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waffle and i are just stopping in today to say a quick hello.
my list is crazy long and i don't feel like anything is getting done!
how can that be?

so i must "step away from the computer" and get christmas moving right along.
see ya!

Cheryl - Hello there, I just came across your site and I am really enjoyng looking at your photos. Especially this one – very cute!

Runway girl - love, love, love your wonderful blog.
i will be back!

Julie K. - You are so stinkin’ cute!

Sandy - That’s an awesome picture! I love your hat and I hope you got everything done.

Melissa Mae - Love your house. I dream of one day renovating an old house with character. Your “floating” stairs are my favorite part! And as for the bathroom walls where your kids are allowed to draw? I used to draw all over my furniture in high school. My mom bought me an old desk just for that purpose, so I’m going to definitely carry on that tradition!

anne - *{waves}* hi there!
hope your day was a good one,
*tossing waffle a bone*

melissa @ the inspired room - I love Waffle.
I was thinking about you all day. Isn’t that funny? I kept thinking, wonder how Meg is? And before I could come by, there you are, visiting me! I knew you’d be super busy with holiday stuff! 😀
Have a great rest of the week!

Kelly - you’re adorable! have a great day! Kelly

Lorilee - Meg,
I love that photo! Cute hat. I love hats, but my hair always looks awful when I take one off!

emily - Good luck with the Christmas ready-ness. I am in the middle of mine, Christmas is coming a bit early here since Jeff has to work on the real day so I am blasting on to full speed ahead!

amy d - what an adorable picture of you two! waffle’s expressions are just too cute! what did he think of the snow?

sarah - Your adorable, and I just want to smother Waffle with love!!

Staci - I’m with ya!!! I haven’t posted anything new on my blog in over a week ;( LOSER I am! Hope you are able to get all you need to get done 🙂

meg - I love all of your decorations! So pretty! I found your blog a few months ago and have been so inspired by so many different things here! I really loved the stockings that you made last year and it inspired me to make some for my family. I just posted them up today on my blog, so thank you for sharing your ideas and talents!

Lanny Stanard - Okay I must say that’s my favorite! give waffle a big old kiss tell him it’s from ME! love the hat too!

MGF - Fun reminder to get to work

Jennie - Hey Meg! I love your blog…even have you listed on mine under “people I don’t know, but wish I did.” Your pictures are great, and I would just love a day in that craft room! Just thought I’d stop in an introduce myself – hope you got that to do list done!

Sara - I hear you girl. I can’t believe that its almost here. We leave for Delaware (my mom’s) on the 20th so I want to have everything done by then so we don’t have to rush around once we get there. Looking forward to that 12 hour ride with the kids. 🙂 And we are traveling on Sunday so Chick fil A is closed…drat. I thought of you as I decorated the tree saying”listen to Meg, don’t stress about the decorations. you can hand 3 heavy ornaments on one branch, right?

carissa - stepping away… looking REALLY cute!
go girlfriend… get ‘er done!

Aubrey - I love your hats and you look so cute in them. Good luck on your list, or should I say, good luck to me on my list. That I still need to write. Woo-hoo for Annie writing words and her outfit ensemble is so cute. At least her colors coordinate–which is more than I can say for my 6-yr-old. She’s into monochromatic outfits–imagine a curly blonde kindergartener in all BLACK. It was kind of funny.

Evan Sanford - my sis-in-law introduced me to your blog. she just knew that i’d love it!!! so i thought i’d introduce myself. i’ll be stopping by from time to time… hope your day is fantastic! evan

PamperingBeki - Haha!
So did you take this before you went out for coffee or after?
I’m still jealous that you don’t have hat hair when you take your hat off. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more perfect, you go and prove me wrong. 😉

Kim - That is a fabulous picture! Now, get along and get your stuff done. My list is a mile long too!

Tracy - Meg this is a VERY CUTE photo of you! I wish I could think to take pictures like that, but sadly, I don’t have that kind of creativity! That’s why YOU are the photographer! HA! Have fun today and I hope you get a lot accomplished. Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Alysa - Meg – love this picture. As I looked at it I thought, she looks like a young Sally Fields …. beautiful! Have fun. Your blog continues to inspire me.

Melanie - CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!

Lee Ann - Step away and run! Hope you get things accomplished and that your list gets shorter. Thanks for stopping to say hi. Fun picture! I’m attempting homemade marshmallows right now. We’ll see……

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