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just the girls

every year my mom's side of the family has a girls only fall dinner.


my mom hosted this year.
i decided very last minute that we could make it.
i took my girls and we just showed up.
so much for RSVP.
i am so rude.
not only did i not RSVP…i showed up 11 PM unannounced.
while they were brushing their teeth to go to bed.



it was so nice….just the ladies.
my mom made a great dinner.
i loved that salad!




the self-appointed entertainment.
they wrote silly stories and drew pictures and read them to all of us.
giggling hysterically the whole time.

thanks for hosting mom.
it was all very nice.
and yummy.

oh yeah…i forgot to call you to tell you i got home safely last night.
i made it.

it was good to see all you girls.
this is fun tradition.
i think everyone should start this!

brianne Sommerfeld Epp - Oh my god. I am almost positive I know(ish) that girl in the middle! Does she/did she live in lawrence????
Love the table setup. Looked like fun.

Jennifer P. - I bet that when you showed up with your camera, they knew JUST where the pictures were going, right :)?! I LOVE the table decorations….perfect!
Glad you had such a nice time out with just the ladies πŸ™‚

Tausha - what a fun night! My mom loves to decorate for every month. She is kind of a freak when it comes to dishes! She would love this idea!
1* She would get to actually use the cute dishes and stuff that she sets her table with. (maybe she just likes to collect them and never use them, which so would not surprise me!)
2* We girlies could all get together, and my children would so love to be the center of attention! (I have no idea where they get this from-This coming from the girl who when she was bored when she was little, she would make movies with her kids) Yep, I know I am freak!!!

pam - what a wonderful tradition…i hope to have something like that with my girlies someday! the table looks gorgeous as do the goodies! xo

...loveMaegan - how cute is that?!?!?!?!?

Marla @ Stolen Bon Bons - I have something for you on my blog!

Mallory Heffron - looks like you girls had a blast. I love all of the decorations,

carissa - that IS such a great tradition… very special… i bet it is very much looked forward to! The women in the family hold such a bond… they are surely the glue in the family! πŸ™‚
loving all the festive fun goodies!

Liz - Oh. My. Gosh. This is the best party idea EVER!!!!

Amanda - What a neato scene! I think its a great idea and would totally do it if I had family close and if I had extended family I enjoyed. Ha!
Love the pics..
God bless-

Alyssa - looks like fun

lorel - So good to see you – love the picture of Macy and Talby. So glad Maya is finally warming up to you! Hope to see you soon!

katie - i can see where you get all of your creativity!
what a beautiful evening.

Rachel - Definately a great idea! And looks like you had a lot of yummy desserts!!!

Heidi - What a great womanly tradition! You’re blessed, but I’m sure you already know that. πŸ™‚

traci - what a wonderful tradition!! the table is set beautifully. very festive. next year you need to go earlier and not miss any of the fun!!

Kelly - great photography! Don’t you think you’ll treasure that last shot of smiling women around the table forever? Sounds like a fun idea! How far apart do you all live? Kelly

meredith - We don’t really celebrate Halloween with as much enthusiasm and sense of tradition in Australia. Our loss! You make it look such fun. I’ll start lining my front steps with carved pumpkins and see if it takes off!

flutter - your life is beautiful, you know?

Jen - So fun! I LOVE those candle sticks???

cjs - go to bed, meg.
I know you’re awake.
you know you’ll be asking yourself early tomorrow morning, “why did I stay up so late?”
thanks for reading my blog.
I’m flattered.

Kara - What a wonderful tradition!!!

Lorilee - Awesome! It looks like a great tradition.

mom - Aww..thanks for the kind words. It was so much fun. It always is. Missed you, little Cindy.
And just for the record…you can show up at any time, we’re always glad to have family. It was a great surprise!
But I almost called you at 11 last night just to make sure you made it home -but then I figured Craig would call if anything was wrong!

PamperingBeki - Your family doesn’t do anything half way, huh? πŸ˜‰
That all looks absolutely magazine perfect!! What a fun time!

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