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it’s all good…


this has been a good week.
very good.
nothing in particular has happened…i just feel relaxed.
i am sure it has nothing to do with my 4 big kids in school all day.


eighth grade.
oh the memories that come with eighth grade.
i hope she has wonderful ones.  
she found out today she made the volleyball team – woo hoo!
she was super happy and we are proud of her.



they aren't used to this out-the-door-early stuff.
check out those puffy eyes. 

i was so spaced on the first day of school.
like in a foggy haze.
i didn't take a single picture.
i didn't walk them in.
i didn't do anything.  
bad mama.

so i got some the next day or two. 
love those silver shoes!


here is my view on the way to "meet your teacher" night.
post meltdown from scott.
i think he was nervous but didn't want to be so….
he freaked out on me.  
but by the time he got to school he was calm and collected.


we went to the drive-in.
it was a cool night and we were even kind of chilly.
the movie was Wall-E.  
we decided that we will be going back – we loved it.


annie and i have been social butterflies this week.
coffee with ms. kristin.
lunch with isaiah and elizabeth.
mcdonalds with great grandma.


oh and we rode a zip line!
all the kids had a turn or two and me too.
fun for all ages.


i still think our yard needs a mini one from one end to the other…


and i think it's perfectly fine to eat strawberries with cool whip for lunch.
just thought you'd like to know that.


and i have lots of projects going on.
at least…they are going on in my head.
more on that later.


so…how was your week?
good or bad i would love to hear about it.

my house is a huge mess.
gotta get to that.

Kelly - I like Lauren’s “l” magnet in her locker. Target dollar spot, right? I still have my “k” one. 🙂 Kelly

Chrissie - Enjoy the drive-ins they are thing of the past. We are lucky to have two (one is a single screen and the other down the road is a double screen like when I was a kid). My husband and I packed the kids up in a truck every weekend and went. Good memories.
Take care, Chrissie

midwifeliz - Still love your blog! My week has been awesome. My son started Kindergarten last week and my daughter started preschool this past Monday. I never realized how precious this free time is.. I’m loving it. I got a haircut, had Starbuck’s with a friend and had lunch with another friend. I digg it!

Shana - Oh Lauren! My heart is with yours. Yes, I noticed the golden retriever magnet you have in your locker. I have a puppy just like that waiting to go to your house. He’s needing you!
(come on Craig!!! – do it for the children!!)

Nancy - Where, oh where, did you go to the drive-in at? I had no idea there was still one in existence. If it’s in KS, please tell. I loved the drive-in as a kid and teen; would love to take my girls to one. Hubby & I haven’t been to one in ages. I may have to make it a destination!

Shannan - Those flowers…I sort of wanted to kiss them, right on the computer screen. They are divine! The kids are pretty cute, too. How did you manage that shot of your oldest at her locker? Zac Efron is the new Luke Perry, huh?

katie - only one more week until my kids go back…thanks for the preview, i can’t wait!

Stephanie - I love your flowers in the vase. Did you really do this? Such an eye…

Sara - Lets see, firstly I LOVE the flower picture. It has happiness written all over it. Our week back to school was jam packed – Enzo started 2nd grade and I am getting used to this crazy 7 day rotating schedule…plus I am SHARING my art room with another teacher and our classes overlap so while she is talking to highschoolers, I am teaching 6th graders…CRAZY. Its only for one year, but its gonna be a long one! Next year I get a brand new, corner top floor room with skylights and it will overlook a roof top garden. I think it will be worth the wait. Enough blabbing! Enjoy your new daily routine. 🙂

Gina Carlin - Gorgeous flowers! The important thing is that you got pictures the first few days into school. Congratulations on the relaxation. I’m looking forward to hearing about your projects. Congratulations to Lauren.

danelle - i love weeks like that. we love the drive in too and every time we go i swear we will return more often…then time gets in the way and we end up not going for a long time again.

Allikayes Mama - That was a fun packed post!! I love the picture of the locker! It brought me back to how important and fun it was to have it decorated so perfect! And the volleyball team?! Yay! I played all through college and a little professionally – so that made me happy to hear!
Thanks for your positive post…sunshine-y!

Lorilee - Great photos. Love the flowers. We have been getting rain all week, and the weeds are taking over. I have been busy with back-to-school this week too! I’ve been working on my classroom. I’m already tired and the children won’t come until Monday! I teach 4 year olds. I have 2 half day classes, 20 in the morning and 16 in the afternoon.
I just got in from helping dish out BBQ plates for a neighborhood fundraiser.

Aby - Our week has been consumed with getting ready to start school on Monday.. last minute school shopping (including Makinley turning into Linda Blair in Target over a pair of shoes that I refused to buy).. meet the teacher night.. trying to keep the house clean.. last minute summer “to do’s”, etc. All in all… a good week! (Other than the Target incident!)
Love your pictures!! As always… LOVE you blog!

Joni - Your flowers made me smile today. They are just amazing.

traci - tell lauren congrats!! how exciting for her. great pics – as always. so love your shots. you did have a good, full week. my week has been kind of uneventful – i need to spice it up huh? have a great weekend.

Candy - As always, I LOVE all your pictures!!! Glad ya’ll had a great week back to school! We had a great one too. Ethan started 1st grade and loves his new teacher! 🙂 My only problem being the 2 year old who doesn’t understand why she can’t go to school too! :0 Have a great weekend! 🙂

Suzanne - our week consisted of getting ready for school & lots of fighting between the kids…making ME super ready for monday morning!! hubby started working out of the house in an office again & is loving his new place, so we went out to dinner last night after meet the teacher to celebrate! all in all a good week!
miss you though!

Jennifer P. - The decorated locker—-that one brought back some serious memories :)! I love Talby in her silver shoes. She looks so sassy! And your flowers—gorgeous! And as much as I am missing homeschooling my boys sooooo very much, in these 2 weeks between them starting school and when I’ll start, I have managed to get a TON accomplished! I understand why mom’s get excited for back to school now!
Glad you’ve had a good week. Can’t wait to see what kinds of projects you’ve got up your sleeve!

Jen - Check out my blog for my week in review. Some good, some bad. I really love your shots, especially the first and second one!

Beth - My week was busy and tiring but mostly good, parts of it really, really good.

amanda - Great pictures! The flowers are beautiful. I saw a similar fan at our local thrift store -($8, a steal!) I almost got it – your picture made me wish I had! 🙂 I enjoy your blog …

Mod Girl - Love that photo of the paint can!
My week… stomach ick going around my house, the six year old missed the first 5 days of school, looks like the weekend will be much the same. It’ll get better, right?!

meghan - i’m so jealous about the drive in. they just tore ours down to put up a housing development. i have such great memories of going there when i was a kid. we would pop our own popcorn and show up in jammies. i was so hoping to take my little guys (mostly so i could get a movie in). the only other drive in i know of is by the in-laws house in victor, id. it’s called the spud.

courtney - i’ve lurked on your blog for awhile…love it. love how you write, love your pictures (and camera!), your family is adorable.
to answer your question…my week was hard – but i have a 4 week old, so that comes with the territory, huh?

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - Had a pretty miserable week, but enjoyed hearing about (and as always seeing pictures of) your week. We went through major layoffs at work and several of my friends lost jobs. I am counting my blessings, and am working on shedding the dreariness for the weekend!

Lanny Stanard - once again a wonderful post, love the pic’s
have a great week-end…
LaNnY :o)

Heather (Digby's mom) - Wow — that’s a lot of watermelon!! Is that for something special or is that basically how much food you prep with 5 kids??
Talby looks like Lorel in that photo!
Yeah — we’re moving back to be with family. Maybe we can go on a date again!! Woohoo!!

Staci - We’ve had a great week too! Connor started 1st grade on Wednesday and Jake and I have been all over this city…poor little guy! Tonight (after IHOP for dinner, YUM) I needed to stop by Target and get some stuff for our church festival tomorrow night…we pulled up and Jake said, “Ar we ad Targed agin?” Brian just laughed and said, “You guys go here waaay too often!” Yep, we do and I love it! I’m lovin’ this all day school stuff! Jake starts after Labor Day for a few hours/a few days a week…I’ll take it! Glad your Lauren made the volleyball team! Love those flowers! I’ve talked too much, sorry! It IS all good 🙂

meaghan easterhaus - i want to be your friend, and i want your camera

amy d - way to go lauren……your locker looks way cool, they must have put in different lockers since i was there…ours were a little square box and that’s it, no place for fun stuff. can’t wait to see you play vball, that is, if i can come 🙂

PamperingBeki - Ummm, your week was WAY better than mine!
But I’ve already complained to you enough about that so I’ll shut it now.
I’m jealous of your flowers! I want sunflowers in my yard. There were some when we moved in and The Man thought they were silly so he killed them. What was he thinking?! I think I’m going to plant more.

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