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saturday chores

on the list of things to do today:

1.  put laundry away

2.  finish decorating the house for christmas

3.  bake something yummy to make the house smell good

4.  sweep the floors (so when we baby-sit london she isn't totally covered in dog hair)

5.  make felt chain garland

6.  take a short nap (or a long nap….whatever…i'm not picky)


the craft room is piled up with crafty things….
and presents that need to get wrapped…
presents that need to get made…
and stuff that was moved out from the rest of the house to make room for christmas decorations.
but once i go in i don't want to leave.
i better stay out of there today.
or my list will be worthless.

froufrougrl - I am SO envious of your vintage ornaments!! I have an aluminum tree that they would look perfect on… hehe!!

Michelle Allen - i love that you have people BEGGING to come over to your studio! lol

Michelle Allen - i just bought some felt. can’t wait to see your garland cause i can’t decide what i’m going to do with the felt. you’re pictures and how you take them are inspiring. how do you do that?! what is that in your hot cocoa?

carissa - how in the world you can stay OUT of your craft room… what a gem of place! GOODNESS in it’s purest form!

Heather - I so enjoy your posts and pics! Truly inspiring. How did the felt garland project go? Once I read that on your to-do list, I went searching for pics/ideas and now I can’t let the idea go! And I am not uber-crafty and talented so the results should be entertaining:)

brittany - sounds like a fun day!…yeah I’m not picky about my nap times either!

traci - it is easy to get sucked in there. but some days you need that.

Julie - I too have a craft room and it is totally covered in everything that I took down to put up our christmas!!! Yikes… I feel like I could just find a corner in there and go to sleep though… I love your craft room and I love mine too!!

Sara - Wow,I love that you have a craft room!!! My to do list is to long to post,LOL!!!! Good luck!!!!

meaghan easterhaus - girl, you are getting so much love from ohdeedoh! my summer pic was featured on there once…i love them! xoxo

Kari - I just want you to know that you inspire me! Everything you do is so full of bright, colorful, sweet joy! It’s so fun to look at your photos because it’s all so cheerful! It brightens my day! Thanks!

LuLu - I want to hide in your craft room. My Saturday sounds very similar! too much to do and wanting to play with crafts!! Your pictures are beautiful.

LuLu - I want to hide in your craft room. My Saturday sounds very similar! too much to do and wanting to play with crafts!! Your pictures are beautiful.

sarah - I love the little ornaments and the box they’re in.
Where’d you pick those up at?
You have lots of lovely things and a lovely craft room, I’d personally never leave your house if I lived there 🙂

Mrs.H - That hot chocolate looks yum!! pass the recipe please?? And what project are you doing with the grosgrain ribbon? looks so cute. I love your blog. Your family reminds me of ours. We have 5 kiddos also.

Rach - I know the feeling of being sidetracked. Happens to me all the time. I swear I was supposed to vacuum today and I got caught up making a wine label for a newly engaged friend of mine. The carpets can wait, eh?

meredith - Photos are just beautiful, makes one feel you could step right into them. What an Aladdin’s cave your craft room is. Maybe your kids could give you a “gift voucher” from them that entitles you to an interruption free weekend in there! Hope you’re having fun today.

Lorilee - I love the vintage ornaments! They remind me of my Granny’s tree!

danyele - love all the colors as usual…i did get a chance to get a few little bulby treats today! so much fun. now, pass the hot chocolate!

MGF - Lovely vintage decorations.

Trina - Oh.. good luck with the list.. I’m trying to make a list so I don’t feel like I HAVE to do certain things today although there is always a list going on in my head (BTW I was cracking up at the comment you left me). I love those ornament balls.. wish I could buy ones that looked aged like that! I’m about to do some baking too, it’s cold and snowy today (perfect for baking). Chocolate chip pie for us! xx Trina

Mrs Be - Oh you lucky thing, you have something called a craft room. I would love one of those.
I’m all for no.6. Very important!

traci - How do you make felt garland????? Please do tell?????

jennifer - Our lists are exactly the same! Except for number five, which I’ll replace with going to chop down a tree. Should be interesting…
Have a wonderful day!~

callie grayson - a felt garland! please post photos when complete:)
happy day!
I love your glass ornament collection, i myself have been collecting them slowly. they are hard to find.

Crystal - Your decorations and craft room make me happy! Can I come over to get lost in the craft room with you? 🙂

Lanny Stanard - Megan, could i come over PLEASE! Have a great day…

foreverfoldinglaundry - Funny…felt garland is on my list today as well!
Good luck with it all!

Cathie - what a lovely way to spend your saturday

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