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i’m still here

just busy.

family is still visiting.
games being played, meals being prepared, cleaning up and staring all over again.
all good times.

i have so many pictures to share.
but for now just a few of the house at christmas…






i hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
it's been full and happy and sweet here.
many memories were made (mostly good).
i am missing my friends 
and my sister already….it was too short lorel!

I am so thankful that God sent his Son to earth.
Thankful that Mary said yes.
thankful for that tiny baby King born in a manger.

merry christmas.

Sheila at Dodging Raindrops - I love, love, love the Merry Christmas banner. Where did you get it or did you make it? Thanks!
p.s. I’m not sure how I found your blog but I love it.

Aubrey - It looks like you make Christmas so magical for your kids–and fun.
And those cookies look yum-o and very very cute in their jars (you’re nice!). Next year I’ll have to get jars for the people I REALLY like. Everyone else gets plates and plastic wrap. 😉
Sheesh, and this year I thought I was doing well to print off Better Homes & Garden’s cool gift tags for our neighbors.
Looks like you had fun–thanks for all the ideas to COPY! 🙂

Brooke - Amanda you took the words right out of my mouth…
Meg – I LOVE your nativity…it is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen…I love how simple it is…
Your treat gift photos!! I now have so many great ideas for next year!!
My dad and step-mom received one of my favorites though…a friend brought over a dust pan full of sweet treats with a poem attached about the busyness of the holidays and in a rush to get her treats to her she dropped all the goodies on the floor and didn’t think her dear friend would mind if she just swept them off the floor and still gave them to her…it was too cute!!

AManda - I was reading through your entry thinking, oh, love those pics… love that one…how cute!…ah yup! good times… pretty!…then I get to the part…
so glad Mary said yes…and start bawling! Bless your heart that spoke to me. Thanks for never letting Jesus be to far from you… its probably one of the reasons I love your blog!
Many blessings-

tausha - Meg-
I love to come to your blog. You are truly spot on with your descriptions of your life and all the fun that comes with it.
I love the pics of the family.
I send out valentines cards. For the exact purpose that life is too crazy in December and plus-it’s a really fun little treat to get in the mail. February is so blah-so a little card is always fun. Of course my pics will not come even close to how fabulous yours are-but I must have something to aspire to.
Have fun with the family and the crazy schedule.
I have just given up to the fact that my house will be a mess until the heathens go back to school.
oh well-a clean house is highly overrated!
Have a great weak!

Staci - Our Christmas Eve Mass was so good…talked about how very thankful that Mary said yes and can you just imagine how she felt…travelling so far…on a donkey…then, have The King Baby…and this little boy just wants to bang on a drum for him and smelly animals and sheep baaing????!!! Oh, man…I’m so glad I wasn’t Mary…but I’m so glad she was obedient 🙂 We need to be reminded of that more often 🙂 Thanks!

Staci - Our Christmas Eve Mass was so good…talked about how very thankful that Mary said yes and can you just imagine how she felt…travelling so far…on a donkey…then, have The King Baby…and this little boy just wants to bang on a drum for him and smelly animals and sheep baaing????!!! Oh, man…I’m so glad I wasn’t Mary…but I’m so glad she was obedient 🙂 We need to be reminded of that more often 🙂 Thanks!

kasey - and life goes back to normal….

carissa - company here too… soooo great… but truly a different schedule! 🙂
ENJOY this time… your home is FULL of HIS spirit & LOVE!
love to you & your family!

Tami - Wow your a busy mom lol, love how you display your holiday cards great technique!

Jerms - So glad to see I wasn’t the only one with Whatever withdrawals!!! Love the pics! Glad you are having a great Christmas! Can’t wait to see all the new pics!

Michie - Wow, your photos are beautiful. I also love your Christmas card display and those cookies in those jars look so nice!

Rachel - Amen to that!
Your pictures are beautiful as always!

melissa @ the inspired room - I just caught up on all your posts…just loveliness all around. Your family photos are AWESOME. We had the weirdest Christmas ever. Record snow (most snow in 40 years), we were moving and didn’t buy Christmas presents other than a few random ones. But, it was still fun! I was sad though because we didn’t take our family Christmas photo, just completely forgot in the chaos.
Ok, moving in four days. Gotta run!

sandy - love your array of photos … happy new year!

a thorn among roses - such fun and joy in the pics…have fun with fam!

Lorilee - Merry Christmas, Meg,
I love your Christmas card display! They cookies look yummy-love the jars!

anne - love your card display!!!
happiest new year to YOU!

Trina - Love your pictures… love how you displayed your christmas cards!
And I’m so glad to all of the above too! The other day I was thinking, really thinking about giving birth in a barn full of animals…can you imagine? Talk about having a good attitude….
Glad you had a good Christmas!
xx Trina

Kelly - Merry Christmas! Love the Christmas card display – mind if I post the picture and a link on my blog? And how did you do it? It’s perfect. Also love the cookies in jars. Those are great because people can reuse them.

Dana D @ BoysMyJoys - I was in ‘whatever’ withdrawals! So glad to see that all is well and that you’ve had a wonderful Christmas!

Julie - Lovely Pictures!

crystal - Yay meg! Love the pics…good to see you again…hope you continue to enjoy the season.

ForeverFoldingLaundry - Lovely! Glad you had a merry Christmas.

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