well let's get to a few of these 300+ questions.
i tried to break them apart into some catagories like
spiritual, creativity, funny, random, family, scrapbooking…
today i will answer some fun and random ones.
do you have a favorite pair of pajamas?
yes. these are my current favorites.
nick & nora jammies from target with united states snowglobes all over.
(just to mention….these are not craig's favorite jammies of mine…too much fabric…wink)
of the green paint
in your foyer?
it's Behr paint
called Salted Ash.
it looks like pea soup…
p.s. our hamster thing ATE the bottom of my green curtains.
totally ruined them!
where did you get that ornate molding holding the photos in your foyer?
at a craft fair…7 or 8 years ago. it's made from tin molding and wood.
it used to hang above our bed in IL.
one night we came into our room and it was on the bed and all the things on the shelf were there too…broken.
we were VERY thankful it didn't fall on us in our sleep!
it's heavy.
do pick out your girls' outfits?
not very often.
i try to make sure what they have in their drawers fits and is cute
and after that they can choose what they want.
i think it helps their self esteem…making choices.
they are cute in anything.
and color is happy to see for everyone.
where do you get your kids' clothes?
walmart, target, garage sales and the thrift shop.
and occasionally the sale rack at children's place.
lauren does not agree with this…i understand that…she's 13.
when i was 13 all i could think about was GUESS and Express and The Limited.
all day long.
are you an american idol fan?
NO. i despise that show. i really dislike watching people sing on tv.
and fighting/bickering on tv.
but the office? 30 Rock? Lost? Brothers & Sisters? Grey's? ER?
yes….big fan.
what is your favorite family photo?
do you mean besides the
Olan Mills 1988 portrait?
here are a couple of favorites of mine.
2005 church directory portrait.
love lauren's braids
(and innocenct smile)
this IS sean.
all the time…
and i love that he has a bit of a mo-hawk.
sweet little talbers.
baby annie.
this is a dorky posed picture
but sweet at the same time.

this is my favorite of just the kids.
lauren has a real frog on her knee…annie is looking up to her with that belly sticking out.
the boys' hair.
the suntan…the michigan beach.
talby's polka dot swimsuit.
i love this photo. (and that trip)
and this one too.
with our IL. friends dave, jenny, jake and abby.
love these.
would you like to have a reality show about your life?
i don't think it would be very interesting to be honest.
adventures in walmart….folding laundry….sitting at the computer…cleaning up dog poop…
changing wet beds…taking away iPods, PSP's and Nintendo DS…making mac and cheese.
oh yeah…i'd watch that! exciting.
craig and i thought we'd be good on amazing race.
unless i had to eat raw baby ducks or climb something really high or bungee jump.
or run…or have endurance….
then we'd lose.
do you find david duchovny sexy?
not really.
i am more of mcdreamy or george kind of gal.
i mean…..COME ON!
and last question for the day….
have you ever been in a home magazine?
do you know someone?
send me in.
spread the word…i would LOVE to be in a magazine…a Home magazine…just to be clear.
(even though they all seem to be going out of business!)
now…must watch LOST with that hottie up there.
Michelle - The pic of the kids on the beach is breathtaking! I can see why it is your f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e. I loved the Q&A, it was a fun read!
katy - I was the pajama questioner, I LOVE pj’s…I have a couple of favorites. I love the ones you’re wearing, I love flannel. Very interesting, I liked seeing what people asked and your answers. Neat
Sara - I have those jammies! Love ’em.
tausha - You know I come here-every single day. I love the way you write, how you make me feel like I am not alone in the whole mom world thing. I love all of your pictures and ideas.
Hope I am not scaring you too much. I promise, I am not a stalker.
Love the pics of the kids on the beach. You seem to catch everyone’s naturalness (is that a word) Love it all! Keep up the great work!
gina - I love the photo shelves on the green paint. And your kids at the beach is one of the cutest kids shots i’ve seen. I love your blog – always fun and inspiring. You asked the sexy men -agree on all-but about D.D. – used to kind of like him but since his recent weird stuff which came at the cost of losing the beautiful TeΓ₯ – I think he’s a little nuts and not quite so attractive. Sad how it works that way.
Alyssa - Wow! I just discovered your blog & what a great one! This was a great post for “getting to know you” I loved your description of what your reality show would be like! Mine would be the same exact show! Wal-Mart, laundry, & make your own mac & cheese. HA!
sara's art house - I shop exactly like you! Target, Wal-Mart, Thrift, garage sales and sometimes Children’s place sales. You are so smart π Great post!
Rachel - The beach picture would be my fave; this one should be a 10 x 13 hanging in your home if it’s not already…LOVE IT!
Thanks for allowing us to get to know you; I agree with allowing kids to pick out their own clothes…sometimes I intervene and give other options but other than that…she picks!
Chaos-Jamie - HOW did you get over your personal pride when you first started letting kids dress themselves? Eight years into it and I still want to carry a sign that says “they dressed themselves!”
The “perfect” moms around here with the kids in gymboree make me crazy.
I guess that’s my own failing. Get over yourself, Jamie.
traci - love all the family photos. they are great. you are right on in your hot guy picks. george clooney makes me knees week. he is my alltime favorite. well maybe behind paul newman. and mcdreamy is good too. i wish i knew someone at a magazine, because i would send then your info!!
Chrissie - This has been my fave posting to date on your blog. It was great to learn a little more about you. Hope you have a great day. This posting made mine. π
carissa - i loved Lost last night… seemed like a bit more was “told” than in preview night! i am a freak over that Lost… love it! we dvr it and then watch all the episodes together… at once… before the new season starts… like a little refresher! π
your home FOR SURE should be in a magazine… it WILL… just a matter of time!
i love this question thing… very neat! great idea… and we get to know more about YOU!
BIG hugs… hAppY Thursday!
Queen Bee - What a fun read to start my day! Thanks for sharing your life so openly with us. I love that paint color, and I SUPER LOVE those family photos. There’s no better souvenir from a vacation than a good photo!
Have a great day. I’m doing laundry right along with you….and trying to find somewhere to put all the food/stuff I bought at Costco yesterday.
Keri - I think I love this blog more now that I know you are a LOST fan!!
Carla - Hilarious. Very entertaining. Thank you!
Marie - great post…great pictures-thanks for sharing!
luisa - Ciao Meg!
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog, every day I come to read the news that affect you and your wonderful family.
Last weekend I was sick in bed, and I read all your posts from first to last, I am almost jealous of your family and your home π
Love to all of you a special kiss for the wonderful waffle.
luisa – italy –
my thoughts are with your neighbors
p.s.I hope I have not made too many errors.
jennifer - So fun Meg! Thanks for sharing. I love the pic of the kids on the beach. Looks like a wonderful trip.
Serendipitous Girl - Love those cute jammies! And I think you should have your own decorating show on HGTV, I LOVE your style! If you don’t mind me asking–what color is that deep brown on the walls in the master bedroom photos? I’ve been looking for a rich chocolate color like that but they’re all either too dark or too meh. Thanks so much!
Kelly in Memphis - Just letting you know that I love your blog!! The way it’s layed out, your photography, what you write about-just love it! Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I really look forward to each post!
alyssa - That was funny. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it after reading another blog update.
Tiffany - You are a crack up!! So fun to hear your answers. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing your life with us! π
Amber - Lots of fun tidbits and pictures. I love that jammie picture with Annie peeking in the corner.
Aubrey - I also LOVE that picture of your kids at the beach–Lauren looks so pretty with her hair long and wavy from swimming and the background almost doesn’t look real. I wish I had good pictures of my kids. I’m getting better but the shutter just isn’t fast enough and we can’t even begin to afford one like yours, even then our pictures wouldn’t look as good as yours–where’d you learn to be so good? Just practise?
Annie as a baby is so so so cute I want to eat her. Alright I sound gushier than I really am in real life–and that was redundant.
Off to do something useful, like clean out the non-cte clothes from my kids drawers so I can trust whatever they put on.
Shannan - What a great ending to my endless-day-with-husband-out-of-town-all-week-and-two-toddler-and-snow-up-to-my-boobs. π
Kate - oh, and i agree 1000000000% about American Idol.
Kate - those are probably the most fantastic pair of jammies i have set my eyes on. i mean, not only are they snow globes, but their state snow globes.
pretty much the best ever. and i think you also have sock monkey jammies, or did i see that somewhere else? i’m fairly certain it was on here.
but yeah, you rock. you’re the jammie queen.
Wendy - Love the family pictures. Candids are the best, aren’t they? And I love that you shop for deals. I was in the thrift store the other day to find some costume accessories for a skit I HAD to do, and I actually found some great things for myself. But I’m also a big fan of Target.
Thanks for sharing.