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$5 clearance

the conversation went like this:

Lauren:   will you take me to the store to buy my halloween costume.
(has not had a costume in 2 years…now she wants one?)

Me:  What do you want to buy….
     we aren't really spending money on halloween anymore.
(i have become jaded in my 13 years of halloween purchasing.
i want to buy the cute costumes but it's just not worth the money to me
they need to make something up with what we have or wear an old one)

L:  i'm going to be hannah montana.
     i need a wig…and a new outfit from Rue 21…and some sparkly stuff.
(translation -when we get there i will beg my mom 
for more things that are not HM related)

M:  a hannah montana wig is going to be like $20!!  NO.
     and why can't you just find clothes we already have?
(it's called cre-a-tiv-i-ty)

L:  you don't understand me!
     that would be so stupid!  
     hannah montana would never wear anything i have!
(translation: you are such a smart mother.  how did i ever get so lucky?)


fast forward to me at the mall.
Claire's Boutique.
$20 Hannah Montana wigs on sale for….
Buy one for $5.00 and get another one FREE!

who needs two wigs…oh yeah me…3 girls in my house!


i felt like super mom when i came home.
(i think i should have a cape for these moments…maybe i'll make one!)

and now everyone can be hannah montana!


"you get the beeeeeest of both worlds!!!"


"this is the LIIIIIIIIFe!  Hold on tight!"


(you knew it was coming right?)

"Everybody makes mistakes…Everybody has bad days!"


"we are the champions. WE are the champions!  NO TIME FOR LOSERS.
cause WE are the chaaaaampions…..of the WORLD!!!!"

(i know – it's not HM but it just felt like singing it)


"take it off mommy!  waaaaaaaaaa.  you're scaring me!! waaaaaaaaa!"




"it's a hard knock life for us!  it's a hard knock life FOR US!"
and they did an entire medley tribute to Annie the motion picture.


ahhhhh….good times.


even scott was adorable as HM.  
he kept shaking it saying "YEAH! YEAH!"
i guess that's what he thinks she says.

we'll have to wait for halloween to see lauren in her wig.

so what do think as this for my new profile pic?


i think the double basket stack of laundry behind makes it even more 
perfectly appropriate.
is it too much?

Jill - I’m peeing in my pants right now… that’s what happens when I laugh too hard!! I would’ve taken over the wig too until one of my kids cried. Hee Hee πŸ™‚

Beth - I loved this post. I wanted to make so many comments when I first read it that I thought maybe I could just tell people that my blog was located in your comments section. Can I post pictures here (hahaha, I’m making myself laugh anyway). So on to my comments. I love you all singing with the HM wig . . .and YOUR song. I was just playing cards with my daughter the other day and winning and I was singing that very same song, only I was singing “*I* am the champion OF THE WORLD.”. Anyway, I also made your potato cheese soup and everyone in my family liked it too! Yummy recipe.

Jen M - You are so funny! “Mommy you’re scaring me” had me LOL!

Meg - Hahah! This cracks me up! My daughter wants a Hannah Mochanna wig soooooo bad she can’t see straight. Too expensvie when they wear out too quickly. Maybe I will have to go look at Claires. Crossing my fingers because then I will be the bestest Mama in the whole world!

Savanah - These pictures are fantastic..! Happy Halloween.

sara - this is soo funny! i’ve been reading your blog for a while (first post) & love it. you really are a super mom!

Sandra - I think it’s GREAT that you don’t just go out and buy costumes. In the “old days” costumes were much more creative — just thrown together from what was around the house! Although, I can remember that once in a while someone had a WIG to wear with their costume — a rarity and, therefore, a BIG DEAL!

Jeanetta - omg i laughed too hard.
i dodged the hm bullet this year. thank goodness

Deb - HilARious! Love the mic!

Alison - Thank you so much for the laugh. I needed one. Happy Halloween to you and your family!!

nikki/whimsylove - HAHAHAHAHAHA!
That was awesome.

michelle my belle - TOO STINKIN FUNNY! Love the pic of your youngin cryin cause you’re scaring her. I can see the same picture with mine!
You have such a great way Meg. I’m so glad you write a blog and make me laugh and smile. : )

carissa - crazy bunch of girlies… WAY FUN!

traci - thanks for the laugh this morning. what a deal!!! was lauren happy with it?? can’t wait to see what she does with some of her clothes.

Sara - Meg you are a crack up. I can totally hear the soundtrack.

kara - These pictures are GREAT!!!
Love that chandelier!

Princess Lasertron - I
also last night I dreamed that I was the arts and crafts teacher at a camp that all of your kids were going to one summer. (which is weird, I’m not a stalker, I swear.) in my dream, lauren was ice skating at one of the camp socials and I noticed a boy smiling at her. I made a mental note in my dream to tell you. and annie made a pinwheel.

Jen - I am laughing so hard right now. When you make that cape, you definately need to post it!

Rachel - Profile pic…definately a tight run for first…I love your current pic!
As always great pics…you seem like such a great mom. I think we are all struggling these days with money and kids just don’t understand. I love your idea of being creative. We are using stuff we had for Love this year and Zman wanted to be something scary so I caved and bought him a $30 costume YIKES…I wonder if I can pay my lights now LOL

Alyssa - Love it….I am goingto Claire’s first thing to see if they still have the wigs.
We had a halloween party and my daughter wore her hannah wig and now she wants a new freas un frizzy version of the Hannah wig…
spoiled kid

Chrissie Grace - OMG I haven’t laughed that hard all week! What a cute family you have…

Chrissie Grace - OMG I haven’t laughed that hard all week! What a cute family you have…

Amanda - I think it was worth it just for those memories! But those comments…”translation, your such a smart mother…” ha ha now that is funny stuff.
Many blessings-

julie - Best. Purchase. Ever. Thanks Hannah!

amy d - scott looks so cute, it’s almost scary πŸ™‚ ummm….note to self, never AND I REPEAT NEVER let meg talk me into turning her THAT blonde. EVER!!!

Amber - This post and pictures are hilarious! The laundry pile makes a great backdrop actually. Love the wigs. Looks like you already got your money’s worth out of them πŸ™‚ Also, I love the cute tops you made. Adorable.

Aubrey - Holy crap I’m laughing so hard. Yes, you need a wigged profile picture. Two baskets of laundry–not too much. Now, five baskets–even better.

Lorelei - omg
thanks for the laugh out loud moment.
wiping the tears from my eyes…
too funny.

Mallory Heffron - The wigs are great. You need to use that picture as your new profile picture, for sure….

mom - Absolutely hilarious! You look like Cher! You just need… some sparkly stuf!

Lanny Stanard - OMGosh, I didn’t see that coming!!! you make me laugh Meg… What a fun day with your girls,very cute are you going to wear that on halloween? Have a great week-end.
did i see you for my giveaway?

rachel johnston - I found your blog a couple of months ago and just love checking it out. Your family adventures never fail to make me smile – today being no exception πŸ™‚

PamperingBeki - Bahahaha!!!!

erica - I want to know what Craig thought of that pic with Scott in the wig! πŸ™‚

that girl - I was so NOT ready for you in the wig. I went, “Oh!” when I saw you.
Too funny.

chris - Oh you are so silly, I bought both my kids HM costumes that they wanted , scored two long blonde wigs at a thrift store ,they were new, the girls tried them on and hated them so much , I tried to cut them to make it better they were awful , so they decided they are super models in HM outfits , so rock and roll.
Happy Halloween.

Lorilee - Too funny! I think the stack of laundry gives it the “reality” look that is so popular now!

Candy - This is just hilarious!!! πŸ™‚ Ya’ll have so much fun as a family! I LOVE it! πŸ™‚

amanda - Too funny! The crying pic made me laugh out loud – how quick the tears come – and then go away! πŸ™‚

traci - I WAS CRYING when I read this I was laughing so hard at you in the wig and your baby crying!!!! My girls have a wig and I have a sm. home daycare. I thouht it would be WAAAAY fun to try it on when daycare was here. The kids are 2 and 3. I have very dark hair and dark you. ANYHOW….they didnt cry but they had BIG EYES and said..Take it off Miss Twaci, Take it off Miss Twaci!!! LOLOL.
As for Lauren…yep, I have one of those! Arent they fun???? You did score by the way and you DO need a cape!!!
By the way….LOVE THAT CHANDLEIER in that pink room….thats to die for!!!!

MGF - That is too funny.
I just found out who Hannah Montana is about a year ago. I am clueless with 3 boys under 6 yo.

foreverfoldinglaundry - That is hilarious! I love it that she was afraid of you…so funny. OT: I’ve been looking for a chandelier like that – so pretty!!

jennifer - FLIPPIN’ hilarious! I love it! And… for 5 bucks: You are SuPeR MoM! Way to go!

Pattie - This is toooo funny! Can I come live at your house?

Sara Ito - What a way to wake up in the morning, oh my goodness, I was laughing so hard while I was reading this!! Too funny!

Shannon Davis - We want to see a picture of Lauren as Hannah Montana!

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