Masthead header

we are party animals.

the first annual FALL block party.

perfect weather…good food…way fun.
i enjoy so much how we all combine ideas and work together to make it a great day for everybody.
there was bobbing for apples. these kids had no fear!




amy is the queen of face painting with so much detail but we should have done it after apple bobbing!




since it was after halloween we had a DOG costume contest instead of people.
(it's too much work to costume up after the 31st…in my opinion)

Contestant #1 – MARLEY as a skeleton.  (she's waffle's sister…can you see the resemblance?)


Contestant #2 – EMMIE as a hula dancer. her curly tail held her grass skirt & she wiggled non-stop.

Contestant #3 – ?????? as a priate. (not pictured)

Contestant #4 – MILEY as a Chiefs cheerleader.


Contestant #5 – WAFFLE as Clifford….who was the worst behaved dog in the contest. ugh!

we had a little runway in front of the judges.
Waffle was the big winner!  
he won a bag of chewy treats…thanks amy.  
poor baby was so humiliated all painted up.  he just pouted in his kennel all embarrassed.
it was spray hair color the washes out (he's still pink…but don't tell him that)


next activity – Pumpkin Launching.

we used a water balloon launcher to catapult mini pumpkins down the block.

this was my personal favorite activity of the day…i tried it and loved it.



Alexandra's went the farthest of all.  
we came close to hitting a car and a roof but mostly just knocked branches off the dead tree.
i love this one of everyone watching or taking pictures (click on it…)



the big kids tried to catch them in baskets and buckets at the other end of the block…it was HARD!
craig had an interesting technique for distance….


they would just FLY down the street.   can you see craig's pumpkin in top of the right picture?


and of course there was lots of yummy food!  
each family made a different soup in a crock pot – seriously…it was so good!
and do you see…there is a pumpkin spice cake there…jenn made it.  Mmmmm.  
(and that HAS to be one of MY children's plates at the bottom with all the healthy stuff…HA!)

our last activity was pumpkin bowling.

it was dark so all my pictures look like this.  but you can get the idea of why the kids loved it!
after this it lead into a "Smash-all-the-pumpkins-you-see" Game.
i mean really…what are you going to do with a rotten jack-o-lantern anyway? 
might as well have fun before you throw it out.

we had 2 fire pits going and everyone just hung out talking getting warm the rest of the night.
so cozy and comfy…lots of hot cocoa and hot spiked cider.
i am so grateful for our block.  such a fun group of friends.

there is a house (actually 2 houses)for sale on our block – anyone interested? 
Come on! just look at all the fun we have!
move to our block – but only if you are fun and like to party like rock stars.

Sara - Yeah, I want to move there too. Are there enough people in town to support a pizza place? πŸ™‚ Love the punkin’ chunkin’ idea. They do that on a large scale in my mom and dads town each year in some farmers field. Yours looks way fun.

Rach - Can I please move into your neighborhood??!! We have a sling-shot already so we come ready to launch. πŸ™‚ Looks like such a great place to raise kids and what great weather you had for October. Thanks for sharing.

JENNIFER RAMOS - Hi there, I just wanted to say that our blog has the most amazing photos…so beautiful! The doggie as Clifford for Halloween is such a cute idea…!! : ) Love the cushions as well a few posts down…so colorful, just my style!
Jen Ramos
‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More’

shill - this is my first time checking you blog, and i’m LOVING it!!!!

Jamie Sampson - love these! I laughed the whole time I scrolled down. I love the bobbing for apples and the dogs in costume. Amazing.
You rock!
Hope you have a very lovely Thursday,

Kambria - oh my goodness gracious! i want to be your neighbor. your friend needs to list her house and make it public so we can all have a snowball fight this winter…..does it snow in kansas? hmmmm….

Carrie K - sold!!! where are you??
love love love this block party…

kasey - lovely party. thanks for sharing.

Lisa - Wow Meg what a wonderful party! Your street really knows how to have fun. I love the costume contest and all the yummy food. The pumpkin launch looks like fun too. I wish I could live on a street like that, But I think my friends and family would miss me if I moved that far away from them.
take care,

Nancy - You have the best block parties! I want to implement them in my neighborhood. Maybe in the spring.

Barbara - What a wonderful get-together!! We hope to move from CA to your area. Could you please email the addresses of the houses for sale on your block. It’s exactly what we’re looking for and would be a huge time-saver!
Happy Fall, y’all!!

Alyssa - I gave you an award. The post will post later today. Check it out this afternoon.

Alyssa - Yes, I would love to move to your block. Looks like a grand time was had by all.

Becca - WOW..It all looks like so much fun. What a great neighbor hood. And the dogs look so cute all dressed up.
Will you do this again next year..or was it a one time thing?

princess lasertron - I love that party! i wish my neighborhood had parties. maybe I should organize that. or maybe I’ll move to your neighborhood. πŸ˜€

Leah - Don’t temp me MEG!! I didnt even know their were people out there that still had block parties! Must be such a blessing to be friends with neighbors!

amy d - man, when i see our block in pictures, it truly does look like the best block in the world!! (that’s cause it is!) that party was soooo much fun, can’t wait for the next one. the pix of the big kids at the end of the block is my favorite, the colors of the trees in the background is so beautiful, reminds me of the show “october road” who wouldn’t want to live here? suz, if your reading this, COME BACK!!!!

Aubrey - oh. my. gosh. can I move there? are there any jobs for my husband you think?
i’m still jealous about your 4th of july party.
i don’t know what’s cooler, the parties or that you ALL live in those awesome historical houses–a whole neighborhood full of them! with tons of huge trees!
was that lauren trying to catch pumpkins? she’s so pretty. and how cool that she wasn’t too cool to party with you?

Chicago Jen - I’m guessing your hubby took too long since I never got a call back. Or maybe it was you? Loved the block party pictures – have you worn your t-shirt yet? jen

traci - Fabulous fun!!!! We have never had a block party. I think on my entire block I only really like maybe 3 families out of…Not much party fun in that!! You really are truly blessed.
You should take pictures of the houses for sale and tell how much and a few details. I might be interested πŸ™‚ I love Kansas

Carrie - LOVE THIS!!! These pictures are like my daydreams come true. I grew up in Brooklyn and we had block parties but I haven’t seen one since I moved from there many years ago, they don’t even have them there anymore. This just brought back SO many memories. And those homes, that street!!! My dream home is an early 1900’s home on a lovely tree lined street in a neighborhood like yours where all the neighbors are friends and enjoy spending time with each other like this. Just fantastic!

traci - as i was reading your post, i kept thinking, if i had to live in town, i would want to live on a street like yours. then i got to the bottom and you said there were 2 houses for sale in your neighborhood. here i come. do you think my family would realize i was gone.

melissa - i love reading your blog…i’m not sure how i stumbled upon it but i read it often!
we have a pretty close neighborhood like that…i wish we would actually throw a block party….we’ve been talking about it for YEARS!

carissa - you are TRULY blessed to have such fabulous… FUN neighbors! that is sooooo neat!
that was quite the time! so glad you shared all that fun!
ALL the dogs… so great!
do ya have that realtor’s number?

Diana Cornielle - I want to live in your block!!! lol. seriously! your block rocks!!!! Great idea!

Jen - I wanna move to your block!!!

Kelly - p.s. I used to LOVE bobbing for apples!
That tinker toy (?) pumpkin is greatness! Kelly

Kelly - I can tell that waffle’s sibling belongs to him. I love that y’all made waffle the big red dog! Fun idea! The whole block party is one big ole fun idea after another! That food looks amazing! We’re trying to sell a house in Missouri before we can buy one anywhere else. Kelly
p.s. I love how you told us to click on the picture. πŸ™‚

Andrea - Clifford! That. Is. Hilarious! Is he still that color? What on earth did you use? SO FUNNY!

Jill - Love your new pumpkin header too!!!!!

Jill - Fun!!! We used to have block parties like this!! Now we are on a busier street… yada, yada, yada…
You look like you have a happening block with lots of young families.
Love that pumpkin slingshot thingie!!
~Jill πŸ™‚

Deb - Oh, so fun!
And happy birthday, baby girl. My baby just turned 3, and I’m about to go blog about it.

Lanny Stanard - Oh Miss Megan, that poor dog! but so so cute!

amy - We do have the best neighborhood. Hands down. Tim and Mary and Weibe’s should give their relators your blog address! I have a picture of you launching a pumpkin that I’ll send you. So, so, so much fun! PUMPKIN EATER!

Rachel - That is what is missing…fun like that with fun neighbors. I love to party like Rock Stars!!!! What a great idea and that food looked delicious…how was the cake?

Lorilee - What a fun fall party! Love all the fun activities you guys did! What perfect weather too! Love Clifford!

Tracy - Man, count me in as being one of the jealous ones too! Looks like you had a great time and great pictures. Loved the one of all the yummy looking food! With all of this kind of fun going on – I can’t imagine WHY anyone would want to move from there! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Catherine - Just stumbled across your blog thanks to a tip off at LaLaLovely! I will be adding it to my favorites for sure!
Can I come and live in your neighborhood…what a great event! πŸ™‚ “Clifford” the most “misbehaved” costume is wild! I have never seen anything like that before!
Ohhhhh, and the spread of food, yum, yum, yum!

Mrs.Hooks - I love all of this. Perfect for this time of year. But I am dying for the red cake plate.(the one with the chocolate covered strawerries on it) Please find out where it is from. I need this!!! Have fun.

sara - wow! your neighborhood looks like so much fun! we have the only kids on our street. but we do have lots of grandparents that love the kids though.
thanks for sharing all the fun stuff you do.

brittany - sign me up for one of the houses on sale! how fun!

Karen - I’ll be there right away!! How far is the commute to Iowa? Hmmm…maybe I could talk my husband into getting his pilot’s license!

supermommy - Wow! That’s awesome! I wish our neighborhood was like that. It’s a bunch of older people around here.

Sandy - Please post pictures of houses for sale – I’m seriously going to buy one of them!
All this time I thought it was just you and your family and now I find out its the whole dang neighborhood! Kansas Rocks!! Who knew?!

Christy - SOLD! What fun you all have. The way it should be!
I need to try this in my neighborhood. I have a couple grumpy pants neighbors, but I am sure I could get the rest involved in something like this. Thank you for sharing!

MGF - Too Much fun…..
This gives me so many ideas.
Thanks for sharing.

PamperingBeki - Darn you for making me jealous again!! πŸ˜‰
I soooo wanted to plan a fall block party this year and just haven’t had time. πŸ™ That’s the downside of running my little business. I miss out on fun things like this.

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