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dear mr. ice cold,


are you really really really sure that you want to say no to this?
how can you?
what is inside your heart that makes you not love these puppies?



i am happy to report that during our day of puppy sitting…
this puppy has done nothing.
she's eaten a little.
played a little.
gone potty outside only.
and slept 90% of the time.

just thought those facts may interest you mr. ice.

oh and one more fact.
there are still two left…a golden one even!

(i love you mr. ice cold.)

Clare - How gorgeous are that puppy’s eyes? My five kids are desperate for a dog – they are wearing my hubby down by shear repetitiveness. At least they are now willing to comprise on just having one or two…at first they all wanted one each! Even i couldn’t handle that.

Aby - You crack me up!

Laura - OH MY! He is . . . beyond adorable!!!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg, this goes out to your normally sweet looking husband! For goodness sakes…..say yes to the adorable golden puppy!!!!!
PS…I too live with a Mr. Ice Cold…..burrrrrrrrr

Jess - too funny! good luck with this one!!! what is it with men and their unwavering decisions!? I would melt in a minute with one puppy kiss! Thanks for the games!!! A great “pick me up” when we were running low on things to do this week…..we are still going strong with summer vacation here in the NorthEast. Glad to see that you are enjoying “back to school” days!

Sandra - When our beloved Akela died last year, we promised ourselves NO MORE PETS! We’re retired now, and want to do some traveling and it’s verrrry expensive to board a dog for a week or two. But, when I saw this face, I thought I could adopt him! So, I’m still a sucker for big puppy-dog eyes and sloppy kisses — good thing I’M not there!

Beth Pierce - I’ve been on vacation and didn’t have the internet while we were gone, so today I caught up on your blogs.
Thanks for making me almost pee on myself with the mini golf one. Your husband wiping his face on that towel…
That’s funny stuff.

danyele - that puppy (and that sweet little cupcake) are toooooo cute! how brave of you!

Ashley - Don’t tell Mr. Ice Cold that the sleeping all the time phase ends and they become rambunctious little puppies. Because that phase is fun, too, but will definitely take some getting used to. That is an adorable little puppy! You need one!

meaghan easterhaus - you probably don’t put these on your blog, but i couldn’t resist giving you a blog award. i love your blog so much!! xoxo

jodi - I’m with you!! And you just can’t compare anything to kids growing up with a “best four-legged friend”. Oh, the memories. Oh, the blog material!!

traci - how can you say no to that face. has he thawed at all? what a cute little puppy. how about majority rules?

amanda - And … that dog is so smiling!

amanda - The profile picture of that dog is so sweet!
I hope you get it just so you’ll take more pictures of it and post it on the blog! 🙂

Liz - Oh surely there must be signs of a thaw by now?!

sara - aww! that puppy is adorable! I had a mr. ice cold for a while on me getting a kitten…. after playing around with the idea, and coming across a very malnurished kitten, I have one! lol She’s been mine for almost a year now!!!! Good luck on the puppy!!!! Thats my next adventure after we move!!

Staci - I hope Mr. Ice Cold reads your blog 🙂 NO WAY can he say no to that!! Good luck!

amy d - thats funny that your mom commented that she looks like seton, i told corey and amy that marley looks like buttons. tell your mom she needs to bring down seton for a visit (for me) since i am missing buttons. i predict that
mr. ice will soon melt 🙂

Julie K. - You are just brutal. No mercy! You are hilarious.

cynthia - i live with a mr. ice cold too…

Stephanie - I think I am going to make your chicken and biscuits tonight. It looks nice and easy and I think the kids will eat it 🙂

traci - very creative…I love the Mr. Ice Cold
I thought at first you named the puppy that and couldnt figure out why…then I realize you were talking to you sweet hubby….LOVE IT

mom - AWWW-He looks like Seton. Hey Mr. Ice Man – good luck!

lee ann - Meg, that is hilarious! I hope it works!

Leah Schoonover - HAHA…love it! How can he resist all of you girls?

Dana D @ BoysMyJoys - Ha! Ha! I love the way you work! But I have two words for you, Meg: holes & poop! The grandparents gifted our boys with dachshund puppies a few Christmases ago. The puppies grew up and now live with the grandparents! (Thank heavens!)
All they did was dig holes and poop! (Although they were really, really cute!!!)
Good luck!

Mr. Ice Cold - That’s just not even fair. Conniving women (and girls).

Bethany - This post was WAY too funny!! You have me laughing out loud!! Good luck with your powers of persuasion!!!

chris - Can’t wait to see how this turns out , they got you did they ?
Good luck Meg.

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