oh yes!
it's friday.
that feels good to me.
i don't know why since i don't go to work anywhere.
i am just happy for it.
other than the down pour of rain here this morning.
it's quite exciting getting kids to school in pouring rain.
here is a series of randomness for friday.

happy friday.
kell - I hope the top row of the muffin tin was cheese and not butter! 🙂
You’re Friday looked WONDERFUL!
Beautiful flowers.
I love my babes but have to admit I’m a little excited for school days!
traci - yep, you gotta love fridays. waffle is so cute. love that quilt. i just want to snuggle up in it. so pretty. have a great weekend!! we had rain all day today and it’s still coming down.
emily - I love your photos Meg. The first one is awesome! Happy Friday!
Deb - Oh yeah, Friday ROCKS!
amy d - love the picture of talby in her swimsuit giving waffle a bath!! he looks so thrilled 🙂
….like ho, hum, if i have to.
made the stuffed shells again today, my craig will be happy, (“like, she should enter these in a contest or something”) hehe. MAKE IT STOP RAINING!!! my upstairs ceiling is dripping, yuck!
shiela - just PRETTY!
carissa - delightful randomness… that is!
have an awesome weekend!
Liz - Meg, that camera of yours makes me drool! Fantastic photos.
Leslie - I always love your posts filled with pictures. I would take photography lessons from you if I could. The pictures of everyday life are the best! I usually love Fridays but today I am watching the news and waiting for Ike to hit. I am in a suburb of Houston so we are going to get a direct hit. Say a prayer for all of us here on the Gulf Coast.
Elise - My mom made me a “quilt” out of that same patchwork fabric. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!! Oh, I love your stuffed shells recipe. Yum!!
Heidi - Great shots, I love the puppy having a bath one the best!!
Shannan Martin - Fridays are always my favorite, too. They feel like a sneak preview of…something. Something fun. And I just like knowing that my hubby will be around for the next two days. Love your pictures, as always! I totally had a “why haven’t I thought about that?” moment when I spied the mini muffin tin full of snacks. My pre-schoolers would totally dig it.
Liz - Friday IS the best, isn’t it? It heralds the start of the weekend, when I always plan to do so much and then on Sunday night realise I haven’t done half of it! Have a good weekend.
PamperingBeki - Yay for Fridays!
And yay for puddles to splash in!
(Don’t forget to pick up your kids early today… Not that you would since you’re Mom of the year, but still… This mom has done it more than once. Ack!)
Melanie - Meg,
Love the picture of the poochie. I have a maltipoo and I love dogs! I wanted to know what Oprah magazine that is in your stack? Is it the new fall issue or a special issue? I love to read and always love to find new books. Thanks.
lee ann - The cookie bars were a huge hit! My husband’s co-workers are enjoying them today.
Hooray! It’s Friday. This is our first year of full-time school so this is the first year where FRIDAY and all its glory is really sinking in. Love your colorful photos!
Lorilee - During the school year, when I am teaching, Fridays are definitely a favorite day! Just knowing I can sleep in on Saturday morning is a big deal! Here in Texas, schools were cancelled on Thursday and Friday because of the threat of Ike. I spent the day on Thursday, cleaning out the garden shed and stuffing it with patio furniture, pot plants, and assorted yard stuff! Boy was it HOT. I also washed and hung out several loads of laundry just in case Ike hit and we lost power for several days as happened with Claudette. It does look as if we are going to be spared the brunt of Ike though!
Aby - Whooo-Hooooo for Fridays!!! The only thing better is Saturday!!!
Have a great weekend! We’re bracing for remnants of IKE… lots of rain and wind starting tomorrow! I LOVE it!!!
Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Happy Friday to you, too!
I love Fridays because I spend the day looking forward to two days of being with my family!
chris - Happy Friday Meg, I love Friday’s too .
Two days of rest for me well from working out and getting up early and getting the kids to school , that is something I look forward to .
Have done 27 miles so far , no thinner mind you , but if I keep at it I will be thinner soon enough .
Its raining here too today .