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what a big day.
she opened grandma and great grandma's gifts in the morning.
she couldn't believe she got her own CD player….the hannah montana marathon can now begin!
annie and i picked her up for lunch.
we ate her favorite dinner….stuffed shells.  
and they got to drink POP at dinner!
she opened her presents from us (webkinz, littlest pet shop, hannah montana…what else?)
we sang happy birthday in the dark…always everyone's favorite job – turning off the lights.
we ate cake and ice cream.
then the 4 youngest kids climbed into the playroom bed 
and watched Journey to the Center of the Earth all cuddled up together….the whole time!
it was the cutest thing.

happy birthday talby-loo.
are you sure you seven already?

Jamie Sampson - She is adorable! Love the cupcakes and the candles on the cake! What a fabulous day.

amy j. - Such a sweet birthday girl! Her outfit was the best! I’m still a little bummed that you didn’t bring me something back from Braum’s… but at least I got a cupcake. 🙂 She even left one on my desk for Sophie to have after school. Sweet, sweet girl.

Wendy - what a fun mom you are! i love the outfit and the cake! i hope you win the playroom contest. i think yours was the best! 🙂

sara - happy birthday talby! love her outfit too!
thanks for sharing the fun! you inspire me to try & be a better mom everyday.

carissa - Talby is too too cute… AND that outfit MOM… really GREAT!
sounds like a PERFECT day!
have a super weekend!

Sandy - Your kids have the COOLEST birthday outfits! I’m jealous! Happy Birthday Talby – from Troy, Ohio!

Trina - Can I celebrate my birthday at your house? I am 31 and this sounds totally perfect to me… and love the marshmallows on the cake.. brilliant. . happy weekend!

Ashley - I just love that shirt! Too cute! Happy Birthday, Talby!!!

Rachel - What a great birthday…and Journey to the Center of the Earth…cool movie.
May I ask where did you get that outfit…I must have for my little LOVE!!!

milly {elephants & redwoods} - Those candles are SO SO SO COOL. How awesome are you? Love it!

milly {elephants & redwoods} - Those candles are SO SO SO COOL. How awesome are you? Love it!

Lisa - Happy Birthday Talby!
Funny just last night I was thinking about what it would be like to be a mom. Then the image of Annie in her birthday outfit came to my mind and I smiled. I vow to let my kids wear such fun and special outfits on their birthdays too. I love the cupcakes.
take care,

traci - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALBY!!! what an adorable birthday outfit on a beautiful young lady.

Sara Ito - I LOVE her outfit!!!

Jessica - Tell Talby “happy birthday” from me. I LOVE her birthday outfit. So cute! You are going to have to teach me how to make me for Cora some day.

art cant hurt - Love, love, LOVE her outfit!!!
My daughters are going to be so jealous when they see this post!
Now I’ll have to become a Meg-a-mom too!!!

MGF - What a fun cake, full of only the good stuff for kids: chocolate chips, marshmallows and sprinkles.

PamperingBeki - Awww Happy Birthday to her!!
(and she lost a tooth recently, no?)

Candy - Your kids are the cutest and it seems like someone is always having a bday! 🙂

princess lasertron - awww! happy birthday talby!
I want to commission a skirt from you! I dont even care what colors you use. It’s so awesome 🙂

Aubrey - Oh, and where do we find those “Happy Birthday” candles?

Aubrey - Did you do a tutorial on those shirts that I missed? How do you come up with those awesome birthday outfits? They are so stinking cute. (Does Lauren have one? 😉 ) ANd that cake? So fun. And easy-looking. Can I say again you have to be the coolest mom ever? How do you keep up with 5? I can barely handle it with 3!

Sharla - Great pics – love her outfit! You’ve inspired me to make a “2” shirt for my nephew’s bday next week and I’m going to make “B” shirts for my boys.

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