just a notebook
but it's all hopped up on cuteness.
simple fun notebooks from wal-mart….with many many ribbons tied to the side.
that's it.
this is the mysterious crayon project!
using old crayons…i made new ones.
i bought these silicon letter trays.
(you can make ice or bake in them too.)
first break the crayons up and put the pieces into the shapes on the trays.
set the silicone trays on a cookie sheet for stability.
preheat your oven to 250-ish.
put sheet of trays into the warm oven and check at 10 minutes.
when all the crayons pieces have become liquid….they are done!
remove the sheet from the oven and let cool for at least an hour…or 3 or 4.
the liquid wax was beautiful! it was such bright colors.
i was loving it!
i wanted to pour it all over something and paint with it.
maybe another time….
each letter crayon is about 2 inches tall.
they are still crayons….
just now instead of being dull shaped old crayons in the bottom of the box
they are adorable bright alphabet shapes.
i love them.
i saw this on someone's blog in september and can't find it again…so props to you – whoever you are!
and now for the new obsession.
who knew i would love this craft so much?
these are mega bottle caps…2 inches across.
fill the bottle cap with whatever you want….
then pour glossy accents (also found in your scrapbook isle near stamping stuff)
over the entire little scene you've created.
then when you come in the next morning….
the sun shines on all your little creations.
the "glue" has dried and made a clear seal over your scene.
glue magnets to the back of each bottle cap.
and voila!
a new addiction is born.
a few things i have learned….
* everything red turns orange – so avoid red papers.
* keep the bottle upside down all the time and don't shake it (to avoid air bubbles.)
* adhesive magnets probably still need to be glued on.
i could make little scenes for hours!
this idea came straight from ali edwards.
she rocks.
i am still crazy busy.
i bet you are too.
but first….a quick nap.
need sleepy.
Gift Baskets - Wow! I never knew bottle caps can be that useful. It was a nice gift idea. Thanks for sharing this one.
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Bikram Miami - the bottle caps are really cool
Jelisa - here is the blog you may have gotten the idea for the letter crayons from:
now you can give credit!
Sasha Holloway - awesome post. DG3 gel and Diamond Glaze work great in the bottle caps too and will not bubble as much. Love the way your turned out .. they are the best gifts for folks. My kids are always playing with the ones I make on the fridge LOL.
Wholesale Suppliers - Giving gifts is a way of expressing your feelings towards your loved one. All above gifts are looking beautiful.
unusual wedding gifts - There are some great ideas here. I like the bottle cap the most.
:irene^^ - beautigul!!
Rumeysa - perfect!!! thanks
Rachael - Thanks for the information…I bookmarked your site, and I appreciate your time and effort to make your blog a success!
Mona - I love your ideas especially the one with the notebook, I am so glad I stumbled upon your website
Living - That’s awesome! Where do you get the giant bottlecaps from?
Angela Cardas Meredith - Awesome job!
Pumpkin Pink Cottage - I’m so in love the bottle caps and I have bunches I may have to head to my craft room tonight…Happy Holidays, Lisa
Wendy - Oh, you caught me! Thank you for the inspiration and directions to make those cute marshmallow hot cocoa packets. My neighbors really loved them and they were so easy to make. Just what I was looking for. I love, love, love those darling bottlecap magnets too. I was all gung-ho to tackle that project but I haven’t been able to find the bottlecaps anywhere! I tried Mayan Road but wasn’t able to order any. Do you have to be a retailer to order? Any tips on how to get my hands on them?
Randi - Love both those ideas … the magnets are fantastic!
Katherine Hoffman - I love the ABC crayons!! that is great idea
amy bell - seriously. your blog always makes my day…but this post? the best yet….ok…or on the top ten….:) i was gifted a whole thing of bottle caps…now i have found a purpose for them!
SAB - You take the most beautiful photos. I can’t believe how beautiful you make “normal” life look.
Jamie Sampson - love, love, love the bottlecaps… I am so finding time to make these. Thanks!
kasey - quit stealing all my ideas!
just kidding, loving them all.
traci - TRIPLE LOVE THE NOTEBOOK….how stinkin easy to get such a cute look. I adore the lettter crayons also but you need to share where you get the letter forms??? The bottle caps are just too cute for words. You seriously need to sell those on etsy! I want some!!!
traci - THE BOTTLECAPS ARE FANTASTIC!! so cute and clever.
carissa - i want to come over & play… YES… i just invited myself to YOUR house!
you are just TOO fun!
girlfriend… the things you come up with!
BIG cheer… BIG fun!
BIG hugs!!!!! happy monday… and oh my GOODNESS… yes… so much to get done!
Christy - LOVE. LOVE! The crayon idea – Love it! Will have to make that for the munchkins I know.
I am currently addicted to the scrabble & glass tile necklaces & glass magnents, love the bottle cap idea. I’ll be buying some of those on Etsy too! Thanks for the ideas Meg! Thanks for posting the hot choc. idea too. I saw the snippet of that the other day & loved it too!
Rachel - The alphabet crayons are amazing!! Who knew!!!
A fabulous idea!!!!
And the bottle caps…they are tooo cute!!!
I love visiting your blog it’s always so colorful!
alyssa - love your little ideas. may I ask, who do you give these creative gifts too, your kids friends (crayons), relatives, teachers?? Just curious. Love the magnets. I’m too cheap to buy those online, but maybe I’ll have to scrounge up some regular sized ones!
Amanda Rettke - Now those are adorable. Very creative. Very pretty. Very Miss Meg! Love the pictures of them! I LOVE it when YOu are creative and I can watch! he he
God bless-
Kameron - I agree, can you tell us where you found the big bottle caps?? I would love to make those!!
Tausha - You are really making me look bad. HOmemade magnets? I wish that I was a receiptant er…friend so I could get some of your fabulous creations! I am loving the crayons! What a fantastic idea!
Since you are all over the leftover crayons-go and look at
lipstickandlaundry.blogspot.com My friend Jen-she made a darling teacher gift using broken crayons and a sheet of cardstock. It is super cute and i think that you would really like it!!!
keep all the ideas coming. Maybe-just maybe-I will copy some of your fantastic goodness!!!
Diana Cornielle - You are so brilliant! You rock!
Diana Cornielle - You are so brilliant! You rock!
elizabeth holder - can u post where you found the letter trays
and bottle caps – i haven’t seen caps that big
love your blot too!
adrienneK - your hot coa coa kit and re made crayons are being done in my home this week!!thanks for the great ideas!!
Stacy - Gah! Great. Idea. Overload. LOL. I just found your blog and I am in love. You pics are so colorful and amazing and I totally relate with your sarcasm and humor. Can’t wait to read more!
Jennifer P. - I am sooooo happy! My new modem makes your page load up all lickity-quickity split now! Yaaaaay!
Read clear down to the end of the page—so much to love. I love how big Waffle is now, and that he sooo looks like he belongs to you! I love the packaging. I love the donuts. And the cute kids!
I needed to get my bum in gear for gifts weeks ago—but I guess I’ll see if I can’t at least pull together the hot chocolate idea! Too cute!
Robin Laws - i just stopped in to say hi. such a busy, busy happy bee! you are such a talented crafty girl. honestly everything looks fun the way you do it. peeling paper off of crayons? now who would think that part was fun…? you! oh and i guess casey Ohmen above thinks it is fun too
love to you meg and all your not-so-little-anymore babies! oh and merry christmas!
MGF - Crazy crafting going on at your casa, how to do you have time for sleep??????
Anna - Oh my! My heart definitely just did a little pitter patter and flip flop when I saw these FUN crafts! Crafting is my BIGGEST stress reliever! These are going on my “to do” list. Thanks so much!
vicki - Is there anything better than great projects…that are DONE!!! That craft room must be smok’n hot right now!
Leigh Ann - Just found your blog today and I can tell it is going to be a favorite! Love the bottle cap scenes, thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas,
Leigh Ann
Aby - OMG! You are so good. I feel so inspired!!!
Julie K. - You are simply amazing.
Leslie - Just want you to know that your blog is my favorite on my list. I always save it to read last. Love the ideas, love all the colors, love the pictures. I feel like I am hearing about my friend’s day as I read it and I always enjoy it….even if you are having a grumpy day. Because even our friends are grumpy sometimes and that’s OK. Hope you got some rest, can’t wait to try the alphabet crayons!
sara's art house - The bottle caps- LOVE IT!!!!!! I can see why you would be addicted. Love the crayons too.
Thanks for the inspiration.
regina - How cute and crafty are you!!! LOVE the crayons! What a good Christmas/Birthday present. I will have to try that for my nieces.
meaghan easterhaus - GET OUT!!!!!! sooooo cute and fun and fabulous and…
Lorilee - OOPs! I just realized that the questions I asked are answered by the links(highlighted words). I couldn’t see the color difference. It must be my computer,certainly it isn’t my 43 year old eyes.
Denise - Do you know if the bottlecaps are available at any stores?? What a sweet idea! I luv your cute little scenes!
Trina - You are a crafty super star- LOVE all the ideas and the pictures of course—fab-u-lous!
xx Trina
jennifer - OH.MY.GOSH. You are amazing!!! I love it all!
I couldn’t even handle finding Christmas sprinkles to do the marshmallow and hot chocolate “craft”.
Lanny Stanard - Oh miss Megan, I love you! your so fun thanks for all the grand ideas! you rock…
Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Meg~ Thanks for answering my question about the crayons! I’m excited to try some of these wonderfully creative and bright, happy projects! You rock, too!
Aubrey - Wow. You HAVE been busy–makes me feel lazy. Everything is so dang cute. And you’re quickly converting me from dull, muted colors to bright and fun ones.
Jenn Thomas - All I can say is that you put Martha Stewart to shame – You rock Megan. I wish I had more time. Great fun ideas.
Romana - great ideas, thanks Meg
casey Ohmen - I also melt crayons and use molds. Peeling the paper off is a good tv watching activity. The bottle caps are a great idea. I have some, not that big, but could see using them in a scrapbook. Thanks for sharing.
krista - oops…nevermind, i found the answer to my question within your post….duh!
krista - i am SO excited to try these ideas!! thank you! thank you!!
….i bet if you put some sort of clear coat (mod podge?) over the paper first, you could keep the colors you wanted…just an idea if you didn’t mind an added step. So where do you get giant bottle caps?
Lorilee - Meg,
Wonderful ideas! I love the alphabet crayons! I make something similar in muffin tins, but my 4-year-olds would love “their” letter. And it would fit in the mini ornament stocking I am making for each one of them! Where did you get the silicone molds? I have never seen the giant bottlecaps, but that looks like loads of fun!
Merry Christmas,