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make art be happy

i kept saying this to myself in my head.

trying to will myself back to happy.
and it worked…for a few minutes.


it's funny to me after all those lovely sweet comments on the play room post…

i was having the crabbiest day i've had in a long time.
i skipped my bible study because i just could not bear the thought of being around people.
i would (should) have sent annie somewhere if i could.
poor baby kept saying "i'm sorry i did that mom…" all scared i was going to yell (again)
i know it's hormonal.
but it still sucks.

i was not nice to craig either.  
no surprise there.  
he's a saint to put up with mom-zilla.

so i stick with my motto.

Make Art BE Happy.

other things that occasionally work:
blog reading.
pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting.
prayer and bible reading.
bath tubs.
michael scott and dwight.
house cleaners.

am i forgetting anything?

answers to many playroom decor questions tomorrow.
thank you girls for ALL the compliments.
it was overwhelming.

traci - Make Art Be Happy…
I totally GET you! 😉 Bookmarked your blog. Love it.

Jill - Fun photos!!

Deb - You are so FUN! Love this and the next two posts.

FiveCamels - I just found your blog and I LOVE it. Thank you for brightening my day!

Wendy - while you’re answering questions, i have one for you..where did you find the clock in your kitchen? i hope that’s not weird to ask, but i’ve been looking everywhere for one similar and haven’t been able to find it anywhere. thanks! 🙂

traci - well, you and me both then. i had a crabby day too. hope your feeling better now.

jennifer - Oh, I so feel your day, and I’m sorry.
But on a positive note, I found YOU when I was having one of those days. Sitting in front of the Mac, sipping coffee and blog surfing.
Hope tomorrow is better. I’ll say a prayer for you.

kasey - grumpy days happen, life.
love the colors.

cynthia - i think we’ve all been there!
and sometimes it seems like an out of body experience…
glad things are looking up!

Jaime Melcher - I know the feeling. I’m in a bit of a funk myself. I hope you better today… trick or treat candy should cheer you (us) up! 🙂

Rosemarie - Don’t be so hard on yourself – we all have days when we just can’t take it anymore. Where’s the Calgon!?! I’m a new reader – I’ll definitely be back.

danyele-a thorn among roses - so much fun! i love all the colors! we have been doing a little play dough thing…and it’s working for me too!

Kelly - just clicked on some of your happy things myself and realized that they’re not your old posts which is what I had thought before, but still maybe clicking through them or going back and reading some of your old posts?
Also, have I said or only thought that I really like your new pumpkin header? Kelly

Kelly - sorry about the day. 🙁
I’ve been struggling with being grumpy at work this week 🙁
I like the gratitude thing in your list. Also, before I read this post I noticed your “happy things” side bar. Maybe reading through some of those old posts? I like to read through old prayer journals and see where I’ve been before and where God has brought me. Blessings on your day! Kelly

Holly - May the joy you bring all your blog readers come back to you 10-fold.
We all have those bad days. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It makes the good days that much better. Loved your happy list. And…sometimes our kids just don’t hear us until we shout.
You are beautiful, inspiring, an awesome mom, super talented, caring, loving, energetic, a laundry folding super hero, and entirely accepted and loved by God. Chin up, Meg. It will get better. xoxoxoxoxo

Melissa - Some rocking gospel-choir music. Whole Wheat Apple Muffins. And knowing that your blog made a new reader’s day (mine). Thanks 🙂

michelle my belle - LOVED your remodeled room! You’ve totally inspired me to TRY to do something new to my house.
I know the “hormonal”, I too have been having a hard time. Gained 5 lbs., pulled out of pretty much all church commitments. I think I’m finally seeing the “Lord’s” light at the end of the tunnel. I’ll be praying for you, it’s so frustrating being in a mood and not totally knowing “why”!
My daughter calls me “Mom-ster”. lol!
Have a good day Meg : )

Suzanne - your human, not perfect! always love how honest you are!
love the festive header!!
happy trick or treating!

Rebecca - Everyone has bad days. You probably just need a break from it all. Which is going to be hard to get. Considering the two major holidays are creeping up fast. But think of all of that decorating you get to do

Amanda - Man oh man have I had days like these recently. Its like the very things that I do…that I am… (mommy, wife, friend) were driving me crazy. I was more likely to snap then just respond. Although you list was very good (yum, cream cheese frosting…) I got the swift kick in the butt I needed from Beth Moore and James MacDonald. Was my focus on God to selfish? Was I jusr focused on waht God could do for me…not what i should be doing for Him?
Its was all perspective.
Many blessings-

Rachel - We have our moments…and sometimes you just have to be…with yourself to clear your head and relax. The art looks great by the way…you are sooo creative!

Sandra - Just my guess. But maybe one of the reasons you got grumpy was thinking about having the respond to 104 comments! Wow! It’s a great room and deserves every one of those accolades, but I would be overwhelmed by that many comments! (I guess that’s why God has “spared” me from that — He knows I couldn’t handle it! 🙂
I really do enjoy your blog, and you are usually very perky, so you are allowed a grumpy day once in a while. If it doesn’t rain once in a while, we can’t fully appreciate the sunshine!

crystal - Hope you have a better day today. I have major grumpy days and they are usually two days in that one special week every month – I try to control it the best I can but sometimes I can’t and I always end up in bed crying for the way I’ve acted. Guess it’s just another part of being a woman. Sucks.

sara - your blog always brightens my day, even if you are grumbly. i hope things are happier tomorrow! 🙂

Leah - I still love you and your blog…even if your grumpy!

katie - congrats on all of those comments!
maybe next post a SNL parity of your grumpy art day:)

Sarah - pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing sounds heavenly! I also love your motto.

MGF - The splash of color really helped me.

PamperingBeki - test

PamperingBeki - I think pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing and coffee with a friend, while the kids are at a babysitter and your house is being cleaned, sitting in the sunshine, discussing your favorite blogs sounds like a great way to cheer up. 🙂

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