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just a little somethin’


so this is the hot cocoa gift you were asking about.
it's not much but just a little something.
it's all about the packaging ladies!

i melted chocolate and dipped big marshmallows in it using toothpicks.
then sprinkles are added immediately.
i laid them out onto wax paper to cool.  
(it took about 30 minutes start to finish)

i packaged chocolate dipped and regular marshmallows,
tied the treat bag closed with a ribbon, a tag and a candy cane.
the tag says thank you.
i stapled 2 hot cocoa packs right to the treat bag.

super easy.
very pretty.
a little something to show your appreciation.

more to come……

Jason - Thanks for the information…I bookmarked your site, and I appreciate your time and effort to make your blog a success!

Jennifer - Hi!
Can I use your picture of the bagged chocolate marshmallow cocoa gifts on my blog please? I attempted these. I’m VERY cooking challenged… and have kind of a funny story. I would definitely reference where the picture is from by putting your blog link. If not, that’s more than OK… just thought I’d check. If so, THANKS A BUNCH!
Let me know,

Jennifer - So adorable! I’ve gotta do it for sure!
Did you use chocolate chips for the chocolate or baking chocolate or something else?
Please let me know!

Rachel - Ok this looks like something I could tackle…the melted chocolate part may be a task for me…and messy but it’s too cute not to try!

Katie - Cute way to spice up a traditional =)

kristin at prairie daze - that is a sweet something.
and let me tell you i just bought those bacon and egg bandaids….only i bought them for 2 dollars more.
oh well.

Evan Sanford - I did this very same thing last year for my kid’s teachers… they LOVED them!!! they are so fun to make 🙂

a thorn among roses - i htought i saw these in a prior post you did this week. they are sooo pretty…good ribbon goes a long way!

Staci - Oh I love this! This would be perfect for Connor’s RE teachers at church…since there are quite a few of them 🙂 Thanks for sharing Meg!

Kristi - love this idea!
thanks for sharing.

Sara - Adorable! Just started reading your blog recently and really love it!

jennifer - such a great idea! i might need to give it a try. that would require learning how to melt chocolate, but it’s never too late to learn…

Tami - very cute idea!

cynthia - i am so doing this.

regina - Never thought of dipping marshmellows. I guess never thought you could b/c they may melt?? Good idea. I made sausage balls w/a hot chocolate packet to go w/it and took it to few of my neighbors!!
Merry Chhristmas!!

Nessa Dee - Great idea!

Lorilee - I love it. Simple but pretty!

Jamie Sampson - lovely

sarah - super cute

Julie - That is very cute! The packaging is awesome!

traci - very cute. makes me want to trade the cup of jo for a hot chocolate. have a great weekend meg.

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