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photo shoot 2008

yeah…i know it was 4 days before christmas….

but we got it done.
with minimal bribes.

i cleared a spot in the playroom for good light.
i dusted off the tripod.


it was almost enjoyable.


then they just got goofy.





so nice to see that smile….

good stuff.
christmas/new year's cards will go out late this week.
i hope.

kim Scrap to my lu - What a great shot! Adorable!
I still can’t believe you have all those children!
You look like you’re about 22.

cjs - smiling…you all look like
yes. that is right. all seven of you.
great pics.
meg rocks.

princess lasertron - lauren is beautiful. I love her smile in the picture of her laughing. I love all of your girls and your boys look so much like dad!
nice photos πŸ™‚ the silly ones are the best ones because then end up meaning the most and reminding you of everyone’s personality.

Tracy - I am also wondering what kind of dog you have. Such a cute family.

Cottage Lifestyle - Your family photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the Joel Dewberry fabric. As a quilter I am always interested in finding new fabric. I checked out Joel’s collection on his website…wonderful selection.
Happy Holidays!

Jill - Your family is beautiful, but I have a crush on Waffle. :o) What kind of dog is he? Merry Christmas to all!

michelle allen - What a darling family you have Meg. I especially love the “silly” shots. Those are always my fave. Merry Christmas Eve!

Brooke Masters - Merry Christmas Meg!! I love your family photos!!! I don’t know what part of Kansas you live in, but my family and I did a 2000 mile trek from Alabama to Utah to surprise my dad for a Christmas visit and we briefly drove through Kansas City, KS and I loved it!! The weather will be too bad to head back that way so we will be traveling through the Southern part this weekend, but it was definitely one of the more eye appealing states to travel through!

Rachel - Oh what memories!!! These are so great…you have a beautiful family!
I wish you and your family all the best this Christmas!
Keep the beautiful posts coming in the New Year!

Jhoni - Great photos and what a beautiful family!! (I really must figure out how to use the timer on my camera.) Merry Christmas to you!

Kristi - I love the b&w one of the fam. The ones of Lauren, esp. the last one…wow…it takes my breath away.

Ashley - What a beautiful family!
Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad from Colombia!!

Alyssa - You have such a beautiful family. Love the photos. I cannot believe you have a teenage daughter. You look so young and youthful to have 5 kids. I have 3 and I do not look half as good as you.

Anna - HI!
I ran into your blog a few months ago and have checked in on occasion. You have a beautiful family, and I am so impressed with ya’lls group photo. I have a family of 3 (with a 1 1/2 year old), and we have quite a time trying to get our family photos taken. I need to invest in a tripod!
Have a merry Christmas!

danyele - love the pics…and ur still a few days ahead of us! i don’t have ours done yet. why is it that pics are so hard of ur own fam?? anyway, silly is the best…love ur fam pics! merry christmas

traci - HOLY MOLY….HOW did you get Lauren to not just smile but she was actually clowning for the camera???? I almost got teary eyed! The pics just kept getting better and better…LOVE THEM. I dont know how you got them to all coooperate but you must have bribed

Linda@ Restyled Home - Beautiful, beautiful family…and you are a champion photographer!!
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Liz - Your photographs are, as always, fabulous. Sending you and your family merry Christmas wishes from England.

Erin - Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! I started reading your blog last summer when I was searching for “photography” on google. I now check in a couple of times a week! I am so inspired by your fun stories and creativity. I am a middle school art teacher in Indiana and I am thinking about the same age as you. Thanks for allowing me to read about your life

Becca - awesome pictures. Love the goofy ones the most. Hope you have a very merry christmas.

cecilia lΓΆfholm - Wonderful pictures! I love it when the photos aren’t “stiff”. Beautiful family you’ve got.
Christmas wishes from sweden

jennifer - So fun! I love the one of the three girls. Adorable. And your oldest is gorgeous.
And by the way, I found sprinkles at Michaels. Go figure!
Oh and the laundry room floor post made me laugh out loud. I can so relate! And it was funny because just that day my middle son said about his younger brothers bedroom floor after he cleaned his room, “You can see the floor of his room Mom. I didn’t think he had one!” Kids are just too funny!
Merry Christmas!

Staci - What a beautiful family!!! I can’t get OVER how big Waffle is….those tall legs! I can’t stand it! I love ’em! I also loved Lauren’s smile πŸ™‚

stljoie - Your family is just beautiful…and even the dog posed!?!

Wendy - Cute family. I’m impressed you did that yourself I’ve gotta get a tripod. Would save me lots of money. πŸ™‚
I have a Lauren myself and it IS good when a smile makes an appearance. Love those teen girls!
We also have a Waffle. She was too crazy to make the pictures, though we tried. Good girl Waffle!
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Aby - They are all so beautiful! I love all of the pictures!! What a great family. Can I come live with you?

Molly Pearce - What beautiful pictures. Have a Merry Christmas!!!
~ Molly P

MGF - Fun…
How many shots did you have to take it get it right? Probably only a few.
Glad to see your oldest. She is very beautiful.

Shannan - Lauren is so pretty! I love the one with her and her two sisters. I had to think…one day, she will want to be around them as much as she possibly can. At least that’s what happened with my and my younger (by 5 years) sis!
Also, loved the shot of her shoes on the green chair!

meaghan easterhaus - these are sooooo great! i adore the goofy pics!

Ashley - It is so fun to see pictures of your entire family. Your oldest is gorgeous! Those are really some great family shots – I love big families, there is always personality in every shot. Enjoy your week…I know you’ll be busy!

carissa - and with a tripod… you go girl!
REALLY great! so happy Waffle was there too…!
i need to try the tripod thing… mine always end up being the girlies!
very pretty… the “goofy” shots are way fun too!

Leah - Can you guys get any cuter?? I love the one of the three girls together…Annie is so sassy in it!

anne - what a gorgeous and fun family!
πŸ™‚ merriest little christmas to you and yours!

Lanny Stanard - Oh My Goodness! I love them all and you all look so cute and I must say being the dog lover that i am Waffle eat him up yum! Love it love it love it… Thanks so much for sharing and Merry CHRISTmas!
with love, Lanny

sara's art house - Love them all!

Kelly - I don’t think I’ve ever seen pictures of your oldest before. She’s lovely. Your whole family is beautiful – nice pictures, they turned out great!!

jesse Peak - You have a truly adorable family! Merry Christmas!

Jennifer - hi, i’m a new reader to your blog. i found you via “confessions of a sometimes serendipitous girl” we’re snowed in up here in seattle so i have been spending some time getting caught up on blog reading. i am enjoying reading through yours…you have had me laughing out loud on many occasions! Anyways, just wanted to tell you that i love your blog and your pictures. you are a great photographer! you have an adorable family too. happy holidays to you all

Tami - Cute family pics!This is ours:

Jenn Thomas - First of all – Lauren is just beautiful! Not a cute little girl anymore but a beautiful young lady! Whoot whoo and the rest of the family – they also look great. Waffle he just completes the “All American Family” look.

Lee Ann - I’m all about the New Year’s card! And what great shots. They look like you were having fun….even Lauren! So nice of you to have those photos to cherish.

traci - oh meg – those are fantastic. everyone looks so cute. it’s so nice to see lauren having fun with you all. such a beautiful young lady. i love the goofy ones!! they are so fun.

sarah - You have SUCH a beautiful family.
I love the third one with just the kids….I love all of them, but I was drawn to this one for some reason..

Alyssa - Your family is so beautiful. You are so blessed. I love the laundry floor, great news that you found it. Hope you find the missing couch soon.

Christy - Glad to know I am not alone! I still haven’t done mine, and I only have 1 kid (well & 2 dogs), not 5 to wrangle.
Love all the shots, even the goofy ones at the end. The last family shot & the last one with all of the kids, those are my favs of the groups, although they are all great! Would be great for a gallery wall.

Nina - I think the pics are wonderful…….especially the “goofy” ones. They are my fav!
I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

crystal - looks like you got some wonderful shots!!! And is it just me or did Lauren maybe,almost enjoy herself? πŸ™‚ hope your week is good neighbor!!!

mom - I get to be the first to comment! They turned out very good. Love Waffle being squished in the 2nd photo!

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