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gingerbread goodness


our second gingerbread house!
made by GB again….worth every penny….no pressure on me that i will burn or break it.  
my only job is to build it with the pieces she baked and cut for me.
and to provide the artists all their supplies.


annie was using her wal-mart gift card as a reference….


sean worked the longest…very detailed.
talby's side was symmetrical and pretty.
scott's side was full and beautifully messy and overflowing with candy.
annie's side was just focusing on yellow.
lauren chose not to decorate a side.

thank you GB for helping me make memories with my kids.

i would be perfectly happy decorating my own personal gingerbread house sometime.
it's very calming.
maybe i could make a gingerbread craft room?!
or a gingerbread starbucks?
mmmmm……now i am thirsty for a spiced gingerbread latte.

jordan 7 - If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone.

Jennifer P. - “lauren chose not to decorate a side” …. you know you say so much by saying so little!
It turned out so neat!

Kelly - I *do* love decorating a gingerbread house! Kelly

Trina - Is it wrong that I want to lick the computer screen. ha.. looks so pretty and yummy!

kasey - i just finished my gingerbread latte.
the house looks tooooo good.

creole wisdom - Your kids are so creative : ) And I love the magnet idea, I’ll have to try that sometime.

AManda - Were you standing on a chair in your kitchen to get that first shot? Wow. Talk about WAY MORE detail and fun and extravagance then I could ever imagine. Its simply beautiful! Who is this mysterious GB and can I get one in my town?
God bless-

Karol - Your cute ideas are just killing me!!! Wanted you to know I linked back to your site after posting my version of your hot chocolate gifts. And, I think I’ll make the alphabet crayons for my daughter’s 5th birthday as a favor. You are so clever and creative. I love it.

Jaclyn - This looks like so much fun! I saw they have pre-made kits at Walmart. I think I will have to go buy one!

Shannan - What fun! Great idea to let each kid do his/her own side. Annie with her handy pocket reference is a hoot. 🙂

traci - what a fun project. love the colors of all the candy. such sweet memories for the kids. isn’t it amazing how you can give the kids the same candy and their sides are all so different. i have never made a gingerbread house.

Sandy - Looks like great fun and wonderful memories!! Too bad about the missing teen – again. She wishes she had participated, but she ‘couldn’t’ allow herself; I’m sure of it!

meaghan easterhaus - sooo cute! it’s amazing how a little age and more girls make a house look better. my three yr old and hubby didn’t do so hot

Staci - So fun! We are going to do our’s over Christmas Break!!! I hope I don’t get frustrated 🙂 Deep breath! And, I missed your post yesterday! That’s some craftin’ you’ve been doin girl! LOVE.IT…ALL! Before I left this comment, I got sidetracked at Amazon and bought some of your bottle caps and silicone ABC’s!!! Ya know, cause the kids will be out of school for 2 weeks…gotta have somethin’ fun to do 🙂 Here’s to hoping mine turn out at least half as cute as your’s !

kristin at prairie daze - oh, you are living my childhood memories.
i told you about my brother’s sides.
we’ll do ours in less than 2 weeks!

Sharanya - lovely pictures and what fun kids must have had

Allikayes Mama - Perfect! I am curious how you get those over the counter pictures…the first one? Are you in some crazy position to get perfectly above the counter?! I am laughing thinking of that!

Allikayes Mama - Perfect! I am curious how you get those over the counter pictures…the first one? Are you in some crazy position to get perfectly above the counter?! I am laughing thinking of that!

Trish - My kiddos also had fun making a gingerbread house! There’s just something magical about a house made with candy 🙂
Be sure to stop by my blog. I’m having a giveaway!!

Linda@ Restyled Home - Can I be your child??
Or at least have your camera??

a thorn among roses - love it! now i want to eat it!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, SO fun!!! And so colorfully delicious looking!
Happy week!

sarah - I love all your pictures!!
They’re full of happy goodness!
Too bad for Lauren, gingerbread houses are SO fun.
I didn’t get on it fast enough to have one this year. Next year, though.
An almost 2 year old will be sure to enjoy that kind of fun!
your full house always makes my heart happy, and makes my hopes for more kiddos even stronger 🙂

Lorilee - FUN! I have only decorated one gingerbread house–a pre-made kit. I want to do a replica of the church where my parents were married some day. It is a small county church! Another thing for my “When I retire” list. Your children will have such wonderful memories. My youngest always wanted to help me decorate cakes–you know squeeze the icing from the tube. One weekend I made a cake just for him to decorate with frosting leftover from my cake. He didn’t last long. His hands got tired!

Melanie - Meg,
Your pictures make me so happy. I love when my RSS feed turns black on Whatever because I know that I will click on the link and have a smile put on my face. You are such a fun mom, creating great memories for your kids:)

Aubrey - Are those gum drops fruit-flavored? They look fruity and I can’t find fruit-flavored ones ANYWHERE. I’ve looked in so many places!

Aubrey - I love it–I never thought to wrap the base with wrapping paper instead of foil! Smart and sassy and styling–and so obvious, why didn’t I think of it too? You’re so clever. And cool. A very cool mom you are. The force is with you. I’m a total dork. Good think I’M not Lauren’s mom. She’d go around with a paper bag over her head.

Lanny Stanard - Oooo yummy! what a house,it’s got Christmas all over it… Megan thank you so much for all your wonderful idea’s we all are Thankful to have you!

Jamie Sampson - ginger bread goodness in deed!

traci - LOVE IT!!! Im so sad that Lauren didnt contribute 🙁

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