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happy new year


we are staying home and doing nothing much this new year's eve.
i am packing for a quick girls-only-getaway for diana's 40th.
craig and scott are watching football.
chicken enchiladas are in the oven.
hope your night is safe, fun and just what you want.
i hope i am still awake when the ball drops!
maybe a midnight bath?  

happy new year!
thanks for reading this life journal of mine this year.
i love all the comments and new friends i have made.

thank you for all the support and encouragement in the previous post.
please share if you haven't yet.
i have read all of them and think they are all so good!
so many great ideas that all of us could incorporate into our family christmas'.

Jamie Sampson - happy new year.

Christy - I love your blog Meg. It is one of my top 3 favs. I am glad to have found it. While I only have one kid, I often find myself relating to your adventures & trials with the kids.

anne - happiest new year!

Rachel - Happy New Year; I have so enjoyed reading your blog; it’s always so colorful in so many ways.
All the best to you and your family!

cecilia lΓΆfholm - This new years we decided to stay home (we have a little son that just turned one). So we spent it in our pyjamases, eating american pancakes, toasting in soda. And then, when the fireworks started, our son woke up, and the three of us sat on our bed, looking out the window on all the beautiful fireworks. It was nice to be home, just us.
Have a wonderful 2009!
Cissi from sweden

Jennifer - Hi Meg…your blog rocks!! I found it through a link on a friend’s blog and boy am I glad I did! I love all your wonderful, creative, practical ideas about everything. I made the mint brownies…thanks for sharing that amazing recipe! πŸ™‚ Thanks also for being real and for sharing a little bit of yourself and your sweet family.

shelley - Happy New Year! I have been inspired by your beautiful colors and crafts. We are moving this year and I can’t wait to use some of your ideas to make our new house a home. From one mom of 5 to another πŸ™‚

Jess - I am new in blogland and came across your blog today via mysweetsavannah. I already love your blog. You have a beautiful family. I was wondering you would mind sharing how you get your photos so large on your blog? I was surprised by my hubby with a canon xsi (with a similar lens to yours) for Christmas. Your photos are very impressive. I am still trying to learn how to use mine. Thank you.

Katie - Happy New Year! Hope this one is the best!

Dawn - Happy New Year!!! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year. Great pictures and very colorful…I understand how you feel about the teenager but it really does get better. I have found that my oldest daughter (18, a senior) has a 3 question limit before she starts getting annoyed, so I pick my questions carefully. You just have to trust and pray that she has really been listening to you and makes good choices. You look like you have a happy family. Look forward to seeing more of your blog throughout the year.

Jennifer - Happy, Happy New Year!
Have a super good time on your trip!

Diana Cornielle - Have a blessed and prosperous new year!

curlywurlygurly - happy 2009 to you! i found your blog through ‘stumble upon’ earlier in the week and have been enjoying a peek into your midwestern life with your big family–it’s the antithesis of my life and that’s what makes it so captivating! πŸ™‚ love all your pictures–and i can’t believe you have so much laundry!

Traci Thorson - happy new year meg. love the photo. hope you enjoyed your night in. sounds like a beautiful place to be.

lee ann - 55 comments on the last post?! I’d better get my word in on this one before there’s so many πŸ™‚
I think I was asleep on the couch before 10 last night. Lame I know. I would just rather sleep than wait for a ball to drop. Hope your night was all that you wanted it to be. Did you get that bath?
I have no advice for the ungrateful one. Mine are not there yet. I will tell you that it makes me pray even harder. Not just this situation, but all the situations parents of teens go through. It sends me to my knees. As someone posted about a mentor…..I really pray hard that God will place people in my girls’ lives that they will listen too when they’re sure that I’m stupid. Keep praying!
Looking forward to another year of reading your blog!

Kelly - Happy New Year!

MGF - I was sound asleep when that ball dropped. Cuz my kiddos are always up at 6am, no matter what. Sleep is more important than ringing in the New Year these days.

Donna - I love the new banner! I get excited when I open my Google Reader and see you have a new post.

Liz - It’s been great getting to know you through your blog. A very Happy New Year to you and yours.

Aubrey - I hope you have a happy new year. your new header is awesome, except it leaves me with a craving (even if it does leave nasty aftertaste–it’s good while it lasts, right?).
how did you get that tree to stay in the pot without it falling over? I want to put my big tree in a big tub next year but my husband and I have racked our brains and still aren’t sure how it would work and be secure against our overambitious monster children. Maybe our brains are too tired and we’ll have to figure it out next year.

Lorilee - I look forward to following your blog in 2009! We are at home with our 13 and 23 year old. No he is not a partier either! We ate Pizza and played UNO. Now we are watching the 2nd in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Have a Blessed New Year!

amy j. - The giant van is in our driveway. Feel free to bring your stuff over anytime tomorrow morning. We’re shooting for noon at Di’s house. πŸ™‚

Beth - I have really enjoyed reading your blog this year! I love our have a great family… great ideas. Thanks! Oh- and you keep it real…I really love that.

Jenna B - I am so thankful for finding your blog. I’ve been down on my luck lately and reading your simple pleasures has brought a bit of peace to my life. I don’t mean to get too philosophical, but I did want to thank you for letting me close 2008 with a smile in my heart. Wishing you many blessings filled with laughter and harmony.

Amanda - Boy, and have I enjoyed getting to know you! I really like that black and white polka dot wrapping paper BTW. And the one gift rule. And all the smiles.
I hae a feeling I might stay up to watch the ball drop, but its always so anti-climatic for me in my bed, with a snoozing baby next to me (usually). I dont sit and reflect on my year. I just scna the crowd for drunk people making fools of themselves. Cause I have *never* done that before.
Many blessings and heres to a great 2009 for us all!

Heather S - Happy New Year, Meg! I am so glad I found your blog πŸ™‚

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