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shopping with the girls

while at my mom's we squeezed in some shopping.


we started with brunch at panera…my mom's treat…yum.


then off to the toy store.
it's a favorite.
it has everything but it's nothing like toys r' us.
they even have webkinz!!! 
(that all talby could think about.)


new profile picture?

i think i look like the lady from the old navy commercials?
remember her?
was she a spoof of someone else?

i got to spend time in sarah's fabrics.
my mom kept my girls busy in the costume shop.
i was in fabric dream land.


every fabric that i been dying to see was there.
i got to touch them.
and i tried not to drool on them.
i thought about just wrapping up in all my favorites 
and staying the rest of the day.

but sarah probably wouldn't be happy about that.

("i would drape myself in velvet if it was socially acceptable" name that line.)

we love urban outfitters.
other than having to steer my little reader away 
from all the things with swear words on them.
i kept saying loudly "look at THIS!" or "look over here!" to distract her.



i don't think this shirt was meant for me but it works.
i DO make good babies.

it was a good girls' time.

Tami Reed - I would love to know how you get away with snapping pics in stores lol too funny!

Deb - Oh, you make me ACHE to get my little old self to Savage Mill, a group of shops that inspire an old woman’s heart. Lol.

jennifer - That all looks like too much fun! I’m having fabric envy right now. I’m just in the very beginning stages of learning how to sew, but we have no good fabric stores here. Gotta take a drive to the big city I guess. 🙂
My sister is here visiting, from Kansas City in fact, and we were reading your post from yesterday together thinking how totally cool it would be to have a family girls dinner. That’s such a great idea and we just might need to figure out a way to pull it off!

Nancy - Somebody beat me to it….I was going to tell you about the old lady in the Old Navy ads. She made those big, round, black frame glasses ‘famous’. That was her look, every. single. day. Can you imagine? Only in the 70’s, right? Looks like a fun trip! Your 15 year old is darling in her glasses.

Stephanie - You’re so zany in those sunglasses! I think everyone would like to be your friend because you are so much fun!

thatgirlblogs - that fabric store made me wish I could sew, and that is really saying something!

emily - oh my goodness . . . that fabric store looks fabulous!!!!!

Mallory Heffron - What a fun day. I really and jealous over that fabric store, it looks awesome. The glasses are a great look for you and they would go perfect with the t-shirt…..LOL

carissa - Sarah’s is DREAMY!!!!! i go completely gaga over pretty fabrics… now if i could just learn to sew darn it!
Urabn Outfitters is so fun…SO much to see and i think their women’s clothes are WAY fun!
looks like yall had really good girl time!
the best!

cynthia - ok, that fabric with the scooter on it is to DIE FOR! i so want to go there…if i ever get the chance, i will look you up!

Suzanne - what a fun time you girls have!! so great!
we had meg’s mexican chicken for the 2nd time last night!!! this time i added black beans to it & it was de-lish! lovin’ all your recipes!! i’ve missed ya!

MGF - The fabric store is So Cool
I LOL when I saw the pictures of the

Jessica - That fabric store looks AMAZING. I wish we had one like that around here. What a fun trip with the girls! I ordered Cora’s pictures finally. When they come in I will have to stop by to show you…maybe next week??

chris - Oh look at all thos juicey fabrics, we could use a tore like that around my area, I love Amy Butler fabrics.
Looks like lots of fun

Ashley - What a wonderful time! Love the shirt!!

Jenn Thomas - Ohhhh I would love to go to that fabric store! Road Trip! Love the glasses – the
price tag with pearls make it priceless. And Lauren – she gets more beautiful every time I see her – good luck

kristin at prairie daze - george.
and i hope you bought those glasses.

traci - WHAT FUN!!! Lauren looks SO pretty…even in funky, weird
I was drooling all over the fabric pictures. I dont even sew and I LOVE all that fabric.
Never been to urban outfitters…will need to try that.

Ashlie - How fun to spend time with your mom AND go shopping! And I love the t-shirt. I hope you got it! I bet your 13 year-old will love walking around with you in that thing! Ha!

Leslie - George! I think that was the one when he was dating the girl with a velvet couch and her roommate looked just like him. He got her to get rid of the roommate but the couch belonged to him. Love that show!

Kelly - What an AMAZING fabric store! Wow!
Urban Outfitters has so many cool things. I wish they would just leave the offensive materials out.

danyele-a thorn among roses - love love love the fabric store. i am in a full scale jealousy fit! did i see michael miller scooters?? oh my…and the glasses are too cute!

amanda - Note to self– do not take my 5 year old to Urban Outfitters. He is quite the reader too.
THANK YOU for the acorns!!! We love them and had a blast cracking a few open. I never knew they were so big and fuzzy-ish! (Is that a word?) We will cherish them forever! Now, what can I send you from AZ . . .

danelle - where is outfitters? i’ve never heard of it.

Tracy - Love the shirt and fabric photos – looks like you all had a wonderful day together! I’m so jealous that I don’t live close to my sister and mother any longer to do that. *wah wah wah* (can’t you hear the violin playing – hee hee hee) On another note – I was just curious – do you ever get strange looks for all of the photos you take everywhere you go or anyone telling you that you can’t take pictures of things in their stores? Keep up the great work and I agree with the above posters – you SHOULD have bought the shirt! Hugs, Trac~ :O)

Lorilee - I am drooling over all that fabric. I think I need to take a trip to Lawrence soon!! Love the glasses!

Allikayes Mama - Oh…I love Urban Outfitters too! And I am such a sucker for fun shirts! I love the glasses pictures…I see a scrapbook page in your future!! Will you come by my site and give me your awesome creative advice on a new bench I bought??? hehehe

Rachel - What a fun day!!!

christine - The old lady in the ads was Carrie Donovan, a fashion editor (Vogue, Harper’s). I think you should revive the look — the rhinestones bring it up to date! You look divine!

Kameron - George Costanza!! I love that line, it cracks me up. :o) Is that the same store you took your profie picture in? The fabric store was amazing. I need to find a really neat (not comerical) fabric store near me. Looks like you had fun with the girls. :o)

Melanie - The Old Navy lady was not a spoof. (if you can believe that:) She really wore those glasses. I love fabric too but I can’t sew a thing. I love to go in the stores and look at fabrics and dream that I can do something with it. LOL

Kara - That lady from teh Old Navy commercials always reminded me of that famous cake decorater in NYC.
I love that t-shirt. Hilarious!!

cjs - LOVE ugli dolls.
and that shirt.
you should have bought it.
and oh, the fabric. sensory overload. sometimes it’s just so wonderful it’s frustrating. all the possibilities.

jodi - sounds like a seinfeld line. ?
you have beautiful girls, and your mom too!
love! the fabric store–looks like a great trip.

Alyssa - Looks like fun. What a funny t-shirt.

traci - i hope you girls bought those sunglasses – THEY ARE SO FUN!!! i agree – you do make good babies. can you honestly imagine wearing a shirt around like that. jeesh. karlie and i went in one of those in boston a couple of years back. it was a fun store. did you buy any fabric? that’s an awesome store – but i don’t sew.

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