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he said "okay"


and now waffle lives with us!
what have i gotten myself into?!


i asked begged for it.


and now i am a little scared.


but i have a big support group…shana, gb, amy, carrie, amy to begin with.
and a kennel….thanks seth.

craig is the best.
such an awesome husband and daddy.
my friends even thought it was romantic to hear he brought home a kennel 
after the ice cold post.
not the flowers and candle kind of romantic…but still sweet.
talby said it perfectly in her card to her daddy tonight.


and this picture!


do you get it?
waffle's body is a box of "homestile" waffles.  
this is so awesome!!!


thank you shana, brian, jase and kate.
thank you craig.

wish me luck.
i have clearly lost my mind.

Natasha - I was considering getting a dog just yesterday. Now I know I’m not ready. I forgot about the destructive phase. So couldn’t handle that.

Brooke - He is simply adorable!
Way to go Mr. Ice Cold!

Stacie - What a CUTE doggie!!!! My “puppy” will be 14 years old in January. I got Kiki when she was just a few months old and she’s been the best ever since . . . with the exception of the brand new kitchen table set she left her mark on all over!!
Good luck and can’t wait to read about your new adventures!!

katie - hahahah! laughing at above comment! does someone drink a lot of diet pepsi??
animals bring families together. i can’t imagine growing up without them!

mrslimestone - Oh, he is so adorable!!! Congrats.

jeanetta - You’re a braver woman than I.
But I must say that last picture you got of him is bursting with personality.

traci - Your kids are definately old enough to care for a dog and I even think kids benefit from having dogs. Kinda like sports teaches so many good things so does having the responsiblity of a dog or any animal for that matter.
Just set up a chart for who takes care of waffle on what days or break it up however it works for your family. If its on a chart they fuss down the road less. Love the name …WAFFLE. Gorgeous dog. Keep us updated. There will be good days and some bad but in the end an animal teaches many great things and can be a great asset to a family.

Jennifer P. - You followed one of the first rules of decorating—-always get a dog that matches the color of your couch :)!
If you’ve raised 5 babies, you’ll get through raising a dog too!
Talby is quite the creative artist!

flutter - You melted mr ice! oh man, look at that FACE!

Waffle - thank you, thank you, thank you, to my “new daddy” for letting me come live with all of you. were gonna have so much FUN!!! i will try my hardest not to chew or pee on anything important, but accidents do happen 🙂 I LOVE my new family and am so glad that my sissy Marley lives across the street, so i can go play with her and her BFF Miley. DOGS RULE, CATS DROOL!! woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.

Amber - Waffle is one cute pup! What kind of dog is s/he? Good luck with the dog training. You need something to keep you busy while the kids are at school anyway, right?

cjs - you rock.
and now, so does mr. ice cold.
I showed my own mr. ice cold your blog, and also, your mr. ice cold. I said, “see, we could be them. we’ll have a few more babies, get a dog, and you can build me a craft room. what do you think? you can be craig, and I’ll be meg. please, honey?”
I know your life isn’t perfect. still, I’d kind of like to be you.

They do grow out of this destructive stage – maybe waffle hasn’t begun yet – but it does go away with time!

Bri - Ha! There goes your calm time now that the kids are in school!!! 🙂
This will be a great experience for all of you. I wish you the best. If you ever have any questions for a fellow dog parent and vet-tech in training, shoot me your questions. I’ll support you however I can!!!!
Enjoy this ride!!!!

Lauren - He’s gorgeous. Those photos made my day 🙂

Melanie - Girl, you’ve got your hands full. Five kids and now a new dog:) I hope you can get him house broken quickly and I hope the newness (as far as the kids) doesn’t wear off quickly either. They are a joy and bring so much pleasure and comfort for families. I have had an indoor dog since my grandmother died (1978) and I am now 40 and my 14 yr. old son has grown up with one. We have a maltipoo that is the smartest dog we have ever had. (he is not my most loved dog that I have ever had, that was a maltese, and she came along before the kid) I got lucky with our dog. He came to us at 7 months old and had been rescued from a puppy mill. I bought him for $300.00 from a guy online (he rescues them) and he was not hard to house break, has never chewed up a thing in our house and I can leave him at home for 8 or 10 hrs. a day and he doesn’t have an accident. (that is only when I have to drive to town and do a lot of shopping etc.)(I am a sahm) The only thing is that they get very attacted to one person and become a ninny baby. I know Waffle got a great home that is full of love and full of fun. You will do fine. (and so will he)

Joni - Welcome Waffle! I can’t wait to hear the posts that he inspires! Good luck!

Ainslie - I’m right there with you Meg…we’ve just got ourselves a puppy too (about three weeks ago) and I’m seriously wondering what I was thinking. BUT, they are gorgeous and I love the idea of this dog growing up with my children…just need to sort out the toilet training issues!!!!!!!!!

Shanan - What a precious dog! I just love puppies.. You have to tell us what kind Waffle is.

April - Yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Craig……

Crystal - so sweet and so fun!! 🙂

mallory Heffron - you are going to have so much fun with a new puppy. He is way too cute…

Shana - To everyone who “wants one of their own…” there is one more left! Jack Black! He is just as sweet but not quite as “large” as Waffle.
Regarding “Mr. Ice Cold” I think “Slushy” or “Soft Serve” is more fitting at this point.
Way to go Craig – you are the “best dad ever” – outside the Schmidt house, of course.

kell - you’re crazy! he he he. i’m not a huge dog fan so for me to say that your new dog is so adorable is a big deal. waffle will be so fun for your family!!!
i really want another baby…i might try the ice cold post thing and see what happens!!!
love your blog…you are great!

Jen - OOoooh, he is so cute! I just wanna kiss him up!

mom - What a softie that Mr. Ice Cold turned out to be! But then we’ve always known that. Good luck – and hide the shoes and the home work!
Waffle is adorable.

carissa - yippee for daddy… a really big yippee for mommy… who will i’m sure be doing most of the “training”!
i think it is super! waffle will be a perfect addition to your family! lots of fun! we could not live without a dog in our family… the best!

Sandra - Absolutely darling. There is NOTHING cuter than a puppy!

that girl - What a perfect name! Wish my name was Waffles… or Diet Pepsi

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Your husband is so adorable and sweet…..Waffle is, well, simply cute as he can be……You will be fine….and so will Waffle. Craig, he will love Waffle more than anyone in your home….just wait.

meleea - yeah!!! your family will be so glad you did it. If you do all the hard work now very diligently it will pay off. we have a 11 month old goldendoodle who is amazing! i cannot imagine my life without him – he is a gift from God. Waffle is adorable!

Leah Schoonover - YAY! It will be great for your kids to have a dog! What a nice husband… I knew he couldnt resist forever!

lisa - Sorry about the double post. It seemed to take forever to post my first one so I thought I did something wrong 🙂

lisa - He is adorable! If you have a chance you should read The Monks of New Skete: The Art of Raising a Puppy. It’s a great book and helped us with our german shepherd puppy. Good luck.

lisa - He is adorable! If you have a chance to read up on dogs, I recommend the Monks of New Skete: The Art of Raising a Puppy.
Actually, all of their books are great, but this one helped us when we brought home a german shepherd puppy. Good luck.

Suzanne - precious puppy!!
he/she fits in with your family perfectly already!

Aby - Oh. My. God. That is the CUTEST dog ever!! There’s nothing quite like the unconditional love and devotion of a pet. We could all take lessons! Enjoy!!

Staci - OH YAY!!! I think?? You are excited right?? Oh…I just love him…Waffle…not Craig…although he seems like quite a guy 🙂 I love that he brought home the crate 🙂 I guess he does read your blog 🙂 I love Talby’s piture! What a creative little girl. I can’t wait to hear about all the future “tails” of Waffle. Such a lucky little guy 🙂 Good luck!

princess lasertron - oooooh baby number six!!!
I love dogs. you guys are gonna have a blast with waffle 😀
(my friend has a golden retriever named pancake!)

julie - I love Waffle! What a happy puppy dog for an amazing family. Hooray for Mr. Ice Cold.

Aubrey - But he has such a cute face and will keep your kitchen floor so clean…

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Congratulations Mrs. Convincing!!! Now we’re dying to know all about Waffle! Boy? Girl? What breed?

Holly - Congratulations! Waffle is so adorable and with 5 kids, let’s hope all the work won’t be put on you. Just remember “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~ Josh Billings

Holly - Congratulations! I hope, with 5 kids, that they will help you out with the dog. What a cute name, btw, Waffle is so adorable. Remember, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~ Josh Billings

Lee Ann - oh good luck! How fun, exciting and scary. Your kids will always remember this. Glad he warmed up a bit 🙂

jennifer - Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! Congrats! And remember, it might be hard at first but SO worth it later! Remember this too: We have THREE dogs and that is more than you ever want to get! Two tops. Three way too much!

Emily - Oh my goodness! Waffle is so adorable! What breed is he? A Golden Retriever mix?
I want him for my own! 🙂

Ashley - Oh, yay!!! I am so excited for you! I went through a struggle to convince my husband to get a dog but now he loves him more than he ever thought he would. It sounds like ‘Mr. Ice Cold’ came around!

Liz - So the ice man melteth! Pooches and families are the perfect combination. You’ll see.

Queenie Bee - Well Gosh-Golly, you finally got him! WAFFLE is such an adorable name! Very soon in life, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without him. He needs his own scrapbook though, and today’s art needs to be the first things in there. Just precious!

Amanda Jo - That dog is SO precious! What kind of dog is he? she? Your husband is a sweet guy! I love Talby’s drawings, those aer so cute!

Tracy, NJ - Meg, I just had to laugh at this story because in my family, it is ME who takes the most convincing when it comes to getting a dog – as it’s usually ME who ends up taking care of it in the end. *lol* Like the previous poster above said, I’m not sure how I stumbled upon your site, but am so happy that I did. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family and being included in all of your adventures along the way – makes me feel like I’m there with you as I read the stories behind it. I’ve tried actually subscribing to your blog or RSS feed (not sure why it won’t let me though), so I just come back and check it daily. I even went back and read through every single blog you have posted since day 1 and lol at alot of them. Thanks for sharing your day to day life with us – it makes my morning each day I get to work and check out your website first thing just to see what your latest family adventures were the day before. :o) Big Hugs to you and your family!

Bridgette - I LOVE your site. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon it, but I’m glad I did! And what a sweet pea your new puppy is!

PamperingBeki - Bahahaha!!!! That is too funny!
I love it when I get my way. 🙂

Nancy - What a cute dog. And Talby’s card with the ‘homestile’ box o’waffles body was the cutest ever. I bet Waffle & Craig will be best buddies before long. It always happens that way it seems — the one who took the most convincing is the one the pet is the tightest with.

sara - Omgosh! Waffle is soooo cute!!!! Thats kind of like a dog I would like to get!!!! =] So sweet of your hubby to say yes!!! =] And, Oh, Talby’s letter/pictures could make you melt!!! =] Soooo sweet!!! =]

Lanny Stanard - you so won’t be sorry, I love dogs and I love are dog so much, his name is gus, he’s a cockapoo! he’ll be 4 on the 29th. Good luck with your new pup if you every have any Q? just let me know!
LaNnY :o)

traci - oh meg – i am so excited for you and your family. waffle is so cute. he’s going to make a wonderful addition to your family. you’re kids have to be in heaven right now. way to go mr. ice cold!!

Sandy - I love Craig’s romantic side, I love Waffle, I love your house, I love your decorating style and I love the waffle boxed dog picture! Thanks for sharing your life and Kansas with us!!
Troy, OH

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