i am working on etsy orders while we are gone.
i don't want you to think i am blowing you off.
but i did tell you it would take awhile so THANK YOU for your patience
and willingness to help the build the Cora Playground.
GO TO THE CONCERT tonight if you are local.
don't forget.
take your kids in their jammies…buy them lots of hot cocoa.
and drink big big coffees.
invite your friends and neighbors…it's okay if you don't know the Macs personally.
this is bigger than that.
you will know someone there….
take some pictures too.
it's open to everyone and it will be fun.
it's small town good clean FUN.
i wish i could come just to see YOU.
buy one extra coffee and drink it for me please…
(and think of us just pulling into our hotel room all stir crazy and wacko from 9 hours in the car.)
AND…my husband got internet on his blackberry for me for the week.
so i get to be in blog land.
ahhhhhhhh…….huge sigh of relief.
i was starting to feel a little shaky about the whole trip without my internets and the google.
(only half kidding)
i am out the door to walmart before we leave in an hour.
i am buying nacho libre. :)
stayed tuned for vacation eye candy.
maybe we'll even see the world's largest ball of twine.
i PROMISE to take a picture if we do.
it's beautiful….and not just cause i'm in it.
it's beautiful because she said so well exactly how i feel about blogging.
thanks laura.
later gators.
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Beth - Missed your posts while you were gone! Every time I checked (can you blog via blackberry? I have no idea, but I thought maybe you could. After reading your updates, though, I see you were WAY too busy to blog :)) anyway, every time I checked I would think of that song by Crosby, Stills & Nash “just a song before I go”. I know you’re probably too young to remember that, but . . . had to share it anyway!
Sandy - I hope you’re having a blast with your family!! I miss you and can’t wait to see vacation pictures!!
Aby - I hope you’re having a wonderful time… BUT…. I sure wish you’d hurry back!! I need your updates!!!! I’m missing you!!!!
diane reeves - Hi Meg,
I showed a friend of mine the photos of your house. She is painting her living room and dining room and really likes the wall color in your home. Can you tell me the paint color on the walls in your kitchen and your living room? Is it the same as the playroom?
Amy R. - I love your green in your foyer. Is it acually pea soup? Where does it come from? I am wanting to paint my daughter’s bathroom that color.
Thanks! Amy
traci - hope you are having a wonderful time!!!
emily k - i hope your vacation is going well :] & nacho libre is always fun.
my mom & i love reading your blog, we’re addicted now. cannot WAIT for you to take my senior pictures. yay!
Sue - Thank you for leading me to Laura at Piece of Cake’s blog. I too was thinking of giving up blogging for Lent. Her post described exactly what I was thinking.
Have a great vacation!
Much love from NJ,
Kelly - have a great time! Kelly
Laura Phelps - Meg, you made me a rock star. Honestly, I am so in love with your blog that YOUR comment alone on my post made my day! And now THIS??
Thank you
Staci - Oh Meg! I just love ya! Have a GREAT trip. I can’t wait to see all the fabulous pictures in store for all of us 🙂 You are right, Laura summed up the reasons I blog so eloquently 🙂 It’s just so nice to know that moms (and dads too) across this great planet all struggle with some of the same simple and not so simple issues just like me…on a daily basis 🙂 Oh yea, and tell Craig thanks from all of us blogging friends…for your internet service 🙂 YIPPEEEEE!!!
Amanda - Hi! I have fallen in LOVE with your blog and have a totally random question. Where did you get the name Talby from? Is it short for something? I love that name and have never heard it before. Just wondering…thanks. Your photography is simply beautiful…what a fantastic way to record your family’s history. Lovely site and clearly a lovely family. 🙂
amy bell - happy vacation to you!!! the post about the blogging? i heart it…it is so true. nothing like a little jack black to make you smile….can’t wait to read a vacation update! 🙂
Barb - have a lovely trip and take photos… the walk photos were CINEMATIC. Really beautiful and so much more. Thanks so much
danelle - I’ve seen the worlds largest ball of twine. It’s big alright. I even know someone that peed on it once. ick
Have a fun trip!
ang - Love Jack Black!!! Have a great trip!
Julia - We have a test to new visitors to our house. We put on Nacho Libre and see if they “get it” or not. It’s a good way to measure someone’s sense of humor!
Julie F. - I’ve been meaning to email you and tell you I LOVE Graham and Henry’s G and H shirts! Super cute! I’ll let you know how they wash. Have a great time on your trip.
Did Lauren tell you about our egg drop? It was pretty great.
Brantlee - Have a great time on your trip. Wise choice with Nacho Libre…hillarious!
danyele - you are gonna love macho libre…hysterical! and have some stinking fun, would you???
chas at the wild raspberry - i looked all over the place yesterday for nacho libre with no luck….my mission is not over!
xxooXoxOOXoo {smile, giggle}
Amy - Have a great spring break. In Ohio ours is not until April 6th. Wish I could attend the concert!!!
sarah - Have fun!
and I wish I lived there, so I could attend the concert. 🙁
Leah - Love ya Meg! Have a great time…take lots of pictures for us. All us other bloggers are nosy and want to see every ounce of your trip!