Masthead header


from a week ago….






(sidenote:  it is so much easier photographing older kids than babies and toddlers!)

thanks kristi and eric for asking me to take your family pictures.  
i had a really good time….i promise.
sorry we didn't get more of abby.
and i thought tyler was fun.  he cracks me up.

hope your day is good today kristi….back to work.
i will be thinking about you.  

Amanda Jo - What a sweet looking family! They look like they’re having so much fun!

Aubrey - Good photos–as always. I love black and white.
I was wondering, since your family produces a lot of art work–what do you do with it all, after you’ve displayed it? How do you decide what to keep and treasure and then how to store it? I am OVERWHELMED with all the stuff my daughter brings home and feel bad throwing any of it away, but I can’t keep everything. I think I better start a good system before her siblings start doing artwork too!

kitchendoor - Hi! I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much I’m loving the new banner–and your blog in general. Your photos are lovely, and you’re such a hoot 🙂
Happy Holidays!

Liz - These are really good Meg.

Cori - I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. You are a bright spot in my day!
I love that you have posted recipes! I have tried 3 of them and my family loves them!

Rachel - Cute Family

carissa - sooooo great!

meaghan easterhaus - i can’t wait to see what happens over at your place this christmas!!!!

kasey - fun photo’s.
you are getting good:)

Amanda Rettke - That is one young looking mommy. And one happy family. Great shots. I especially like the guys posing in the doorway… is this your place or do you have locations that you use? Very neat-o.
God bless-

traci - meg those are beautiful. they are going to love them. you can tell they are a lively, fun, loving family. your black and whites are really stunning. how do you edit those? i am struggling with that. any tips? great new blog header too.

Jamie Sampson - Oh… love the new blog header. super cute and super fun and super fabulous! 🙂

Jamie Sampson - you rocked it! Way to go! I love subjects that listen instead of just run away! 🙂 The 18 month to 2 year olds are always a challenge for me!

a thorn among roses - i love how happy they are…and kissing pics always make me blush, but in a good way.

traci - You truly do have a talent. The pictures are just fabulous…love the last one!!!!
And, like some others have said…LOVE your header!!!!

sarah - Beautiful photos! Love the one of the brother and sister together. His face is priceless.

Kelly - Your blog headers always BLOW ME AWAY!! Kelly

Shana - Perfect representation of that family! Tyler funny…Abby cute…Kristi & Eric – GET A ROOM! I’ve always loved the obvious connection between the two of them. Sweet!

Heather - Wow – gorgeous photos. Abby looks like Phoebe Cates — lucky girl!!

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