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we raked and raked today, clearing the flower beds and the lawn.  
there was (is) a mountain of leaves in our driveway…perfect for jumping in.


i guess annie got too hot and stripped down to her tank top?
meanwhile the rest of us had on coats and gloves…
she's a big goofball.




then it was time for some hot chocolate with whipped cream to warm us all up.
what a perfectly perfect fall day.

tracey - i am smitten by these photos! by your whole entire glorious blog actually! wow!

Liz - I wanna do this too.

Aubrey - Awesome photos Meg. Makes me wish I had $1000 just lying around for a new awesome, FASTER MOVING camera, and then knew how to use it. I take such lame pictures of my kids. Seriously. They’ll think all they did throughout their childhood was sleep in weird places or get into messes or have birthdays where there were cakes, but no proof they blew out the candles, and no proof anyone came to the party. I’ve got to go find a class…and get a job…

Jamie Sampson - these are my favorite. Can you wrap them up in a box and send them my way so I can always remember how happy they made me feel when I looked at them?
You rock!

Anna @ Boogers, Bibs, Books & Bubbles - Meg,
I just love all of your fun photos. I am in the market for a new camera and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yours or direct me to a post/site about it. I know that you have a Canon Rebel but that is all that I know. What lense(s) do you have (if any)? Thanks so much!
God bless,

Anna @ Boogers, Bibs, Books & Bubbles - Meg,
I just love all of your fun photos. I am in the market for a new camera and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yours or direct me to a post/site about it. I know that you have a Canon Rebel but that is all that I know. What lense(s) do you have (if any)? Thanks so much!
God bless,

chris - That looks so fun and crunchy , that must be so fun , my kids don’t feel the cold much either , my 10 yr old is outside shoelling snow with bare legs , what a nut

Lisa - What great family memories, love the pose from Annie a top the stair pillar, looks like she’s about to dive like the olympians 🙂
take care,

Realmarce - Amazing photos! I love your blog.

Julie K. - We had the exact same day on Sunday afternoon, complete with hot chocolate … but we did marshmallows. :o)

kasey - darling.

Tracy - Looks like you guys had a great family day of fun! We have a lot of leaves like this in our yard too, but I can’t get my kids (teenagers – enough said) to come play in them with me. Funny, they won’t go sit on Santa’s lap for a family picture either – HA! Oh well… it was fun while it lasted – glad you still have little ones to enjoy all of these fun times with! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Hugs, Trac~ :O)

Beth - GREAT GREAT FUN FUN photos….too cute !!!!

Rachel - What a great time that looks like…and hot chocolate??? Can I move in?

Aby - So cute and what fun!! I love the one of Waffle looking out the door. I love him!! (I almost called him Bisquit! He looks like that new interactive dog named Bisquit).

princess lasertron - I love fall so much. It’s just the best season (then again I always say whatever season it is is the best season). I think I like the transition periods.
We never rake. I think I will just to have a leaf pile. I miss playing outside now.

sarah - Makes me want to join in!!

traci - my first thought was, it’s that warm where you live? then i noticed talby in the background with her coat on. “Well I’m Hot Blooded” – annies theme song.

Art Cant Hurt - What?! No snow?!
My kids were doing the same thing YOUR kids are doing in these pics yesterday…only in the snow! That’s just depressing!
I’m not ready for snow – just threw out the jack-o-lanterns today because they were a frozen mess! Ackkk!
Enjoy it while you have it! Take care!

Fairly Odd Mother - So glad I found your blog via kirtsy. Your photographs are gorgeous. I love this series! My kids get hot too when playing outside—I’ll be shivering and they’re in t-shirts.

PamperingBeki - Haha! Her tank is even inside out. 😉

Sharla - Totally off topic, but I saw one of your comments on another blog about liking “St. Joe” and I assume you are talking about St. Joe, Florida (not Missouri 🙂 I’m already looking for vacation ideas and wanted to see if you knew of good places to stay there (so I could look online)? We went to Sanibel Island 2 years ago with our young boys and had a great time.

Rach - Ahhhhhhh… I miss Fall. And by that, I mean a TRUE Fall, not the weather that Southern California brings us which is more of a hiccup before the skies open and dump rain on us and Winter is here. Looks like you guys had a perfect day.

Lorilee - Looks like fun except for the raking part! We don’t have leaves in our yard–small trees and one is a live oak! The guys in my family are hot-blooded and don’t get cold very easily!

Amanda - talk about fun! I LOVED getting shots of my kids int he leaves this year… the colors of fall were jsut beautiful and of course, the kids smiles were priceless. The one with annie in her tank gets me though… you will never see that shot in good ole MN! Well. Never mind. You could. We are known as that state where you have to use your AC and heat in the same day.
ANYWHO… great shot. I wouldn’t have minded seeing a picture of hot coco with cream on top though! lol
God bless-

Jill - Yes… the perfect fall day!! 🙂 ~Jill

Jill - Yes!! The perfect fall day!! Hot cocoa is the perfect ending… 🙂

Lanny Stanard - Okay, that looks like so much fun! is your youngest hot blooded? Have a great week-end…
Lanny 🙂

callie grayson - awesome day for you and your family!!

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