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pumpkins are ‘squirved.’

yesterday annie asked me if was "time to squirve the pumpkins yet."  HA!


it went pretty quickly last night.
no big elaborate plans...Just Jack! (name that line)
scott was very distracted by the world series game.
and lauren wanted nothing to do with us.


i saw a book last week called Extreme Pumpkin Carving.
it was great….but a bit gory for kids.
and i found their website.  
very original if nothing else.


the white ones glow all the way through!
so cool.

how can it already be the last week of october?
i have a super girl costume to make for talby
from a bunch of odd things from the thrift shop.
wish me luck!

jennifer - So fun! Now I might have to go out and get a white pumpkin. It looks so cool glowing like that. Who knew?!
Will and Grace, love and miss that show.

Becca - I’m not sure how I got your blog that is. But I have spent the last 20 minutes reading your blog. I LOVE it..what a great family you have, all the laughter..and tears. Thanks for shareing..and i’ll be back for sure.

Lanny Stanard - Loving the new look! I still visit the wig post,it just keeps me laughing! I was talking to shawn the day of that post and she said to me did you see! that’s all she had to say!

Aby - They look great. So does the blog! Just Jack… Will and Grace!! LOVE that show!

Loving Mom 2 Boys - Too cute!! I love the pumpkins – they look so cute all lined up!!

Lorilee - Oh my, now I have to go and find a white pumpkin! I have had them, but I didn’t carve them! Now I HAVE to carve one to see the all over glow!

traci - will and grace. love jack!! the pumpkins are great!! we haven’t done that in years. it was never really my favorite thing to do anyway, so i really don’t miss it.

meredith - Am impressed beyond words. We, in Australia, don’t have a pumkin carving tradition and I’m sure we’d all end up in the ER with stab wounds. Would that qualify as “Extreme Carving”? How clever you all are!

Suzanne - we’re doing our annual family carving tomorrow night, but it is TOTALLY all Daddy!! i just take pictures & do the seeds for snacking!
yours look awesome!

Liz - You know… I think I may carve a pumpkin this year. I havent in years.

Tonya - Oh, I miss that show. Thanks for bringing it back for just a minute.
Love the hungry pumpkins!

Kelly - They turned out so great! Very fun!

Jen H. - Will & Grace! LOL
The pumpkins look awesome! We did a pumpkin “snowman” this year – three stacked in order from largest to smallest, with the top one carved with a face. Leafy branches as arms on the middle one. I still have to find him a hat, then I’ll take a picture.

Aubrey - They look great–maybe I’ll have to go carve our white pumpkin now.

PamperingBeki - We squirved our pumpkins last night too and I just did pictures.
I’m so glad we don’t have to do that very often.
Did you see my dog jump out and run away at the school yesterday? Completely embarassing! We caught him at the middle school after about 15 minutes of chasing.

Amanda - Love it. They are adorable. I have never carved pumpkins with my kids. But they are 2 and 3 so I still got time right?
Many blessings-

Lisa - Wow 6 pumpkins! They all look so great.
take care,

robin bird - ok. i came here 10 minutes ago just to look at the banner and do the holding your hands up like an artist’s frame to check out the font positioning and what the heck i used last time. and i got trapped here…. by all your funny family pictures, annie crying her eyes out while you take her picture, you singing in a platinum blond wig, mountains of laundry and your pilgrimage into fabric heaven. oh and scott looking adorable in a wig.
you are a consummate prototype of an amazing woman blogging the everyday of family life. that should be your next book..ummm……i can’t think of a catchy title right now i have a font job to get back to…. later gator.

Rachel - They turned out great!

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