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umm….when did this happen?



she can write.

words like flamingo.
and elephant.


all my kids (probably ALL kids) have entered this stage where they know their abc's
and they realize that letters spell words.
then they want to spell everything that they can think of.

but this is annie!
she's my baby.
my last baby.
the last one to say "how do spell lion again mom?"

it's just so bittersweet.


she was putting together her train alphabet puzzle and decided to stop 
and write out the word that was on each piece.  
26 words.

"YES!" she shouted.
and then ripped all the sheets from her little notebook and said they were "tickets for lizzie".

my baby.
is so not a baby anymore…..

Brooke - Oh my goodness…I am so there with you! These moments are completely bittersweet! My youngest is now four and going through the motions of spelling/writing/reading/etc. and it is definitely giving me the baby fever! I remember the night we brought her home from the hospital just 3 days old and I cried..when my husband asked me what I was crying about I blurted out, “She’s already getting older!!” Haha…even then I wasn’t ready for this growing business to continue!
P.S. My favorite is the celebrating photo at the end…too fun!

Andrea - I so know how you feel! My youngest is now reading chapter books & loving Junie B. Jones. All at the same time I am so excited I can hardly stand myself (I’m a teacher) but I also want to rip the book from her hands and tell her she’s not allowed to read them to herself.
I love reading your blog!

traci - aww sweet annie. i am excited for her. that is quite the accomplishment. but i feel your pain. it’s so hard when the youngest reaches milestones or leaves phases behind. enjoy every moment of her. i know i do. she’s just a doll!

anne - So not only is she smart, but she’s fashionable???
So fancy!
🙂 not to mention unbelievably creative (i WONDER where she gets that from ;)…)

Rach - She looks so happy with herself. That must be amazing to watch and then slink off into the kitchen with a box of tissues and wonder where your baby went. I am looking forward to that moment with my daughter with fondness and fear.

Sandra - Oh, but “Mommy” you would be worried if she wasn’t progressing! Such sweet pictures of a darling little girl. Is the sense of style hers, or do you pick what she wears?
btw, I had a granddaughter here last week who asked for pancakes, and I remembered the recipe you gave for your husband’s pancakes, so I used it. She and I both loved them!

MGF - Fun…
I have the same clock that you have in that last picture. I think it is funny the things you see in someone’s photos.
I am sad and happy both to think of the days when all my kids can spell. I am still a few years away.

Denise - Hi Meg…I was heartbroken for you too. Then I scrolled down just enough for the previous post to peek out…she’s still a baby! Look at that face: precious. Thanks for sharing your life with us. The good, the sometimes bad, but never ugly. How do you take such amazing pictures??

Taddie Tales - WOW! I just went back and looked at your blog from day one to see how she’s grown. Time flies! My 3 year old was on Santa’s lap this past weekend and she looked like a 7 or 8 year old. I freaked and started to cry. Good thing it was at a family party – and no one thought there was a psycho lady in the house.
I just wish that they would stay small and needy but yet I can’t wait until they no longer need me to feed, dress, and wash them and I’ll have a little more “me” time. No, wait! I can wait….. bigh sigh!

Sara - Awww!!! My youngest is 6 and i feel that time is going so fast!!!! I love all your photos!!!!!

Amanda Rettke - Oh my dear. PLease, let me pretend that babies do NOT grow up! I took a picture of my 2 year old yesterday and when I went to edit it…I just sat and started at it. He looked…so mature… so *old*. It was startling. I feel your pain. Kinda. I am not there yet… as I am less than 2 weeks away from delivering a baby. But you know what I mean right? A little bit? Tiny little bit??
Have a blessed day!

Trish - I feel it sister! My ‘baby’ just turned five and while he has no interest in knowing how to spell anything he has reached some milestones that just make me want to weep (with joy of course!)
I think as mothers we have the hardest job. Raising them, teaching them, loving them and then having to let them grow up.
She is adorable though!

carissa - okay… your “baby”… Annie… is a smarty pants… one smart cookie girlfriend! spelling elephant & flamingo… “YES”… for sure!
sooooo fun Meg!

Bethany - Aww….how bittersweet that is indeed!! My little guy is four as well and wants to know how to spell EVERYTHING. Although a little exhausting at some times, it is so fun to see him so eager to learn!
And can I tell you I LOVE the composition on that first shot?! Too cute my friend!!

Jamie Sampson - I am in love with the first photo. It is so cute. She is adorable and I agree she looks way TOO young to be spelling words like flamingo and elephant. 🙂 The blog rocks, like always.

kristine - you want them to be able to do everything… but then you’re like “wait, you can do that?! no! stay a baby! i insist!”
do i dare ask? where did you get your christmas stockings? or did you make them?!? 🙂

kathy b - When I began reading your blog she was “naughty baby”. I feel your pain.
Kathy b

kasey - I know just how you feel! my little guy is 3 and I always call him “the baby”.
dang they get big fast.

Lanny Stanard - just remember she will always be you baby! she’s a keeper that’s for sure!

Staci - Oh I love her arms of accomplishment picture 🙂 She’s brilliant…and cute too!

Lorilee - Adorable. That is my favorite age. Could be why I teach four-year-olds! I love her outfit!

Alyssa - What a bittersweet day for you. I can see the smile on your face and the little tear in the corner of your eye as I read this post.
so happy and proud
yet why do they have to grow so fast?

Angie Seaman - Oh girl….I just love that shot of her feet under the table. So clever! Great eye sista’! Great eye! It is hard to imagine that they grow up like this so fast – even though we watch it happening before our eyes. I’m the same way with my 5 year old daughter and our 9 year old son. Too big too quick!
Also, I wanted to thank you for posting my “CUPCAKES” post on your sidebar too. I kept getting all of this traffic from your site all of a sudden and couldn’t figure out why. Then I saw it…CUPCAKES! Hee hee! I really appreciate you putting it on your blog. You are too sweet gur-fren!
Thanks again and have fun with those shots. I wish we lived closer to one another, we could embark on shooting fests with each out and about around town while our kiddo’s were in school. Now wouldn’t that be a blast…!???!
Big hugs girlie,
Angie Seaman

chris - SO cute , she is so pleased isn’t that great , I love all the growing up stuff , it is so fun to see them growing and learning , amazing , its always amazing .

Lisa - So precious, you must also be so proud of her.
take care,

Liz - Aw Meg. This makes me wish I could give you a big hug. But on a more positive note… I’m amazed at how clean your floor is in that first shot. I notice things like that b/c my floors are, well, horrendous right now. 🙂

Nessa Dee - Bittersweet indeed. These are great shots, though!
Thanks for all of the advent calender links….I used them as reference to make my own!

a thorn among roses - it happens. darn it. they grow up and then, well, they won’t let us take pics! booo. she is so precious!

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