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serenity now……insanity later



i am feeling the pressure now.
feeling the christmas eve meltdown coming on…..

i have been saying to myself all day long –
"keep calm and carry on"
"serenity now"
"deep cleansing breaths"

there is just so much yet to do.
i have been so busy crafting that i am behind on everything else.
but i am thinking everyone is feeling this way….right?

i think a hot bath is necessary for me tonight.
(with a special grown up drink just for me.)

susanne - i LOVE all the santa cups. they remind me of my childhood xmas’s at my grandmas. i love how you have different sizes and used them as decorations as well as for their intended function.
and your M. Stewart letters are great!

deb meyers - Meg, I love your cut-in-half silver lid turned sconce. Did you do that?!
deb meyers

deb meyers - Meg, I love your cut-in-half silver lid turned sconce. Did you do that?!
deb meyers

vicki - Here is what I told myself just yesterday: when we look back at our memories, we tend to only remember the good, positive stuff (example-childbirth) so next year I won’t remember the urrrrrrrrrg, and will blissfully remember the ahhhhhhhhh in my memories! So even though I have fabric, beads and other projects strewn all over and covering every flat surface in my house…all I will remember is the glow of the tree, the roar of the fire, and homemade cookies. Good luck my friend!

christine - i haven’t checked in in awhile so i sat here in awe catching up
your photos are a visual feast especially since i’m partial to the color red!
and those bottle caps – AWESOME!
i’m actually going to TRY to whip up a few for gifts
if i lived next door i’d invite myself over for a grownup drink in your santa mugs sitting at your beautfully set table!!!!!!!

meaghan easterhaus - hee hee a grown up drink

Crystal - I’d love to come over and help….
and now I know who to buy those mugs for when I see them at yard sales! 🙂
Happy day to you friend!! 🙂

Sandra - Well, if you are feeling pressure, you apparently work well under pressure! All of this looks fantastic!

Randi - I love your bowl full of Santa mugs … I may have to copy that although I think I need to collect a few more mugs first!

meredith - I love that in the States you celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving so joyously, but it must place alot of pressure on all you Mums. I think you deserve a medal for 1. still being on speaking terms with your family 2. having a smile on your face and 3. being able to string a sentence together. Well done Meg – enjoy your grown-up drink (or three).

sarah - Love the Santa Mugs and the pretty setups .
We had similar santa mugs growing up in our house. 🙂

Ashley - I think I need a ‘special grown up drink’ tonight, too! Love all your Christmas photos! It looks like you’ve got everything under control!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - You aren’t the only one having adult beverages….serenity now…serenity now….maybe if we keep saying that!
Love the mugs!

PamperingBeki - I’m telling ya, the stress-free Christmas I’m doing this year is the way to go!
I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed a December as much as this one, honestly. And 2 of my kids have December birthdays!
Deep breaths, a few adult drinks, keep calm and carry on (those signs are all over etsy!)… stress free. Ahhhhh. It’s nice.

lee ann - LOVE the Santa mugs!
Well, if you must know…..there are those of us who are NOT crafty. We purchase every gift…..sometimes from the comfort of our eazy chair. (I did create 4 this year though and am so stinkin’ proud of myself!) But…..some of us DREAM we could be crafty like you! But you’re kind of turning my dream into a nightmare 🙂

Aubrey - Do you throw your hands in the air and yell, “serenity now!” like George’s dad on Seinfeld?

carissa - i hear ya loud & clear! 🙂
and would you believe we have VERY similar vintage santa mugs… he sure is a cute fella!
i enjoyed a BIG adult drink last night! 🙂
might need to repeat tonight!
happy day gf!

AManda - Apparently I am in the advice giving mood today! Lucky you.
I think one of the best things we can do when anxiety starts to creep into our peaceful, chaotic, and comfortable exhistance and verbally proclaim…that is, OUT LOUD…
“I am giving this to you God! Any ripple, any problem, and circumstance that keeps me from basking in your Glory and Love! Its ALL YOURS GOD!”
Seriously. Say it out loud. You can do it. No one is watching. Except Him of course. And He LOVEs it when we do stuff like that!
God bless-
P.S. Beautiful table and pictures and everything is going to be perfect…even if its not!

Lorilee - I love the vintage Santa mugs and the white plate! It is all beautiful! I have already been having my “grown-up” drink in the evenings. YUM Egg Nog with a splash of Bourbon. Talking about behind and panic, I still have to TAKE the family photo and create the family Christmas card, along with shopping, and baking. And 2 more days of teaching!

meghan - your whole santa table thing got me really inspired to get this show on the road! i am so with ya on the crafting thing. i have yet to get my christmas cards out the door….yikes! let alone plan the christmas meal!

Jamie Sampson - hope the bath and grown-up drink was just what you needed.
Gorgeous table settings.

Jodi Peck - Looks lovely to me!! when it is all over… will wonder “what was I so worried about?” :0) On a different note I LOVE, LOVE those red striped bowls….could you tell me who made them please? Thanks, Jodi

a thorn among roses - i have Santa love now…love those mugs!

Shannan - That second photo is absolutely perfect! In fact, all of the photos do a great job of masking your jitters. Perhaps a round of grievance airing by the Festivus pole would work to further calm you? It always works for us.
ps- Have you happened to see the “Keep Calm and Carry On” signs that Rachel Ashwell sells on her Shabby Chic site? I want one!

Shana - Yes! I feel it too…and I haven’t crafted anything! Okay, maybe helped with kid things, but otherwise…PHEW!

mom - So who is coming for dinner? It looks wonderful. Is there anything I can do for you? My stuff is almost done. But then, I didn’t craft anything this year!

traci - all your serving pieces are great. love those santas. i think my mom had a couple of those when we were young – but she didn’t save them. i am starting to feel the pressure too. few gifts left to get, all the wrapping yet to do, and no menu planned for christmas eve or christmas morning. better get a move on. but it feels good to know that i am not the only one.

Deb - I hear you. Last night I divvied up all that’s left for the days that are remaining. I hope it all works out!

Lanny Stanard - Megan i can’t even tell how i love visting everyday, and yes i’m there with you! Christmas is coming up fast, see you soon…

Darby - Oh MEG!! Those SANTAS…. Mmmmmm! I love ’em! FABULOUS just fabulous! Keep taking those deep breaths… you’ll be just fine!

Denise - I love visiting you each day. You are real and take the most amazing pictures!! I have this new thing I have been trying…it seems to work better than anything else I’ve tried. I go to a very quiet place and sing/song in my head, “The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord is my strength” You should probably know that sometimes it takes 30 seconds, sometimes it takes 2 days! (I have a 15 year old son)

anne - i think Susan Powter said it best when she said “Stop the Insanity”!
Love your sweet Santa mug collection!

Christina - Oh my, what Santa mug goodness. I just love the little ones.
My day would read “insanity now” if truth be told.

callie grayson - Love your santa collection! the table settings are perfect with the santas and the red and white dishes!!!

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