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family time

we have had lots of family here the past week.

lots and lots.

craig's sisters and their families came.
my sister and her family was here.
my parents, craig's mom, my grandmothers, 
craig's uncle and aunt and cousins.

LOTS of family.


and so much food.
exercise is in my future….no matter how hard i fight it.
i will have to pay for this christmas.


craig's mom has a december birthday.
we put 64 (or was it 63?) candles on her cake.
and she blew them all out in one breath.



the duerksen grandkids.


and the other duerksen grandkids.


the ranney grandkids.
with one trying to escape….

my mom made excellent cosmopolitans.  
i tried quite a few to make sure they were all good.


it was fun.
really……it was.

everyone is home now…by plane and by car.
the parties are over.
we have another week yet to relax before the kids go back to school.
it's a really long break this year.
some of my kids went home to grandmas too.  
thanks mom.
i think i can actually catch up on things now.
i am on hour 6 of laundry…..and i am making a serious dent. 

i am so grateful for all the family time we had.
grateful to have family we love and who love us back.
thankful for forgiveness of the past.
thankful for unconditional love.
grateful for all the helpfulness from our mothers and grandmothers.

i feel blessed today.

Kelly - Ohhh! Those little people bring back such memories! I always loved that old lady with the white hair and yellow dress! So much fun! Kelly

kasey - I can see why you moved to Kansas! Our move here to Illinois takes us FAR from our families……….
I so miss that. I miss and long for fun family filled holidays.
I guess I’ll live through your blog my dear!

Sherri - Kaysville Momma - What a great blog — I love your photos!!!

Sherri - Kaysville Momma - You have such great photos!!! Looks like lots of fun!!

Sherri - Kaysville Momma - You have such great photos!!! Looks like lots of fun!!

Tammi - I LOVE your blog…I have been reading/looking at all of your “archives” and you have inspired me in so many ways…to be more crafty/creative, to learn to sew (my mom has agreed to teach me-yea!), to possibly have another child (i have a 3 yr old boy) and was that person who was “not very good” with the “baby stage”…but I am getting there…Anyhow, thanks for sharing all of your ideas and your precious family!

carissa - absolutely LOVED all the pics… very neat seeing the family!
the freakin laundry… i have been MAKING myself tackle it FULL FORCE since yesterday… the socks alone are making me nuts! my mother-in-law is still here and i want sooooo badly to really CLEAN… but i don’t want to be rude… “uh excuse me while i vacuum”… i want a clean house!
BIG hugs to you & a really happy New Year… wow… 09 is HERE!

traci - i love all the family photos meg. such wonderful memories. family is the best. did they all stay with you? like a huge slumber party. good luck getting all your laundry done. the house probably seems too quiet now. thanks for sharing you family with us!

Staci - Alllll the work…it’s most worth it though!!! Looks like it was so much fun! Glad you can get a little rest 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - I’ve been checking out your blog for awhile now. I love your photography! Your writing style too! I’m sure all of your family photos will be cherished for years to come. Thanks for reminding me that we need to take more like that.
Happy New Year!
Heidi Jo the Artist

Rachel - What great memories and family time you had. Looks like everyone had a blast.
Have a wonderful New Year; I wish you and your family all the best in 2009 and years to come!

sarah - I triple love the Christmas dishes you have….. did you make those or buy them? Please share.
I love your blog!

jerusalem - amazing & beautiful. Glad tidings of great joy indeed!

MGF - Looks like a lot of fun.
Hope you put a dent in something other than laundry while some the kliddos are at grandma’s- like projects, shopping, crafts.

Jenn Thomas - It seemed every time I looked down the street there was a different car parked in your driveway. Glad you had a great time. It was nice to see a picture of your sister’s husband. Great looking family!

Lorilee - Hi Meg,
It looks like you had a great time with all the family. The little people look like the Fisher Price people from the 60’s and 70’s that I played with as a kid!

Shannon - Hi! I love checking in on your blog. I have a random question. Where can I find those cool people toys that the kids have on their fingers, in picture #6???? I love them, especially the cowboy ones. 🙂

Lanny Stanard - Once again miss Megan great picture’s what fun with a big family and all… glad your getting ahead’s up on the wash,now you have to put it all away:(
Lanny 🙂

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