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BiG AnNouNceMEnT!!

i have found it!


the floor in the laundry has been found!!

i have heard tales that it existed….but i just didn't believe it.
i do now.


i was so happy i even vacuumed the concrete!
oh it was such a happy moment.

but in other sad news in the duerksen home….


our couch has gone missing.
it's been missing for many days and no one seems to have noticed.

no one sees this sitting in the living room.
they sit near it.
they walk by it.
the even climbed on it.
but no one offered to start folding.  

so we bribed them with ice cream.

that's just good parenting.

Katrine - So funny! Great blog!

princess lasertron - my grandma used to pay me a nickel for each thing I ironed…that was big motivation for me. sometimes it ended up being like five dollars!!

michelle allen - LOL! You are tooooooo funny! I think I’d resort to being dirty all the time! That is a crazy amount of laundry.

Deb - When you find your wayward couch, ask him to send mine home, too. No hard feelings. I just miss him. Lol.
I’ve missed checking in on you. Have a very merry Christmas and a joyous new year (attitudes aside). Lol.

carissa - as i was JUST thinking… i need to get the laundry flowing again! 🙂
the never ending… always there for you laundry pile! 🙂
hmmmm ice cream… my kids like ice cream too… “oh girrrrls”! 🙂

chris - If anyone could justify to sets of washers and dryers you can , but girl you need a big front loader don’t you ? and a dumb waiter I am sure.
Our new dryer with computer board went cookoo last night , less than a year old too ,isn’t that great , so I told my husband to hang up some things to let them dry , to my horror he thought it was a good idea to spread every wet item he had all over anything in the basement , on a clean duvet all over my cotton carpet , painted stool , OMG what was he crazy , ever hear of hangers dude , we have a big old curtain rod up attached to the joists just for hanging things to dry , crazy , see I make my husband do his own laundry , I have enough to do with me and my girls , it works out nicely , he cleans what he needs ,now to get that dryer fixed.
Oh the kicker was today my Dyson vacuum hose ripped this morning , what will number three be I wonder?

Leah - Hey Meg! I was so excited to get a comment from you! We dont call it slitching…just sledding…but we might need to start. I call it scary! Do you do it? I finally got caught up on your posts coming back from our trip…what I love most is the little boxes you have of your kids homemade ornaments. So sweet! Thats a sign of a good mom;) Merry Christmas!

Brianne Sommerfeld Epp - Gosh! I thought you were going to say you were pregnant! 🙂

Tami - Hi there, I feel your pain I really do! lol!

lelu - How funny! I just posted a similar post on my blog. Crazy how much laundry consumes your life when you have five kids! Love your blog!

sarah - HAHA.
I can’t wait to have some helping hands when doing laundry.
Even if I have to bribe those helping hands. 🙂

Jenny - Yay! The laundry floor.
My laundry is SO small that our washing is constantly piled high in the family room. Depressing…
Unfortunately my kids are not very good at folding and putting away their stuff.

Diana Cornielle - Lol…Oh, I can relate!!!! Good luck finding the couch! Lol!

Shannan - If my front(?)door was as gorgeous as yours, I wouldn’t notice the piles of laundry on the couch, either. I’m sure that’s why the kids walk right by…they are transfixed by the gorgeous, leaded-glass door!

Sandy - That’s hilarious! Just last night I was tripped by the towels that were folded and sitting in a neat pile on the floor. …of course they were only on the floor instead of the couch so that my 3 year old niece could lay down on the couch.
I love how real you are!

meredith - At least you’ve narrowed down the laundry mountain to one location. My heartfelt congratulations on finding your laundry floor – I’m sure there’s not a better Christmas present you could be given. If the kids can free the couch your Christmas miracle will be complete. Ice cream, by the way, is not a bribe – it is an essential parenting resource.

kasey - hilarious.
I wish i had a laundry room that could accumulate clothes, but i don’t. my laundry is in the cellar (aka basement of old house).

Rach - I can’t wait to have my very own laundry room so I can have these wonderful discoveries for myself.

creole wisdom - I’m excited to have a family someday, but I can’t lie- the laundry thing scares me. I hate laundry, and it’s hard enough for one person. You need an army to fold all that! But way to go on getting the floor cleaned up : )

a thorn among roses - i have that problem too…could you send over your detective??

MGF - It’s why you have a second couch. One for laundry and one to use.
Hope your kids has happy folding.

Rachel - I love these pictures…it reminds me to enjoy the laundry I have as it means we have clothes on our backs!
Way to go with the ice cream; that is motivation for a group folding party!

Staci - Oh my goodness you are funny! I can’t imagine the neverending laundry you encounter! I hope the ice cream bribe at least helped a little :0

meaghan easterhaus - isn’t that why we have kids?

jerusalem - it’s a Christmas miracle! Now if only I could find mine…

Gwyn - I often wonder if I should have two couches. One to keep the laundry comfy and one for the rest of us to sit on! LOL!

LibraryGirl - OMG! I was scared for a moment that you know where I live! Then I realized your couch is a different color and I knew my secret laundry lair’s location is still safe!

Traci Thorson - i always feel like laundry is all i ever do, but just at those low moments, you post about your laundry and i feel much better. the laundry room floor looks great but that poor couch. good parents use whatever methods that bring results!!

lee ann - what a feeling! I L*O*V*E the feeling of all the laundry done! We are iced in our home today. Probably tomorrow too. That’s when I’m going to wash every article of washable material in this house. And then I will pack…..and hope the airport thaws so we can get out of here! Oh, and a bribe that leads to the end result, is always good parenting 🙂

Heidi - Awwwww, I’ve had celebrations like that, finding floors and such!!
I love the look of your couch. I bet it brings comfort to any of that aren’t obsessive cleaners and wouldn’t be caught dead with an overtaken couch.
Happy for your laundry success!

Jamie Sampson - Congrats on finding of the floor. 🙂 Love the post. 🙂

Brenis - ROFLOL!!!!!!! Oh mannn… that happens at MY house too!! My couch dissapears for the same reason, and all the little people think it’s a new jungle gym! Just HOW is that possible??? LOL Hoping your awesome family helps you out Meg! If not, me thinks you should hide the Christmas presents under and IN that pile! They’d never find them!! 😀

mom - Now that’s what I call a Christmas miracle! Way to go!

Kim - Haha! So funny! I am doing laundry right now. Try having your washing machine in the middle of your old country kitchen and your dryer on the back porch. Oh, my charming old home.
Truly, you are so funny. This just cracks me up this morning.

Daisy Cottage - LOL…
You are TOO cute and your blog is one of my absolute favorites, as you know!
Merry Christmas Meg to you and your adorable family!!!

Jen M - I would SO come over and do your laundry for you. I actually enjoy it.

Romana - oh gosh, lol, too funny 🙂 especially as I relate a little too well (and don’t have as many children as you!).
I hope the couch turns up soon and is none worse for wear for it’s trials 😛

Dana - You are TOO funny!

Amy - You are just too cute! I just loaded and unloaded the dishwasher for the third time…you’d think they’d all help at least one of those times! I hope you enjoyed the ice cream at least!
You’re hilarious!! Thanks for the smiles!

meleea - wow – i am the first to leave a comment on a post! that sounds like fabulous parenting to me!! love your concrete floors – but your couch does look oh, so sad.

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