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friday night entertainment

oh my.

waffle got a really big haircut.
i couldn't believe how different he looked.
and he is so proud…struttin' around like he's all that.

his fuzzy hair is sooooo soft…like a chenille blanket!
it's so weird.


he is still a dork though.
big time.

just for fun….
Waffle mug shot
by the way…i am almost done with all my etsy orders.
you have all been so patient with me.
it's been a lot work but i have loved it.  
i think every time i finish a pillow i say "now THIS is my favorite."  
right now there are 12 sitting in the craft room again…waiting to ship out.
i know our postal workers by first name now.
i hope you all love your pillows and shirts as much as i loved making them!

Sarah B - Now that is a Different Dog! Just like my blog. Ha ha.
Love his big goofy grin. Just started reading your blog awhile back…so interesting!

Amanda Willey - Waffle is absolutely adorable! I have a giant Schnauzer that looks just like Waffle, only she is black and in serious need of a new summer do.
Your photos are wonderful!

Emily James - I want Waffles hair back… much much adorable!
I like a hairy Waffles… But of cos I still like him now.

traci - he doesn’t even look like himself. he’s so cute. he does look pretty proud of his new do.

Tracy - I LOVE Waffle’s new haircut! He looks amazing and so much LIGHTER – in the literal sense! :o) Thanks for sharing and I’m sure HE thinks he’s ALL that and a bag of chips every day! Look at how he’s catered to! He has all of you right where he wants you! LOL He’s a doll!
Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Mindy Harris - Our Boston Terrier, Marley, has a tumor in his colon. We find out in a few days if benign or malignant. Do you mind praying for our little guy? He’s only 5 1/2 yrs old.

Aubrey - i can’t believe how different he looks–and i think he’s actually smiling about his buzz.

Ashley - He doesn’t even look like the same dog! Our little pup doesn’t have quite as much hair as Waffle but he does have long hair and we are going to take him to the groomers in a few weeks to get it all shaved off for summer. I’m anxious to see how it will turn out.

Elisa - total crack-up!!!

Christy - So cute! He looks like my Lab Tucker. I have two & they are both dorks, but couldn’t love them any less.

Brooke - this is too cute…he looks like he cannot stop smiling…i love it!

Amber Mershawn - I’ve never left you a comment before, mostly because I don’t know you:)….but Waffle, well, he broke the ice with his cuteness. So I had to tell you that I wished I lived in Kansas just so I could meet him! hehe Stinking CUTE! We have a chocolate lab….. & I know dorky dogs. Ugh….

Andrea - That hair cut is hilarious. He looks just like my yellow lab now. Melts my heart. Is he self conscious about the change? Please tell me you got photos of the “process”. Because I would LOVE to see that!

Anya - Waffle looks younger! Like when a bearded man shaves his whole beard off. Very handsome, no wonder he’s strutting around like ‘he’s all that’!

Lyndsey - I love your dog! He is just to cute for words. I’m thinking of giving my dog a makeover now to.

Nina - wow….what a difference! I’m sure Waffle is going to enjoy that hair cut for the summer. And you’re going to enjoy him being much easier to clean up afer those rainy muddy days…….

Anna - OH – MY – GOSH!!! He looks so different but oh so soft! I can’t believe the change. I bet that was fun giving him the cut (assuming you did it). Have a great Sunday!

elizabeth - i can feel her softness through my computer. she must act like a girl after a makeover. Does she strut different. she has to know how how great she looks. I need to know her groomer and need the same done to me.

Diana Parra - Wow! Who is this dog?
He is adorable no matter what his hair length. 🙂

Jamie - OH MY GOSH! He is ADORABLE!!! My heart melted when I saw your first picture. He looks so grown up! He made my night! Just makes me smile. Such a handsome dog under all of the cute curly hair!


Lacey McKay - What? That’s the SAME DOG??? That’s unbelievable! He looks great!

Melissa Moran - Is Waffle a Doodle? We have a goldendoodle named Harvey and we call him the “foreign exchange dog” when we have to shave him down….he even acts like a totally different dog! We love him so much and think he is the greatest! I have heard from other doodle owners that they all feel the same way! Our guy’s name is Harvey, he is 4.

Lauren - I absolutely love waffle with all the hair.. 🙂 i think that the name fits him well! i like him without the hair as well but i think he should be “Pancake” now! 🙂 🙂 i think that fits with the no hair waffle! 🙂

wendy - Meg, did you take him to a groomer or do it yourself? He looks great!

vera - i just love waffle he makes me want a dog!

jennymama - I absolutely love your blog! I’ve been on here for nearly an hour trying to find a link to your etsy shop! Can you please email me the name or a link? Your home is GORGEOUS!

Jenny - Waffle is gorgeous!

Jane - I was just about to say “Extreme Makeover- Doggie Edition!” But, Kim beat me to it! I love Waffle both ways! Wish I could pet his chenille coat!

Michelle - Wow. I thought he was a different dog. : )

Kasey - Wow, what a makeover! He’s a cutie.

Yard Sale Mama - Waffle is one of the funniest dog names I’ve ever heard!! I would not have believed he was the same dog- what a change! Such a happy guy :o)

amy (not corey) - I saw Craig with him outside last night and couldn’t believe it was the same dog! He looks like a Lab now. Marley’s face and ears and tail are all still so fluffy… how did they shave Waffle’s ears and tail?! Very cute.

shelby - haha look how happy he looks!! he look so much happier than your previous post! i love it!!!

jimaiemarie - omg, that is NOT the same dog LOL!! Gosh, that it so darn cute!! I love that he REALLY DOES look proud of himself!!! haha, go waffle!

Julia - The only thing that looks the same is the nose!

Deputy's Wife - Oh my goodness! Look at the transformation! He’s a new dog!

Shannan - I LUV my pillow! As for Waffle, he looks like an impostor! A very cute one.

Kate - oh my gosh! that does not look like the same dog. both versions of waffle are cute as… a cute dog, though.
and i thought i was the only one who wore christmas pajamas past christmas. haha.

joy joy - all i can say is wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowo

Aby - Oh my! He looks like two totally different dogs!!! He’s precious either way, but I LOVED his “curly” hair!!

Sarah - Wow! He looks so different!
I think it’s so funny that dogs totally react to a haircut.
He looks real good!
But, I think I’d miss his goofy shaggy look 🙂

kristin - no.

Sophie - Awwwwwwww!
You can see his little knobbly knees. ^.^
Can you say adorable?

kat - Holy Moly!!! I can’t believe how much different he looks! Such a handsome boy. I think he looks great both ways! “Waffle” is seriously the best dog name ever. Who named him?

Vera - He is SO cute, and those are great pictures!! Every time I try to get on the floor to take a picture of our dog, he comes bouncing over and I just get a picture of some fur.

Penny - Waffle!! Waffle the coolest dog ever! How handsome and young he looks. He should have his own blog! He would have a huge following.

Jennifer Wilson-Miller - Wow what a difference. I have to get my goldendoodle cut soon too, now I know he will look like a new dog!

Liz - I love your pooch and, oh my gosh, how grown up does he look now?

Mary Elizabeth - Are you sure you didn’t go borrow a different dog for pictures? heehee 🙂 He looks so handsome! You did a great job and he must be a great boy to have sat still for oyu to do it.

Melanie - Hi Meg! We have a maltipoo (not as big as Waffle) and he looks the same way before & after a haircut. My son doesn’t like it when we get him shaved. He is overweight & has a small head & Caden thinks he looks weird:) Did a groomer cut him or did Craig? Waffle is so cute and he has turned out to be HUGE!

traci - Haircut completely changes the look of a dog just like a Doesnt look AT ALL like the same dog. I wouldnt be surprised if people asked where Waffle was..lolol
He looks like the greatest dog ever!!!!!

Sandy - I love Waffle with and without hair. I still dream of getting a dog just like Waffle! Haven’t found him yet though.
Enjoy summer, Waffle!

Lanny Stanard - He is all that and a bag of chips and a hat and even a tee shirt! I LOVE IT… give him a big kiss!

Ruth - No waaaay!! He just dropped about 20 dog years 😉
Crazy – hopefully taking off his winter jacket will spur on the summer to come already!

Danielle - Meg, I too would love to order some pillows —don’t know if that was a temporary deal for Cora or not but I could even pick them up —I’m super close- all my family lives in N-town. Let us know if you plan to do more.

Katie - He is such a cute dog! What breed is he?

ang - Wow!!!! What a haircut!!!!
Love my pillow, especially the sock monkey fabric! Definitely my favorite!

Michelle - I love it! We have a mini poodle (and who knows what else) who looks like Waffle only black hair, every time we shave him the cat won’t go near him for a few days thinking that we brought a new dog home. I am sure Waffle will enjoy his new cooler hair cut now that the weather is warming up.

Wendy - Wow! He doesn’t even look like the same breed anymore! Of course, he’s adorable both ways…

Karen~ - Oh my goodness! He’s probably thinking I can see now! He is a very cute dog!

CherryTreeLane - SO awesome. Love the banner!

sandy toe - Meg..I can’t find your etsy shop. I would like to order the red pillow with the white soft polka dots on the back…can you give me some info?

sandy toe - I can’t believe that is the same dog~
sandy toe

Sue - Megan, are you absolutely SURE that the doggie salon didn’t make a mistake and return the wrong dog to you?! I hope you don’t mind that the picture of the big hairy Waffle is my computer screen’s background page. I crack up every time I look at that big silly dog with the eyeball glasses! And Mr.Sullivan just drools over his picture and keeps asking when we are going to get a dog…… Sue


adrienneK - oh he is soooo cute!!! now i must post this quickly before my three year old sees his picture and begins to ask for a doggie 😉

Elizabeth - wow, it doesn’t look like the same dog!

Jamie - Wow! That is one of the best before and afters I’ve seen in a while! It has been fun seeing Waffle grow up on your blog!

Jessica - what a cute doggie!! He looks so sweet!! What kind of dog is he?

Jess - SOOOOOOO stinkin’ CUUUUTE! He really looks like he is smiling!

Darby - Waffle, you are a big dork… but I could eat your face off! You are precious, precious, precious… and Meg, if you were the one with the clippers you did a great job! Hope y’all have a great weekend!!

purejoy - my favorite? the one with his tongue hanging over the side. i wonder if he is noticing a whole new world out there. . . you can see his eyes now. what does he see?

Kim - Um- I was like- oh they got a new dog! It’s like Extreme Makeover- Doggie Edition! What a cutie and you can so tell he is so proud of himself. Have a great weekend!

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