here is my schedule for tonight:
1. sean's flag football game (last week it was super cute)
he's the one in the hat. his dad wasn't there…so i let him wear the hat.
2. photo shoot with london (taking her out in the country)
3. lauren's volleyball game out of town (go lauren!)
4. the office (1 full HOUR!!) 
5. grey's anatomy (it's tonight? right?)
6. ER (i have watched every season…i can't stop at the last one!)
the dvr is going to be working overtime!
i am making yummy snacks and drinks for the big night.
i plan on cuddling up with craigers on the couch for the office
and then kicking him out for grey's and ER.
he has too many comments like "don't they ever work at that hospital?"
such an exciting life i lead…..
(again with the stupid double spacing? typepad what is the problem?)
(i am sure it's me not them)
loved the office.
cried with jim and pam. LOVE that ryan is the new temp.
watched ER (shorter) and cried waaaaay too much. like a 10 kleenex cry.
saving grey's for tomorrow…too sleepy.
but it DID record. barely.
so glad i checked it because it wasn't starting.
phineus and ferb was recording instead. it's a disney cartoon!!
last year it started and then a child in my home
stopped it halfway through to watch fresh prince of bell air.
and now phineus!
shouldn't dvr just know that kids shows never override grey's?!
i should hide the remote.
Shannan Martin - The Office redeemed itself! I sort of thought last season got a little stale…Here’s the true test – my husband and I were just at dinner and I started cracking up to myself and then told him and then we were both cracking up about the awkward conversation between Holly and Oscar. And then Holly and Kevin. And what was up with Meredith’s face in the first half?
Now, only a few more weeks and we can add 30 Rock to the fun! (Our personal fave.)
amy d - i was sooo right there with ya with ER and needing tissues, the closest thing i could find near the TV was arby’s napkins and now i have a big fat red raw nose!! i stayed up til 2 watching grey’s. ya should of come over, (since ya had snacks and all!)
margie - laughing because as we watched grey’s in bed last night the comments were rolling out, “cheap to make this show, they just stand around looking at each other” “meredith is such a pain why haven’t they killed her off?” and finally i looked at him and said “i am planning on killing you off in the next ten seconds if you don’t stop talking!” after all this time i know how to be quiet during the bbc news, so what the heck?? good show but i must confess i don’t like meredith that much either.
Liz - I KNOW! I was so excited after The Office I had a hard time going to sleep!
Lisa - Hey Meg,
I watched half of ER this morning. I got all emotional too. I’m saving Grey’s for tonight when the hubby is at basketball. It will be Milo (my cat), the tv, and my sewing machine tonight for company. I have a quilt deadline of next Saturday.
Your kids always do such great stuff. One day I want to be a mom just like you!
Take care,
PamperingBeki - I don’t watch Grey’s, or The Office, or ER. Can we still be friends?

traci - have never watched the office. must be good though – everyone loves it. can’t wait to hear what you thought of greys.
robin bird - i am so far behind on your life…
i would never have guessed you had any couch time at all. i hope you enjoyed yourself.. with all those exclamation marks and the red letters at the end of your post i gather it was a ‘good time.’it is 1 in the morning where you are and unless you went all wild and crazy with re-runs you ought to have had your fill of ER and Grey’s.
does binge TV watching ever give you a hangover?
Dana D @BoysMyJoys - I know what you mean! I’m constantly having to check the “priority” feature on the DVR to make sure that my boys haven’t added some new recording to the schedule. (New recording automatically go to #1 priority if you have Direct TV.)
Kara - Grey’s was so good!!!
Tausha - I am so glad that I am not the only one who MUST sit her butt on the ocuch this evening and veg! I have been looking forward to this evening since last season and they cut my Grey’s cause of th writers strike.
Food-I never thought of treats for this evening. I am such a slacker! sO-let me know what you think of tonight’s show!
krista - I had to fight with my kids to remove some of their timers on the dvr so i could record both The Office and Grey’s. Actually it wasn’t a fight. I just deleted their shows. nice right?!
LOVE the DVR, new for us. In my 9 yr old’s eyes…we ARRIVED when we got 250 channels and dvr. We were RICH.
Love the office, only this year getting into Grey’s because imaginary tv friends are better than no friends (we recently moved). Enjoy your night!!
holly - i’m just wondering what those yummy snacks are…??!! you always inspire me – love your blog; it’s my version of a good tv night. thanks so much.
Christy - That is a busy night! I agree with Leah, kudos to you for sticking w/ER, I gave up on it a while ago.
I have my son’s first Kinder program (nursery rhyme rap/hip hop special *lol*) & Grey’s! I actually planned ahead (for once) and already have soup in the crockpot. Must remember the video camera!
Good luck on the games & happy picture taking!
Aby - I’ll be right there with ya for Grey’s! I can’t wait!! Everytime I think of Grey’s I think of one of my twins last year (they were five).. I overheard them playing “grownups”. Of course you have to have imaginary names for that game… One said to the other.. “My name is Grace. Grace Anatomy.” It still cracks me up!!!
traci - just started watching THE OFFICE and LOVE IT!!!! Im sooooo excited about tonight I cant see straight. Its the one show my husband and I love together and laugh our heads off over. My evenings not as fun as yours though. I have parent conferences before hand so I will be listening to the teachers but THINKING about THE OFFICE..tee hee..not really.
Leah Schoonover - I am so excited for the office!!! By the way… I’m really impressed by your devotion to ER! Hope you have a great busy day.
Crystal - I am totally counting the minutes until the office…i can’t remember the last time i was so excited for a tv show…maybe the episode where jim was supposed to propose…
Nina - numbers 4,5 and 6 sound like my night! Yes, my DVR will be working hard tonight!!