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for the grandmas


we crammed 37 preschoolers into one sunday school room with nothing to do but wait.


we waited.
and sang…ate a snack…played a few non-talking games…
then waited some more.


then we waited in the hallway…


then finally after 4 weeks of practicing….
and 45 minutes of waiting…
they sang for 1 minute and it was over.
but it was the best jingle bells and go tell it on the mountain i have ever heard.


but maybe i am a little biased.  

even though it was very cute i am glad it's done.
and i am glad i put on extra deodorant before i went.

Heidi - love the pics, especially all the crafting ideas! i’m not a huge craft making person, but i want to start doing more and seeing you do them with pictures of the finished product is encouraging. thanks for sharing!
love this blog! don’t know how you do it all:)

Robin Laws - look at that header!! wooo hooo for youuu!!!! very nice work there. very nice indeed. and i do think the larger than life photos draw your visitors closer in to your life, your blog. i adore, simply love that first photo with annie all 0 and singing her heart out like a norman rockwell painting! you have perfect children 🙂
p.s i am glad for the upswing in visitors…double? wow! now can you help me figure out how to do the same thing at my place??

a thorn among roses - we had a program much the same sunday…and my #3 ran off the stage screaming. yep, it’s true! love the pics!

Suzanne - I can just imagine the torture being felt by the parents, I mean kids, in the back room;)
Those programs are the stuff video cameras & still cameras are made for…too priceless!!
Glad you ALL made it through!

Alyssa - so cute and I am not a grandma either….adorable

carissa - deodorant… so funny… i sweat like a nut when i am anxious too!
the sounds of children singing…
you hear it in your HEART!
what great pics Meg… SO glad you shared!

katie - hahhahahaha…extra deodorant!! nothing like a room full of kids to make you TOTALLY pit out your clothing. It happens everytime I volunteer in the classroom…phew!
what a darling night…i ALWAYS cry when children sing..i can’t help it!

traci - The first picture and what you said CRACKS ME
For some reason I had in my head that you went to a sm. church but from the amount of kids in that group you do not go to a sm. church!!! How lg. is your church? Great photos…as always.
Nothing better than the kids program!!!

Trina - Wow, girl you must have an extra helping of patience from above but I’m sure that extra deodorant helped out 😉

Jess - cute pictures! I borrowed your idea for putting the ornaments in seperate boxes for the kids….awesome idea! great for my 2 and 4 year olds who went a little ballistic when they saw the huge box of decorations….they went right to work with their own!!!

sara's art house - I am so there with you- ours is next week…thank goodness they are cute!

Ashley - Those are so great. The deodorant comment cracked me up! And – yes – I’ll still be posting pictures just not crazy amounts of sessions like I was. I love photography, but the stress related to the juggling act with kids just isn’t worth it. Also, I am SO JEALOUS of the ornaments you posted earlier. Our tree is all non-breakables. It is really ugly, but the boys are proud of it so I guess that is what matters right? At least that is what I tell myself!

Amanda - Those kids look adorable! I recognize Childrens Place clothes anywhere…its one of my favorite splurges for mine…
And your pictures are priceless! Is it ok if Im not a grandma and I still like them? he he
God bless-

Heather - 🙂 I occasionally lead in the children’s division at our church and let me tell you — shorts and t-shirt (to say nothing of the extra deodorant) would be sooooo much more appropriate than heels! My kindergarten boy has his Christmas program tomorrow night. Should be entertaining!

Lori - My kids are 17 and 13, and I sooo miss that sweetness! What cuties!

meaghan easterhaus - that’s the best!!!!!!! nothing better!!!

amy j. - Lawson was so disappointed he wasn’t there! But I’m sure those 37 pre-school parents appreciate that he was gone. Darn yucky germs at our house!

Jennifer - Too funny! It’s like a wedding — all prep — and then you blink and it’s over!
They look so darn cute though!

Queenie Bee - As a former preschool music teacher, I’m feelin’ your pain sister! 🙂
soooooooo incredibly cute though!

Shannan - So precious! And I’m still stunned over the second picture of the doe-eyed, curly topped beauty. She reminds me SO MUCH of my Ruby. If you know her mom, could you please ask her what products she uses on her hair? It looks like the exact texture of Ruby’s, and what can I say, I’m getting a little desperate here. 🙂

mom - Thanks for sharing that with us grandmas. So wish we could have been there. I am very proud of Annie – tell her that, please!

PamperingBeki - Awww, CUTE!!
There was a time before we had kids that we were visiting a church at Christmas-time. The children got up and sang and I cried through the whole thing! Haha! I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever and couldn’t wait to have kids of my own to watch do that.

traci - nothing like adorable kids singing christmas carols to get you in the christmas spirit. cute!!

casey Ohmen - I know exactly what you were going through. I am an x-preschool teacher and have done that routine many times. In the end it is all worth it and you are so proud of each of them. Looks like fun.

Lorilee - Four years old has to be the most fun age! I guess that is why I am teaching that age! heh heh! Those four year olds are absolutely adorable!

Sandy - The behind the scenes pictures reminds of American Idol – and you just never know, do you?!
I’m glad it went well.
By the way, last night I had a dream that I met you. How crazy is that?!
Troy, OH

sharanya - 🙂 Sweet and precious

Jenny - Gorgeous!
Love the first photo with the mouths wide open singing.

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