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feeling famous


i am the room tour today on ohdeedoh!!!
i am feeling quite happy.
thank you for such a nice write up alex.

comidademama - Grazie mille Megan! Thanks a lot Megan!
i will write as soon as possible and will send a link.

comidademama - Really amazing! I love the colors and the picture is beautifull! I’m an Italian blogger and I’d love to publish this picture in my blog writing about you and your talent to chanhe 4 walls in somethis really special.
Please, please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please allow me.

Robin Laws - awwww…you so deserve that! this is one wonderful room and you did it all by yourself too!

carissa - you ARE famous… you rock… so glad they featured you!
let that sun shine on your face… wow! 🙂

Kelly - VERY nice! Kelly

Diana Cornielle - Congrats! Hard job always pays off somehow….!

princess lasertron - I like that room a lot, and that’s a really nice write-up. you’re a great inspiration to me, meg 🙂

sara's art house - I LOVE that room!!!!! Gorgeousness in red and white!!!

a thorn among roses - now that, is super fun! great job…congrats!

Jamie Sampson - Congrats! Whoo Hoo for you! I am just so proud I want to squeeze your cheeks and feed you chocolate chips cookies! 🙂

Rachel - I gotta say again I love this room!

MGF - Congrats. That’s awesome to feel famous.
Got any more projects working??? or always…..

alyssa - from the amount of comments you recieve on this blog, I’d say you are definitely famous. But I do love that room. I believe I will be making a trip to hobby lobby soon for some letters…

Taddie Tales - You go girl!

sandi - Hi Meg
I LOVE that playroom! Everything about it just so happy and cheerful. Did you use vintage fabric on the pillows?
I know it is hard to reply to all who comment on your blog but I would love for you to visit my blog and say Hi. I got inspired by your polka dot lamp and did something simular to a lampshade of mine but the dots are gold on a barn red color with white fringe on the bottom. Not exactly the same but you inspired me. I will be posting a pic very soon. Come visit me.. Sandi

callie grayson - fun, playful and cosy! love this room!!!!

Melanie - Congrats on the photos on that website. That room makes me so happy! I love all the colors and it looks just like you:)

Darby - You are famous and I love that ROOM!!

maribeth - i have been following your blog for almost a year now. i am in love with your house and the way you have chosen to decorate it. this room is no different. how cool! i hope you win! thank you for the inspiration in decorating and child rearing (we are expecting number 3 in about a month)!

Jenny - That is fantastic.
The room looks great – I love it.

Holly - So very proud of you!!!!!
All of the rooms in your home could win prizes. I admire the way you decorate with a great eye for colors….and lots of love. That guest/play room is spectacular. Your talent is inspiring.
Congrats, Meg. I was hoping you’d win…..your room was the most beautiful and clever!!!!! =-)

Staci - YAY! Does this mean you won?? I do hope so!! Coolest room around!

Michelle - Congratulations! Love your room, love your photos, love it all!

Amanda - Rock on Designer Momma! Obviously you are now not only feeling famous, but you ARE famous!
Now, if you could just let me come and liv in your kitchen, I would be happy.
God bless-

diana g - Congrats Meg!!! The recognition is well deserved – love the room and your photos!
PS. You should have won the ohdeedoh contest!

Deb - Hello, I found you via ohdeedoh. I love your outlook (I am exactly the same re the Christmas tree) – chaos usually reigns here too as I have five. The playroom looks cool too!
I wanted to ask – how do you get your pics on typepad so big? Mine come out smaller than I’d like despite me fiddling with the custom settings.

chris - Your famous to me , always love everything you do , you are amazing , its nice to see you recognized .

kristin at prairie daze - oh! hooray for you!
it is wonderful, wonderful.

traci - congrats meg. very exciting!!

Aubrey - Seriously so fabulous. Hmm, duh aubrey moment, let your kids have input on how to decorate their rooms. So smart. Except, what do I do when I’m constantly switching my kids in between the two rooms we have to try and make them fit better (which they never do).

Ali - That is so cool!
I actually saw your entry into the color contest and I emailed it to my mom cause I just loved it so much.
And another cool thing, I’m in Kansas too! 🙂

kasey - wonderful write-up!

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