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may 10

i wasn't expecting anything because usually things go better with low expectations…at least for me.

craig made an awesome decision to take me, the family and his mother 

to Sugar Sisters for their first ever brunch buffet.



Sugar Sisters is a small locally owned bakery.

you must go when you are in wichita…on central near oliver.

it is very cute inside…that's what sucked me in…chandeliers, chocolate brown walls and cupcakes.

the food was I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E.

i don't usually like buffets because they taste like….a buffet.

this was so good…like they knew we were coming and made it just for us.

we had quiche and waffles and scones and the best hash browns i have ever had.


i made craig go back and get some on his plate…he agreed.

the food and coffee were fabulous but the kids were wired.

i looked at craig in the middle of the meal and said

"this meal would be perfect if the kids weren't here."

(just being completely honest)



there was crying because we weren't buying giant cupcakes.

sean picked up his french toast with his hand & announced "this is disgusting!" 

lauren gave me the stink eye ALL year day….i wish i had gotten a picture.

scott kept saying things like "i can't believe you won't let me do this…it's my birthday!"


BUT it was still good.



we ate till we were stuffed.

we headed home and i got to take a nap.  

short but sweet.

craig made scott's birthday dinner of lasagna while i frosted his cake.

the younger three set the table all fancy (definition…we used napkins)

we hung a banner…they made chalkboard greetings…we lit candles and played his favorite song.

we tried our best to have a good birthday dinner.

i am not sure if this was accomplised.

but we tried.


cake and singing.

it was sweet of him to let annie help him blow out his candles.


a game of Disney's Scene It before bed…scott's team won.

then goodnight.

one hour later he comes into the craft room….."mom…how come you didn't give me my present?'

"OH NO SCOTT! we just forgot i guess!"



it was only money but still…we forgot!

but so did he.

two events i one day is just too much?  


(these posts are getting very long recently….i must have a lot on my mind!)

Sarah - Happy Mother’s Day to one of the best mom’s I “know” (blog knowing counts!)!

abigail - can we get the recipe for the yummy cake? it looks fabulous!

Aubrey - You are the QUEEN of awesome birthday cakes and cool candles for them! I won’t ask where these are found–I’ll actually go and LOOK. I think I need to just open my eyes at the store (I’m so lazy).
Now I’m so hungry for chocolate cake and brunch food that doesn’t taste brunchy.

Jessica - Hi!
I sent a comment not so long ago offering a donation to Cora’s Playground in exchange for scraps of fabric, and I’m thinking my reply got stuck in your spam, I sent it back on May 1st. Sometimes yahoo and gmail don’t play so nice in the sandbox. I am still very interested if you are still willing!

JerriR - You looked lovely! That place is too darn cute! I want some cupcakes! Stink eye…well it gets better with age-we’re at 18 and I still get it, but only once in a while. Thanks for keeping it real and I recommend you take a much deserved VACATION day!

Meredith - You crack me up.

Traci - great day meg. even if you did get the stink eye. that cracked me up. ok, i might have cried to if i didn’t get to go home with a giant cupcake.

carissa... brown eyed fox - you bring smiles!!!!!
mothers day AND a birthday! a lot for one day!
especially like you said… when you add in all the normal kid stuff! 🙂
might i say girl… you looked beautiful!
oh AND… i would have eaten til i stuffed myself too! VERY cute place!

Liz - You have the most cheerful blog. I love coming here!
And… YOU HAVE TO GO! You will love Eureka. I promise. Stay at the Crescent Hotel if at all possible. It’s pricey, but so fun. They have champaign brunches on Sunday in the ballroom, rooftop dining. I cant talk about it any more or I’ll be sad I’m home. 🙂

Ellen - I love looking at the pictures you take. You are such a wonderful photographer!

Christy - Meg, I have tears from laughing so hard about the present. The reason your blog is my favorite of all is because you don’t always “ice the cake”. You really keep it real & whether you have 0, 1, or 5 kids we can relate that it isn’t always perfect all of the time. I love that. Some days you also make me wish I still lived in the small town in Missouri I grew up in, just sometimes. 🙂
Thank you for being you & “keeping it real”.

Adrienne - Reading other’s responses, I’m feeling quite redundant!
Who wouldn’t love you. You’re real. You’re funny. You make us feel like we’re normal and still good Moms with our “keeping it real” thoughts you say for us.
And just reading your blog I feel I know you.

Donje - That looks like a great place to celebrate Mother’s Day! Just found your blog. It’s awesome!

Courtney - What a sweet boy to forget about his present. Seriously, some kids are so worried about gifts… you have good kids 🙂

Alyssa - You are too funny!!
Love your blog!
It is really my favorite!!
I just love it!!
Thank you for sharing your life with me.

Trina McNeilly - sounds like a great day!
Happy, belated, mother’s day to you!

Karina - If it weren’t for the text, I would never have guessed from the pictures that your family and your day was less than perfect (I, too, would have loved to see the stink eye, lol!). And your text – lovely, real, and yet poetic – is never, never too long, I could read your blog ALL DAY.
You do seem preoccupied a bit, or harder on yourself lately or something…But I guess a lot of us could say that! Happy belated Mother’s Day! (I have a son with a birthday that often falls on Mother’s Day too, so I can relate – this year his was on Monday, and we still forgot to do everything we had planned to do!)

Sandy - I don’t know if Julia will see this, but your comment made me laugh! Your son’s response to you wanting to go to the beach alone was super funny!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Meg, I love your blog, your pictures, and most of all your honesty! Blogs that want everyone to think life is perfect make me want to puke.

Mindy Harris - You looked adorable for Mother’s Day.
I want to go to Sugar Sisters; plan to this week!
I love how you do your cakes!

Julia - What a fabulous bakery. We don’t have things like that here (my theory: girls aren’t supposed to eat in SoFla in public). I told my husband and kids that for Mother’s Day I wanted to go to the beach by myself. My son told me “how about if we all go to the beach but we’ll sit 10 ft from you and not talk to you.” We did go to the beach and my husband took the kids on a long walk…without me.

Jess - Don’t worry about your post being long, I could read pages from you. It’s very comforting to know that you are just a real mom. We all have memory lapses(as i like to call them) and our kids are not perfect! Thanks for keeping it real and your great photography is a huge bonus!

sandy toe - This looks like a wonderful place.
sandy toe

Michelle - Great day and a great post. Glad you shared it. And happy bday to your sweet boy too.

pve - You put into words and pictures exactly how I feel. I love how you look so thrilled to be there. You put on a good show and I like that in a woman and a Mom.

Heather - As always, loved reading your entry today! I shared your site with another mommy friend and told her that one of the things I most appreciate (besides the GREAT photos, fun ideas and the sense that I could be having a cup of coffee and a good chat) is that you are so authentic! You could have posted the beautiful pictures of your day and never told a soul that your cherubs were less than completely cherubic:) Thanks for that!!!
Hope your week is off to a good start!

Christina - I recently forgot to take my son’s lunch to school (we were in a rush in the morning and it’s three houses up, so I was just going to make it and bring it “later”)-my mom and I went to the grocery store with coupons and three days later, I mean, three hours later I realized that I never took Christian his lunch! He seemed okay with it, which that scenario could have gone very differently!
Anyway, I also thought it was funny that yesterday after Sunday School when I picked my two older kids up from their classes, I felt like I was trying to herd a flock of 200 sheep hepped up on amphetamines (whatever that might look like) and I said to someone in passing,”I’m earning my stripes today!” It sounds like you had that kind of a day as well.
I think you sound like such a neat person-I visit your blog regularly. I appreciate the real factor. Have a great week.

Patti - what an awesome looking place…the sign alone would have sucked me in.
those cupcakes looked divine! i’m a complete sucker for a good cupcake. there might have been tears from me too if i didn’t bring one of those home! 🙂

Melissa - Great pics meg! Talby looks so much like you!
Love the blog and tha cake looks yummy!!

Sarah - This was sooo much fun to read! I don’t think that you could be too wordy but I am a little sad that you didn’t get a picture of the “stink” eye. That one made water shoot out of my nose!

Christine - you are very cute, with your forgetfulness and all.
just too many things on your mind….
i get that. 🙂

Trish - yes, I am not a fan of celebrating two things on one day.
we have 5 birthdays in our immediate family within 3 weeks of each other and Christmas and New Year is in there too! CRAZY! Not a big fan… I wish I could spread out the goodness!

Laura - of course, the cupcake shot is my favorite!
and what meal wouldn’t be better withOUT the kids?????

Starnes Fam - Super cute picture of you. Will recommend this place to a friend in Wichita and will go when we visit!

Lorilee - Hi Meg,
Sugar Sisters looks awesome! YOUR cake looks delish! I love the candles.

Amber - What a yummy day! That cake rocks.
Oh, and I *love* your honesty! Keep up the great work 🙂

Mrs. Dunbar - Lil dives are always the best. I would much rather eat at a ‘mom and pop’ owned restaurant than a chain any day. I love how you kept your day real. Very sweet.

ang - This cupcake place looks AWESOME!!!! Love your blog-I check often, so don’t worry about being too wordy.
That birthday cake rocks!! Glad to hear I’m not the only one who forgets presents!!

Donna - Hi again Meg – as my kids would say I am “Creepin” (aka stalking)……I get so excited when you post!!!
I have a question(or two, possibly three): I have the same camera as you………you’e pics are so great. Did you just learn to use it yourself??? Mine are good, but not nearly as nice as yours. Also, who designed your blog – I love your large pictures!
Oh – you are never too wordy – I am always wanting more out of you!!
Your blog is my favorite!!! And I just finished making my craft room – nothing like yours, but totally inspired by YOU. thanks Meg for brighting up this “creeper” days with your blog!!!

Shannan - 1. I have always loved the sound of Wichita. And I also love the spelling. I need to go there, someday.
2. Cute necklace.
3. Yummy-looking cake.
4. I always request a nap on Mother’s day, too. And most other Sundays…
5. I just posted a blog and thought, Why am I so dang wordy? Why can’t I be succinct, like Meg? Then I came directly here and read this. 🙂 Trust me, compared to some of us, you’re no where near too wordy.

a thorn among roses - great sweetness batman! i love it…and i want to go tothe fab cupcake place! wooo hoo!

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