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craft night….and brunch


i hosted my second annual craft night with girlfriends.
click HERE to see last year's craft night.


we made a martha stewart craft….who else?
it was easy, inexpensive and cute.
the perfect craft.


i was also having a brunch here the next morning with my bible study group.
(i scheduled it all together so i only needed it clean once)

i left out all the supplies for this craft to give us something to do while we chatted.

then we woke up to a bunch of snow!
so we canceled the brunch.
but then slowly everyone showed up to the canceled brunch.
no one had gotten the message!
it was so funny….and spontaneous and fun.
i had dirty dishes in the sink.
i hadn't prepared any of the food i was going to (they each brought food though)
we made and drank 2 full pots of coffee and had a blast.
it was hours and hours of complete relaxed girl time.


between 2 craft sessions i made my family's initials and a few extras.
easy craft to do in front of the tv too.

go check it out on martha's site….HERE.
you DO want the 20 gauge wire and the bigger seed beads.
all can be found at a craft store in the jewelry isle (or maybe even wal-mart?)
it takes a bit of practice to get the letters just right but i know you can do it.  


one week till christmas!

UPS don't fail me now.

kim Scrap to my lu - Oh, that’s right, I want that starbucks ornament.
Love the santa photos and I think the girls craft night is a great idea.

Kim@ForeverWherever - These are so pretty! I think they will make great gifts!
Merry Christmas!

amy j. - What a gorgeous group of girls! 🙂 So glad we have a crafty friend like you… who buys all the supplies and tells us what to do. You’re the best!

Beth - Lovely! I saw Kristi’s and I was so jealous! I have to try them! I’m in total denial that Christmas is in a week (or less)!!!

Sara - This is a great craft, and I love the idea of an annual craft night with girlfriends. Fun!

cjs - I spy a michigan state sweatshirt. :o)
enjoying catching up on here. once again, your pics and life are stunning. you capture the everyday like no one…

meaghan easterhaus - love those! love the funky hodgepodge tree. just what it’s supposed to be!

Carly - my gracious. can i be your friend? can i come to your craft party? i am there in spirit, for sure.
i don’t know you, but i visit you daily and feel like i do. i want to tour your house and soak in all the colors and life. i just love it all!!
please keep up the inspiration. just keep doing what your doing.
merry christmas to you!

Tausha - When all the craziness comes together and we actually get to enjoy it-love that christmas part!! Just love it! Wish I could have come to craft night. I love the little initials. Great for topping gifts. Or a neighbor gift topped on a plate of treats. too bad I still have a list that is longer than the amound of sense I have left in my brain!!1 🙂

Carrie - Can I be your friend? neighbor? kid, even?
I am always so jealous when I read your blog.
Everything you do is just amazing!

Suzanne - what fun! can i be your friend and move to kansas too?? ya’ll look like a wonderful bunch…and waking up to snow???? “if only in my dreams…”
you make me want to go crazy wanting alphabet ice trays, bottle caps, wire, beads…please, oh please tell me michaels or hobby lobby do you find such goodies???

Wendy - Hi there. Jennifer Peterson sent me over here to see your house. WOW! I LOVE it! I love everything about it. And your blog is wonderful. Your photography is beautiful. All the colors you use are inspiring. We have a goldendoodle so I can appreciate your cute Waffle. Do you mind if I link you on my blogroll? You have inspired me to be a little more crafty.

Shelley - That is such an awesome craft, thanks for sharing.
And I need to know where you found Waffle’s ornament! We have a new puppy in the house this year too.

deb meyers - i’m all over your blog today.
I decorate my tree with Christmas Starbucks cups too! Only, I have the real cups, didn’t realize they sell an actual ornament.
Also Ben and Jerry cartons.
We didn’t put up our tree this year, though, as we are traveling. It feels very weird.
deb m

AManda - I ADORE those initials! What a festive evening…AND morning! Wow. You sure did handle it better than I.
As I am sure I would have been in dirty clothes… hair greasy and messy… some dried hot cocoa on my face and shirt from the night before…scratching my butt and checking emails.
I LOVE that you took it in stride and had a blast!
many blessings-

Jennifer P. - I NEVER do Martha crafts….until I see YOU doing Martha crafts, and then it’s like, hmmmm…if Meg can do it :)….
They turned out lovely, and I’m glad you got to have a great impromptu get-together with friends!

lee ann - looks like so much fun! I just may have to give it a try.

MGF - Yahhhh, is what I would of thought if they all showed up. At least everyone knows what dirty dishes look like.

traci - fun bead letters meg. i love them. looks like you ladies had a great time. aren’t you glad no one got the message.

Aubrey - Those are cute–where are yours and Waffle’s? I’d like to make some for my family, but I don’t think I’m brave or patient enough–there would be far too many serenity nows! going on.

carissa - VERY fun… and SO needed in the middle of all this nuttyness! sheer nuttyness!
i am SO praying that UPS… USPS… FED EX… don’t fail us now! everytime… at this time of year… i think JUST HOW IMPORTANT they are! my goodness!
happiness… & loads of coffee… we’ll make it!

a thorn among roses - super funny…i love mongrams and initials so i think this is fab!

Ashley - So fun! I love how they all were willing to brave the snow and wintry weather for brunch with the girls!!! Sounds like my kind of group!

Shannan - Those letters do look super fun! Gotta love Martha. I just discovered her craft kits at Michael’s over the weekend. I’m going to snap some up when they go on sale!

sarah - sounds and looks like such a wonderful, relaxed time!!
cute ornaments. gotta love martha 🙂

lorel - What a fun time. I wish I could show up in the snow for coffee talk with you! I love how much personality your tree shows – a starbucks ornament, Chiefs players, an EEEEE-gle, a train, a cow in overalls, and now a cute beaded “A”. Also the pom-pom garland is just right. Can’t wait to see it in person.
love ya!

Shana - I think I can do that!! Whoa!

Molly Pearce - I have been following your blog for some time and love it. You have great ideas and a awesome craft room. Looks like you had a blast on craft night and at brunch. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.
~ Molly P

casey Ohmen - The craft is cute. I did the exact same thing for place cards at my wedding for the family. We made their initial and put their name below it on a name tent. How funny.

krista - super cute, super fun….
laughing at your friends showing up anyway…..i probably would have still been in my jams or maybe even back in bed! made the ribbon notebook for me niece she’s going to love it….so thank you!

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