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this is what happens when i sew cute shirts.

i guess i have some folding to do.
i could have the kids do it…
but cuddling up in a blanket and watching a movie 
while folding laundry on this cold rainy day sounds good to me.

Jill - I HATE LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!! Whew… now I feel better for getting that out. Thanks for sharing your pile. My hubby calls ours the “clothes glacier” and it gets on my last nerve. 🙂 ~Jill 🙂

Maricriss - Now I don’t feel so bad when I see my pile of unfolded laundry at home:-)

Hannah - Welcome to my life…

Deputy's Wife - Thank you for posting this picture. I really needed to see that.
See, it makes me feel a little bit better. Only a little bit because my pile is dirty.

Shannon Davis - I think my brother needs to buy you a front load washer and dryer to cut your laundry time in half! Todd got me one when we moved and I love it — the dryer steams the wrinkles out of the clothes too!!

liz - i’m so glad i’m not the only one that has a mountain of laundry! my mom always tells me to fold it as it comes out of the dryer. . .

Art Cant Hurt - Ahhhh, yes! LAUNDRY LOITERING!
Good times…good times.

PamperingBeki - Bahaha!!!
If only I could blog (hop) and fold laundry at the same time, I’d be one happy girl and my kids would be wearing clean clothes!!

cynthia - it doesn’t take long for it to pile up, does it?
happy folding!

Amanda - Whoa. You are brave and far more WILLING then I! Once I let my laundry pile up that hile then I complain and moan about having to take care of it. So kudos to you for not doing that! 🙂
God bless-

Diana Cornielle - Oh my gosh! I thought we had clothes piled up!!! I hate folding clothes! lol. But I guess watching a movie and folding isn’t too bad! Good luck…lol.

traci - I think a larger family would be great til I see their
Your a sweeeeet mom, even with my family of four even if Im sweet enough to wash and dry they MUST sort and put away their own laundry.

Deb - Looks like my house most of the time. Lol.

traci - holy cow meg. that’s a lot of clothes. are ya done yet?

julie - Three things I wish:
It was cold and rainy.
I sewed those cute shirts (loving the cheapo Geranimals)
Laundry could do itself.

carissa - and could you iamgine if we had to do the whole clothes line thing too… oh… thank you LORD for modern convenience!
happy folding…
happy friday…
brew some more coffee…

Julie K. - So, THAT’S how to make folding laundry bearable … I cannot get mine folded … but folding during a movie … that’s a good idea. Now if it weren’t for my curious toddler maybe the laundry would STAY folded!

chris - Oh that pile gives me anxiety, I hate doing laundry , I don’t know how you manage all that, you could totally justify a house keeper with all that laundry to do, I have only two kids and I can’t keep up on it .
I bow down to you .

Leah - Holy Cow…thank the Lord for washers and dryers. Could you imagine if you had to wash all that by hand!

emily - i have the same amount of laundry at my house too . . . except mine hasn’t been washed yet . . . and i don’t have cute little shirts as an excuse!

MGF - Keepin’ it real……..
Hope that movie is not too distracting

Christy - That reminds me of that Samsung commercial (I think) with the ball of laundry. Holy schmoly!
I must say though those tees were pretty darned cute & worth every minute of post-poned laundry!

Gwyn - This is how it looks right now at my house too…..

foreverfoldinglaundry - It looks just like my house, except I haven’t made any cute shirts lately! What’s my excuse?!? =)

Kameron - Wow, I would tread lightly. You don’t know what may be hiding under that pile! Unfortunately that’s what my dirty clothes pile looks like right now… Darn work, the weekends are supposed to be for relaxing not for doing everything I can’t get to during the week!

regina - Holy Crap!!! I wish you much luck w/your folding!!!! Have a happy Friday!!

Rachel - WT???? You have to fold all that? Wow…I guess you will be busy during the movie…how long is it 1.5…2 hours?
I would help if I was there…I dread folding clothes by myself but when someone helps me it’s funner (I know it’s not a word) because we can laugh and talk…that is why I always rope my hubby into helping when it gets piled up.

danyele - wow…that looks like my house all the time it seems! and because of you (not really, but you should still feel bad), i sewed last night on some shirts and got no housework done. so, now, you must come to my house and do the laundry too…that only seems fair!

Beth - That’s awesome! I am soo glad I am not the only one. Today, I am tackling the pile that needs to be heavily stain treated. God speed!

Brenis - HAHAHAHA!!!! That happens at my house too!! I can’t figure out why the laundry fairies don’t want to visit my house?!? 😛
Good luck gettin it done today! 🙂 Loving all your recent pictures!

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