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good things…

come in small packages….right?

or big ones too.
in the past 24 hours i have received super-fun happy mail.


first i got birthday goodies from chicago jen.
chocolate and coffee in a box…perfection.
i miss you jen….thank you.


then my neighbor girls rang my doorbell and gave me this!
hands down…the most perfect bracelet for me in the entire world.
they got it at cloverleaf in oklahoma.
i am DYING to go there.
thank you jenn & amy…i wish i could have come with you.


i won a drawing on carissa's blog.
(check out her cute etsy shop)
this hand is so cool.  
and packaged so sweetly.
i just love it and can't wait to find the right spot for it.
and to write witty things on it. 
("talk to the hand!")
thanks carissa.


and then my order from came!
i was on a happy mail high at this point.
the pictures are great.  
great quality printing.
i got some 12 x12's, 6×9's and an 8×12.
and this time i tried something different…


i have a folder in my iPhoto for just colorful pictures.
i ordered the whole folder in 2" x 2" size.
tiny little squares of color.
happy squares.
i don't know what i am going to make….but i am excited about it.

the mail included country living and pottery barn too.
and princess lasertron…i found you in CL.  
before i saw your blog.
i turned the page and said "that's megan!"
you lucky talented girl.  how awesome are you?!

i guess now i have nothing to do today but sit and wait 
on the front porch to see what phil the mailman will bring me today.

(do you think i could have put any more links in this post?)

Rachel - That bangel bracelet is perfection!
I always love your blog and your colorful posts!

lulusparkles - happy belated meg
thanx for showing your gifts….i
just went over and bought a chalkboard hand!
lov’n it!

Meg - Okay, this is totally off topic, but I love your blog! I have it bookmarked so I can stop by and be infused with your infectious creativity and enthusiasm!!
So, I clicked on your ‘recipe’ folder, and my Parental Controls wouldn’t let me open it up!! Huh? So I disabled the parental controls and do you know what the ‘offending recipe’ was: Cream Puff Squares??? Very weird… I think I have to make them to see what all the fuss is about!!
My computer man says this Parental Control is bullet proof, I say it is a little too restrictive it thinks Cream Puff Squares is taboo.. (unless there is another meaning for the word that I am not aware of!!! )
So Mexican Chicken and Cream Puff Squares for dinner tonight!

jennifer - Happy late birthday! So glad you got goodies in the mail… nothing beats that!
Looooooooovvvvvvvveeeeee the 2×2 prints… I just gotta get me some of them!

Marla - The Cloverleaf in Aardmore, OK is very interesting, but make sure your pockets are padded with cash…a little pricey for someone on a budget.

Mod Girl - Your 2×2’s are most happy indeed! Love them. And that bracelet too.
Would you mind sharing what printing service you use? High quality prints are important to me and sadly, they are hard to come by.

Staci - WOW! What great stuff! I’m dying to know where Clover leaf is???? I live right here in OKLAHOMA and don’t know about this place???? Although, most of the time, I do live in the bloggin world 🙂 GREAT bracelet…I’d like one to say SERIOUSLY!

julie - That stack of photos is ridiculous!!!! Love the 2 x 2’s. Love your photography more….

Deb - Oh, I love love love love love love love love love those little tile photos.
How come I only got bills today?

carissa - THAT bracelet… how cool is that!
would LOVE to walk through Cloverleaf… what a gem!
how neat… those photo squares… thanks for the fab tip! great site!
i’ll have to check out Princess Lasertron in my CL!
coffee AND chocolate… SCORE!
i DO hope you love your hand… THANKS SO MUCH!

Lauren - Nothing is better than a good mail day! You’ve inspired me to order those 2×2 photos and do a creative project…what a great idea!

Liz - Wow! This was like Christmas in October! And any friend that sends York Peppermint Patties in the mail is a really really good friend. 🙂

Kameron - I love getting mail, not bills of course, but anything else! I used to look so forward to getting letters in the mail. People just don’t send hand written letters these days! You could use the 2x2s as gift tags, I think that would be cool!

PamperingBeki - Dang girl!! I’m jealous!!
I LOOOVE a good mail day. (that could explain why I buy so much online… Hmmmm….)
I saw Princess Lasertron in the CL magazine too! How cool!! Hopefully you’ll see me in there one day for my jewelry or we’ll see you in there some day for your home. 🙂

kara - When I was at Michael’s last night picking up a wedding invitation I had framed for a girlfriend. I saw a custom order someone had just dropped of. It was a big frame, and they were cutting a matt for it. It was filled with tiny 2×2 squares that students of a first grade class had each decorated.
This would be perfect for your color pictures. You could do monocromatic colors in one large frame, and they can cut a mat opening for each little square all wihtin the one large frame, if that made sense at all!!

traci - holy cow what a fun day. lots of great little packages. did you give the ups man a hug? can’t wait to see what you do with the 2×2’s. they are so cute.

Tracy - That, my dear is what I call an AWESOME mail day or just AWESOME day in general. Anytime you get all of those goodies and NO bills – is a GREAT mail day! I’m SO jealous! *lol* LOVE the 2×2 cards – great idea and can’t wait to see what you make with them. I know you will post, right?! :o) The hand is also very cute – never seen anything like that before and love the bracelet and of course, the chocolate and coffee is always perfect. Thanks for sharing! I hope the mailman is as good to you today as he was yesterday! :o) Have a great rest of the week and weekend, Meg!

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