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all the way from the north pole….


santa and his friends came to craig's office again this year. 
annie has been talking about since last december.
all summer when we would go to visit craig…we'd be in the parking lot and annie would say
"do you 'Fink Santa is don-na be derr?" 

she was not as nervous as last year.
but still a little bit.
i think the crowd made her more nervous than santa.
because when he said (in his big santa voice) "Is there an ANNIE in here?"  
she raised her hand and climbed right up in his lap.

(santa is collin….craig's co-worker…sees annie all the time…but annie doesn't know)


"i want a Lillllieeest Pet Shops for Christmas"


it's just so good.
so good for your heart to be around little kids at christmas.

even mommy and daddy sat with santa.


good job santa and helpers…they built that whole set from scratch.

annie and i had lunch with craig
and went to target just ONE last time before christmas….mostly for the starbucks.  :)

princess lasertron - annie has the BEST clothes

Rachel - What a great pic of you, Annie and hubby.
I love the outfit Annie has on; she is adorable!

Jamie Sampson - so cute and sweet. BTW- you are gorgeous, love the photo of you on Santa’s lap. Love Annie’s cute little clothing ensemble.

kasey - darn cute.

Lorelei - How sweet these photos are! I love how candid they are.
I love the necklace you’re wearing!! Wish I could get a better glimpse! It’s a nice style. One I’d like to try out in my own designs.

Alice - I love the picture with the three of you in it with Santa. You three are adorable. I love Annie’s outfit. Did you color your hair? It looks amazing!

Alice - You three, are adorable. Did you color your hair? It looks amazing!

Christy - How fun! They went all out! My company does a kid party too, we love it!
Love Annie’s little outfit! Do you have favorite stores to get her clothes or just wherever & whatever is colorful? She has the cutest wardrobe EVER!

Lorilee - I love Annie’s outfits too! They just look so HAPPY!

meaghan easterhaus - noooo! hubby’s cute!

Aubrey - That backdrop was so big and impressive, I almost couldn’t find Annie or Santa. Luckily she had one of her signature outfits–I love those.

traci - that is so special. those are the memories that last a lifetime. annie looks so sweet with santa.

Meaghan - never seen hubs before! cute! what did he think of you sitting on his friends’ lap?

a thorn among roses - impressive backdrop…colorful and fun! love that the grinch was there too!

Erica - I’m impressed she would sit with him, even I’m scared of Santa. Something about beards….

katie moreland - awww… she is so cute!! I love Christmas with kids!! Have a great weekend. 🙂

Chrince - Annie wears the cutest clothes! I wish they came in my size!

carissa - Craig’s company ROCKS! They “get it”… get the importance of family life too! VERY cool!
her precious face… telling santa what she wants!
and speaking of Target… i was so happy to see they had restocked… got more LPS! 🙂 yippee!
our girls will be so happy!
the BEST Friday to you!

jerusalem - that is too cute. neither of our kids have asked to see Santa this year, but they have written letters and Miles has even “sent” Mrs. Claus a present. Too cute.

Kim - So cute! It reminds me of all those trips to the mall to see Santa when I was little. Good memories. I love Annie’s outfit! Such style. I want some tights like that!

Tammi - How sweet. I came across your blog and am so impressed by your home, and the fact that you have 5 kids and can manage to have a “girls craft night”…Kudos to your decorating and crafting abilities-great ideas!!
Also, I noticed in the Santa pic it looks like you colored your hair darker, no? It looks pretty….

Shannan - So precious! And the one of all three of you is great – you look bee-utiful! Oh, and Annie’s outfit made my day. I’m loving little girls in crazy combos.

Sharla - She looks so cute on his lap – she BELIEVES which is so awesome.
My 4-year-old has seen so many Santa’s this year he’s been asking how he will know the real one (“Mom, all the Santa’s have different beards. How will I know the REAL one?”). I tell him Santa has many helpers and the real one comes only on Christmas – the only response I could think of.

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