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i don't think that i am actually busy…but i feel a busy-ness in me.

feeling full of thoughts, lists, ideas and projects. 
and knowing so much needs to (and i want to) get done in the next few weeks.

i have been getting crafty.
and it makes me so happy!  
what i dread is my poor planning that (may) turn into nasty angry crying crafting….
because i waited too long to get get too much done.
so i have lists going of what i need to do and by when.
i am checking things off little by little.
just trying to avoid my usual christmas eve meltdown.


and now i am headed out to get some shopping done before black friday.
my husband is a genius!
he is so smart.
he found what black friday things he wanted in the preview online.
he went to the store and bought it already.  
then he will go back on black friday with his receipt and get the money  back for the sale price.
the store (target….) told him they honor that…even on black friday.
i never thought of that but why would i?
i like the thrill of the hunt.  I like to shop.
but i am not going into that wild mess this year.
my sister is coming and we are going to just hang out with the kiddos.
and make crafts.


these crayons are the start of one project…but i can't share what.
but i will say it has me all smiles while i work on it.
color + art + crafting = happy megan

and one more thing…
annie wanted aunt shannon and uncle todd to see her in her fancy new birthday shirt.
she loves it!

carissa - girl… WHAT you do with those crayons… i can only imagine… you’re the best!

Gini - only you can make a bunch of crayons look so beautiful, fun, inviting….can’t wait to see the project.

Robin Laws - happy thanksgiving you crafty happy girl you!!!

Tausha - so-what are you going to craft!!! I must know. I too have a lot of ideas spinning around in my head-making me feel more busy than I really am!! I think that it’s a holiday thing. I have great ideas of wanting to make christmas a homemade one–I am just not too sure where to start!! So, I want to see your ideas, you know so I can copy!!!

melissa @ the inspired room - I think I might have the same meltdown as we are saying we are moving out of our house (not all of our furniture, but some of the basics) on January 2 and putting our house up for sale. Yeah, great idea! But WHO is going to do all the work necessary to get to that point? I don’t know. Not me. I think they call that denial. And that is why I will have a meltdown.
Annie I love your new shirt! You look so festive and pretty!
And her pose is priceless!! LOL!

Amanda - I love how the kiddies see you have the camera and start tugging on your shirt and saying ,”Mom, mom, mom take one of me! mom, mom, mom , mom…of me! of me!” So you finally change direction and get ready to take a shot of them and they get shy and look away and stand really still and act like they aren’t sure of what to do. Ha! Genius!
Shirt is lovely by the way. And crayons. Well. I like jsut looking at them.
God bless-

Kelly - oohhhh! such fun! Have a good time! Kelly

traci - i think i know your very clever idea. but i can’t wait to see it. annie looks so cute in her christmas shirt.

Christy - My guess is big crayons too! Silly me, I never thought about melting them all the same color!
I like Craigs’s wau of thinking, I thought about that too. Haven’t actually executed it yet, but thought about it. 🙂

Becca - Hmmmm…What are you up too with all those crayons>????
Annie’s new shirt is cute, I love snowmen, aren’t they fun??

lee ann - My husband does the same thing Craig did. He already bought me a new washer and dryer for the new house. Last year he did it with a TV. Just make sure you go to the store during the hours the item is on sale!

Ashley - I think I know what you’re doing…. Looks like so much fun but I’ve never done it before. Annie is just cute as a button!

Julie K. - You cannot leave us hanging like that with those gorgeous crayons. I have the same tension of so many ideas so little time. I’m going back to the handmade christmas this year. Last year I got all my shopping done on black friday then felt like I missed out on the whole – ‘joy of making christmas’ feeling. But I’m overwhelmed with all my own ideas! Yikes! Best of luck on your list. Maybe you can post a ‘Christmas Craft Organization’ post and help the rest of us out! :o)

MGF - Sorting your crayons- wow that takes some serious time and some OCD, hahaha
Have fun with your sister.

Aubrey - I think I have a mental illness. It’s where I’m busy in my mind, but my body doesn’t respond, so I only THINK I’m getting so much done, when really things aren’t happening. Then I am so shocked when I discover all this stuff I have do and wonder why I didn’t do it before when it was on the list. I always forget all the little details too. Ironically, I always try to keep it simple, and I never do. Can’t wait to see your project–are you making big crayons like Emily (little momma) did with her boys?

a thorn among roses - i can’t wait! i love making big crayons…i hope to see them soon!

katie - can’t wait to see what you are up to. i decided it is going to be a homemade christmas. me sitting fireside, lit tree, stitching ornaments…hahahahahahahah…..NOT!! i feel your sense of impending busyness.

kristin at prairie daze - oooooo, i have a crayon melting project of my own going…hmmmm. i wonder how they’ll match up.
thanks for yesterday. good times.

Lorelei - I love these pictures of the crayons. Are you going to melt them down? That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw them paperless and naked, in a baking pan. or is it? lol

Rachel - How cute is she!
Happy Thanksgiving

Lorilee - Love the shirt, Annie! Meg, I can’t wait to see what the crayons are for! I know what you mean by Christmas Eve meltdown. Mine usually hits a bit sooner! So many ideas and plans, so little time!

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