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colorful monday


i am trying to get the craft room cleaned to get some counter space cleared.
i was going through my boxes of craft supplies from my great aunt.
it's mostly organized by color and everything is in old pill bottles….i love that.


my new favorite pandora station is Adele.  (just type in Adele…after you register)

fun music and mostly all clean…..groovin' while i am blogging or cooking.

my new jammie pants from target (of course) are making me happy today.


they match my lampshade and curtains on the armoire in the playroom.
don't you try to match your furniture?


are you feeling christmas pressure already like me?
are you talking about black friday at your house?
did you start your christmas shopping?  
wal-mart started playing christmas music on november 1st.   24 hours a day till january.
our local pop station already switched to all christmas music.
it's all just so weird to me.  
how much time do we really need to shop for gifts?
how much can one person buy?!



i am still going to acknowledge november.
and all it has to offer…turkeys and leaves and crisp cool days.
just trying not to rush through the year you know?
we should make our thankful chain again.


that girl - have I mentioned lately that your blog is my favorite?

melissa @ the inspired room - I must go to Target. Now. Love those. And I want your curtains. I want to live at your house! 🙂 BFF can come live with you right? Yes, I think they can.

carissa - toooo fast this year! we’ll get back from TX and it will be rush… rush… rush… it’s DECEMBER! breathe!
once again i will replay on my mind… “come on girl… focus on what’s really important”!
that is a serious bucket full of crafty treats from your great aunt… so fun… those pill boxes! i am toatally obsessed with all this “container”… crazy fun obsessed that is! 🙂
do you think i could find curtains that resemble Laura Ingalls clothes… my hubby always says that i look like her in my nightgown! i think your fun pj pants are WAY better! 🙂
happy hump day!

a thorn among roses - prettiness all around!

Tami Reed - Hello I loove your blog page,its so colorful and fun to visit! Keep up the good work! smile!

Brooke - I love the shirts you make for your girls. They are so super cute! I loved the ones with their ages on them for their birthdays.
Love your pajamas btw!!! Looks like I will be needing to go to Target.

Brooke - I love the shirts you make for your girls. They are so super cute! I loved the ones with their ages on them for their birthdays.
Love your pajamas btw!!! Looks like I will be needing to go to Target.

traci - i caved to the christmas pressure. your pj’s are cute – love target pj’s. that quite a treasure chest of goodies from your aunt.

Juliann - I’m with you on the Christmas shopping pressure! I am getting all handmade gifts for family this year; either by me or from online sources, like your friend Beki.
Congrats on your room! It looked great on the website; hope you have fun with your prizes!!

carrie - I just bought the pajama pants yesterday. I LOVE them and can’t wait to wear them!
Your site is amazing and I would love to be as creative as you.

MGF - When I saw those little bottle I knew they were old. My mom has tons in hr craft room.
I can stand the Christmas music before December.

Rach - I am TOTALLY feeling the Christmas crunch. I was on bed rest for 2 weeks and am still “taking it easy” and figured this would be the perfect time to start our Christmas lists. I was ready to be ambitious and organized and get a jump on things and when I tired to start, the whole thing overwhelmed me. Maybe all the Christmas decorations at the local craft stores will help re-motivate me. Maybe I should just enjoy Thanksgiving first. 🙂

callie - great post!!!
made me smile, love all the bobbles and sparklies from your great aunt!
I am refusing to listen to christmas music until after Thanksgiving! I love autumn and what it is all about! crunchy pretty leaves, first snow of big HUGE snow flakes floating softly down, and blue black inky skies! the smell of a fireplace! i love autumn.

Lorilee - MMMMM yummy! I love the sequins, beads and goodies in clear bottles. I inherited a similar collection from my Mom. I don’t start decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving!

Rachel - Adele is awesome! And I agree it seems it’s all about the shopping; Halloween over and let’s roll in the Christmas stuff…let us relish in Thanksgiving…being with family, laughing, having great food…great memories!

Wendy - have you ever thought about selling some of the things you make on etsy?

jerusalem - Lovely post! And yes this year I have already started shopping in little bits. In fact I think that is going to be the theme for all my gifts this year – “little bits.” Love the jammies that match the curtain – too cute!

kasey - wow, quite the collection!!

Trina - Love the pillbox idea… have been thinking about downloading Adele… road trip coming up so it is a must on my list now! and WHATEVER to Christmas already is all I have to say!

chris - I am completely overwhelmed about the Christmas spending , where is that money going to come from I ask ?
Ok where did you get all those medicine bottles ??????????

Ashlie - I so agree with you about not rushing through the year. I refuse to decorate for Christmas before December even gets here! Poor November doesn’t even stand a chance anymore!
On another note, I love your jammies! I’m going to a girls’ night tonight and it PJ’s night! It’s really chilly here now so I think I’m gonna wear my pink fleece pants with hearts all over them. And some yummy layering t-shirts from Old Navy. Let’s hear it for comfy clothes!

Nichole - This has to be said: Reading your posts is the highlight of my day. Not only are you funny and real, but your pictures are always so fun!
On the 1st of November I went to Borders by my house, where they already had Christmas decorations set up and music playing. I think maybe with the economy in it’s current state, stores are trying to get people in the spirit early to make year end goals?
Either way, yes. We should slow down and lavish in November, Thanksgiving and fall weather. :]
Although, last night, I did start setting up my Christmas Craft Center in my bedroom. Couldn’t help it.

Jamie Sampson - I love your photos. All of the colors and little containers of things. They make me feel happy. I love little boxes and containers.
I agree, november should be enjoyed and not rushed through. I love that the weather has been nice.
And by the way, Rockin’ PJ’s!

Liz - Great post Meg! I also feel a little sad about November, it’s kind of like the stepchild of the holiday season.
AND YES… I adore The Breakup. I saw Vince once, at a comedy tour. VERY cute. Actually, he kind of reminds me of Matt a little, probably just the tall, big shoulders, dark hair thing. Except Matt doesnt talk as much as Vince, thank goodness.

brittany - LOVE the thankful paper chain idea! and as I am typing this, I am shamefully wearing reindeer pj bottoms…oh well!

Heather S - I discovered your blog this weekend and proceeded to spend WAY too much time reading it from beginning to end. Your beautiful photos and stories about everyday life captured my attention! I love your home and I’m feeling totally inspired to start a million projects (anything but the school work I should be doing!)Keep up the great work.

Kim - I’ve been lurking for a few days and decided to finally say hello. Beautiful blog and I love your style of writing- your wonderful stream of consciousness.
I am with you on the Christmas rush so to speak. I love Thanksgiving and wish I could enjoy without Jingle Bells in the background.
And those craft supplies are delicious. I love all the old pill bottles full of sparkles.
Enjoy your new jammies from Target- my home away from home.

Tami - Hi Meg
I totally agree with the holiday rush. Thanksgiving is my favorite and it comes and goes to fast…
Thanks for sharing about the station. Adele is great my 18 month old is even grooving 🙂
Have a Blessed day, Tami
P.S. Just wanted to let you know I’m getting better at this blog stuff I finally got the link thing figured out. YA!!!

Kameron - I know exactly how you feel. I think they cram all of the holidays together and Thanksgiving is getting lost in the shuffle. I don’t want to even think about Christmas until I am full and fat with Turkey!!

Leah - I’m totally with you on that one Meg! I love Christmas but Im waiting till the day after thanksgiving to pull out the decorations. I still want to celebrate Thanksgiving for goodness sakes.

Tracy - P.S. Since I didn’t know how to edit my original post, I have to make another one – but I agree with you – let’s not rush November – I LOVE the family time on Turkey Day and all of the preparations, Macy’s Day Parade, etc… I did manage to get all 80 of my Christmas cards handmade over the last 2 weekends though, so I have decided to start “slowly” easing into Christmas on my end. :o)

Tracy - Love the beads, etc… in old pill bottles. I was thinking (before I finished reading) that you had a great idea and here I’ve been throwing all of my pill bottles away! LOL I think I will keep them from here on out and put my beads, etc. in them for scrapbooking! I can always use MORE organization – just ask my husband! HA!
Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Amanda - All those crafting supplies give me anxiety. I then think about my own crafting supplies and think to myself that I should be crafting more instead of letting them just sit collecting dust.
I do love a good November… thanksgiving meal (traditional all the way) is my favorite meal of the year. And being 9 months pregnant, its reasonable to have others prepare it for me. And not help with the dishes. But dont tell my MIL I have a preplanned excuse.
God bless-

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