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well….almost done.  

done shopping. 
done baking.
school is done.

this was annie's loot from her last day of school.

i still have to finish a few sewing projects.  
said at midnight on the 23rd.
but i am so close.

we have one party done.
but three coming up….and much looking forward to.


our special christmas dinner is done.
and it did not go well.
although we should get an A for effort.


notice 2 seats are empty….sent away for attitude adjustments.  
it was just a crappy dinner altogether.  
i almost cried.
sometimes i just want to scream…"is it so hard to sit together as a family and have conversation?!!"

that's the christmas spirit!


let's think a bit happier…
i got these in the mail.
very fun.
i think i will make a garland with them next year (or something?)

and happy fabric that i have been looking for for a long time.
i knew it had to be out there somewhere but had never seen it.
it's by joel dewberry and i found it on ebay.


i see curtains, lampshades and pillows in it's future.
in january.
or maybe spring.

ok…back to work.  

Christian - I just happened to stumble onto your blog yesterday. I have now read all the way back to May 23, 2008. I needed some quiet time to my self while my in laws were here and it worked like magic!
Your family is beautiful! Your house is amazing! And I am in love with Waffle!! Oh and your photography is definitely something I would pay for.
The only problem is, your blog has made me depressed. It has made me feel like my own family life is boring, dull, empty and lifeless. I really feel terrible about my life right now after seeing all of the happiness in every single one of your posts.
We also live in KS. We live in Olathe which is right next to Overland Park where Deanna Rose Farmstead is. And we are huge Jayhawk fans as well!
Anyway…Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. I hope 2009 is filled with great things for you and your family. I am definitely envious! Maybe I will try to add some “color” to my family this year.

anne - this is the stuff memories are made of eh?
🙂 it just gets better… chin up!
p.s. that fabric is FAB!

princess lasertron - oh yaay! cari kraft is my next-door neighbor in nebraska!

Kimi - I just found your blog via stumble! I love it!! Happy Holiday’s and can’t wait to see what you make with that fabulous fabric!

Rachel - Oh boy; the joys of raising kids.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas; all the best to you.

meredith - Ironically, “peace toward all men” is so elusive this time of year isn’t it? Why is it that tears of frustration are so often partnered with our highest hopes and best intentions? Thanks for sharing so beautifully throughout the year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that the kids can give you a Christmas miracle at the dinner table at least once;) God Bless, Meredith.

Lorilee - Hi Meg,
Sorry the dinner didn’t go well. I completely understand how things don’t always go OUR way with kids! I am so glad that I am not the only one flying by the seat of my pants!!!
Blessed Christmas,

Jenny - Merry Christmas.
I love the fabric. I have been admiring it on different sites. Looking forward to seeing what you create with it.

Amber - There’s always those little (and big) last minute things to do. Good luck completing your projects. Enjoy this time with your family even if you do have to send some of them away for attitude adjustments. That comment brought back memories of my family growing up. I remember fights over Martinelli’s (there might not be enough) and siblings running away from home in the middle of dinner…it’s all part of the joys of family. Making memories, right? Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

traci - i am so sorry that your special christmas dinner didn’t end well. that’s very hard. especially for the mom that wants to make everything special and memorable. well actually, you’ll all probably remember this one for a long time. take care. have a wonderful christmas meg!

Tracy - Hey Meg – sorry to hear about the spoiled dinner – I had that at Thanksgiving with my husband and daughter and son and that made for a very frustrating “Thankful” day, so I understand completely! On another note, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Annie’s face in the first picture. I saw that and just cracked up at her innocence and happiness that she puts off with that gorgeous smile and how I’m sure she lights up a room like she does the photos. Every time I see that smile I just want to sqeeze her (HUG)the cuteness out of her! HA! The fabric is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what you do with it as well. I hope you and your family have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas holiday and Happy New Year. Big Hugs to all, Trac~ :o)

Andrea - I still have tons of sewing to get done before we head over to Grandma’s tomorrow! And don’t even mention the wrapping! I’ll be up with Santa tonight!
Sometimes our best laid plans for memorable moments with children are so disappointing. I am learning to have less expectations so when things go wrong, I’m a little less hurt. Sorry to hear about your dinner.

a thorn among roses - family meals at the holidays can be especially difficult for some reason…and i am in fabric heaven looking at the possibilities of that fine fabric! can’t wait to see the pics! merry christmas to you and yours!

lee ann - so glad you’re almost DONE! Hope you have a chance to just sit and relax and enjoy IT all.
I can hardly have a decent dinner with two children. I do cry….occasionaly. I get really angry when I put the food on the table and all I hear is “oooo gross…….do I have to eat that?…….how ’bout I eat this, but not that.” I left the room the other day. And when I returned, everyone had good things to say about the food.
So sad it didn’t go the way you wanted it too. No matter how much we try not to have expectations…..We still do. I think it’s just in us to want to sit….and have a conversation!
Love the happy fabric. Can’t wait to see how you use it!

Pattie - For the last few years our “family meals” have consisted of all three of mine texting underneath the table. Candlelight, china and texting. With daughter in college now they also include raunchy jokes and language thanks to the all boys school they so enjoy. Can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten up, slammed my napkin down and left the table. I guess I put myself in timeout!
We are actually able to enjoy the family table most of the time now but, darned if I don’t miss the spills, yucks toward the menu and all that. Go figure!
Your family photos are beautiful and I imagine they are even more special to you with the teenager showing such tolerance for the family, ha!
Hope your family has a wonderful Christmas and you get to relax in your jammies all day just like last year!!!!!

Blanca - I hear you loud and clear. Sometimes I want to go on strike as a mom. There is always bickering and attitude at our table. Even playing the quiet game during dinner can turn into a fight and most of the time I forget what I ate because I’m too busy being referee. Being a parent is so hard.
On another note I can’t wait to see what kind of goodies you make with that beautiful fabric.
Wishing you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Melanie - Do we have to guess the two that were sent away for the attitude adjustments:)? I had fixed a nice meal a few weeks ago and I thought that I would light the candles,have my two boys (husband & son), and it would be nice. Well, having a 14 year old that is a picky eater and a husband that loves to pick with said son, it didn’t go so well. I was like you, just about to have a breakdown. I just said yall have ruined my nice idea and I blew all the candles out and they apologized. It was too late then girlfriend:) Merry Christmas. Enjoy your holiday and save a breakdown for after Christmas. That is my plan:)

Sandy - Merry Christmas, Meg & family!! Thanks for sharing your lives with those of us that don’t have it together 1/4 as much as you do!! I’m sorry two were sent away for attitude adjustments, but its always good to know that others go through the same thing, right?

Cecilia Löfholm - Have a wonderful and cozy christmas!

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