he is stressed and anxious – and hardly sang at all. Still, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him!

maribeth - as a preschool teacher and mommy, i love your view on children and play. it is rare to find parents that understand the value of a good preschool and a play based curriculum. what a blessing for annie!

amy d - phew, i was starting to think we neighbor girls were gonna have to do a “program intervention” on you 🙂 FYI…8th grade rec is the 20th 😀

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