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they’re going back!


i have always loved this commercial. 
that could be me dancing on that shopping cart. 

i love my kids so much. 
we had a great summer…but it's time

sing with me…
"it's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeaaaarrrrr!"   
and do you like my new profile photo? 
i don't want anyone thinking that 
i am letting all your nice comments go to my head. 
i don't think i am all that (and a bag of po-ta-to chips…(dr. evil). 
i really don't. 
so when you say all those nice things…i laugh because i know
i am not "handling" the teen thing very well (just ask my teen). 
i doubt i am as fun as you seem to think (ask my friends). 
i know that my house is messy (ask my husband). 
i am not an organized person (it's why i can't be on committees) 
i yell and get mad and say things i shouldn't (ask anyone who knows me). 

but i also know that i am trying. 
that hs to count for something right?
and i think that i am normal?? 
let's just leave that there… 

so thank you for all the nice things you've said to me. 
thank you for the encouragement. 
i do think it's made me feel like i am doing okay. 
thank you for reading about this goofy family.

Stephanie - Keep the glasses – they are a keeper! What happens the closer we get to 40? I am always trying to recapture my youth!
I love the ad too! I can only relate for one of my kids. I homeschool the oldest. My middle child told me she did not want to go to school, but instead be homeschooled. I asked her why and she promptly replied because she can do whatever she wants. Ah, and this is the reason she will sit at a desk and listen to someone other than me!

Beth - I love that ad too! It always makes me laugh. And I love your glasses in your new photo! I’m a cat-eye glasses fan, myself. Funny how humbling having teenagers can be. All their friends might think you’re the funniest/greatest, etc. but they still are not easily won over 🙂

Melanie - We are all just mom’s doing our thing and trying to do it right. I only have one son-14 yrs. old- (yeah me!) so I can understand that with 5 kids, you are so ready for them to go back. I think you are fun and funny and shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I check your blog everyday and you always make me smile. Keep your head up and enjoy ‘your’ time while the kids are at school!

carissa - i’ll be dragging my first grader
by her ears!
thank you Jesus for school!
btw… you are normal… we are all in this nutty mom/wife thing together! where is that manual? i need it in book & audio form!
lol… listen closely… i think i hear the school bell gearing up to ring! 🙂

lorilee - I always hate to see the school supplies being put out in July! It seems summers get shorter and shorter every year. Oh, well, once I get back to my classroom, I’ll get caught up in the first of the year excitement!

Deb - And goodness, girl, your house ROCKS! I just clicked on the photos on your sidebar and am instantly fighting jealousy. I can tell you don’t just take bubble baths and eat bonbons while your kids are at school. Your hard work is quite evident. I love love love your kitchen/family room area. Love it for sure!

Deb - TOO funny! Only, here we’re ALL going back to school. Downstairs. Oy! This is the first year I’ve actually envied you moms who send their children off to school. But a week at the beach whilst y’all are getting up at o’dark-thirty in the morning and packing lunches should rectify that! Lol.
Oh, and I LOVE your new post. I used to have a pair of glasses like that. They had rose-colored lenses. I loved the metaphor.

robin bird - well that little film says it all. i loved it! i actually don’t own a TV so when i see something entertaining i am all agog! i am lovin’ the specs and you are always completely adorable to me 🙂

Staci - Meg!!! You are great! I love it that your family is so real! I have to agree…love my kids…but it IS TIME! I’m singin’ right along with you! No tears come next Wednesday…we are all ready! Now, if I can just get this 3 yr old potty trained…he can go too 🙂 Love your new profile pic! Have a happy weekend with your sweet family!

Liz - Meg, reading about your family is the highlight of my day. Really. I dont have a family, but if I did… I’d hope it would be like yours.
And that commercial is great. I’m forwarding that to my dad… they’re sending my youngest sister off to college this week. Their last kid, bless their hearts. 🙂

Jess - I hope that Talby has a great year in first grade! I LOVE being home, but I am going to miss those kiddos. Talby’s postcard made my day. It is so wonderful to feel loved!

meghan - love reading your blog. love the new picture. i imagine that you are a pretty fun momma (even if you are in the midst of the teenage years). it’s always something!

Kristi - I found your blog through Emily’s a bit ago and love it. I can relate to you in so many ways! I have 5 kids. my oldest is 12, and in so many ways like your 13 year old. (isn’t it scary?) I can’t wait for school to start as well. we still have a couple of weeks. anyways, just had so say- love your blog. thanks for sharing!

Aby - Oh Meg! It IS the most wonderful time of the year! Except for that trying to get them up early each morning thing. NOT fun! We’re all (except for hubby) NOT morning people! That part, I’m definitely not looking forward too.
I can’t imagine how you do it with 5! My 2 wear me out! I’m so glad to hear that you sometimes get mad and say things you shouldn’t. I don’t feel so alone anymore!! We are human afterall, aren’t we?
You do inspire me to be a better mom and definitely a more creative mom! Thanks for that!

Holly - I LOVE that commercial! Do they still play it on tv? They should. I do love you new profile pic; I think it personifies your personalitly quite well.
While I have no children myself, I think you seem to be doing quite well with 5….I can’t imagine. All you can do is your best and try. Like I said, it seems that you are doing very well 😀

Marla - Mine go back on the 25th. I’m not sure I’m ready for school to start. Yes I want them to go back, I just don’t know if I can part with my last baby.
I hear ya on the teen thing. My 16 year old I’m sure would say I’m doing everything wrong. But I tell him that’s okay he’s the first one and if I don’t get it right with him I have 4 others to practice on…lol!
Love the new profile pic, very cute! I need to put a new one of me up.

Pleasant Drive - What a great commercial! I’d never seen it before. Being a teacher, I’m afraid I relate to the kids, rather than the parent. Ugh! School starts back on Tuesday for me.

chris - I am relived to hear you are normal , how could you not be with all those kids, I have two that can’t get along , so I can’t imagine 3 more to mix in 24 hours a day,
I love your new picture,
I am scared of the teen aged thing, I took my 10 year old shopping for school clothes yesterday , thought she would be in heaven , she was choosing , I was saying no occassionally , but she was miserable , like it was punishment she seems to hate everything, I don’t get it , my 7 year old was in heaven , how will we cope say in 5 years 12 and 15 ,lock me up , maybe I can learn something fom you .
I love school time, this is the first September that I will have no ones kids to watch during school hours I am going on a me makeover starting the first day of school , I am going to get in shape. Watch me now.

Suzanne - i have been dreading summer ending…not ready at all! i love having the babies home, the laid back schedules, BUT….these last couple days they have been torturous to be around!! fighting from the second they wake up, till bedtime…and if we split ’em up, they somehow WANT to get by each other again!!! aagh! i even thought to myself, i wonder how miss meg handles her 5 children…i love ya even more for being SO REAL…even though you don’t visit me much anymore 🙁
happy friday!

Jenn Thomas - We love you no matter what you think of yourself! I think you are fun to be with – why do you think I come over to visit and let you babysit my little London? Wasn’t that great this morning with the electric popping off at 6:45 AM! All I could think was . . . my neighbors are trying to get their kids ready for school and I am so glad that I got my hair dryed.

Kate LaFave - I read your blog EVERY DAY. You remind me so much of my own mother. I am the oldest of 11 children, and you describe yourself so much like I see her. But, just so you know, we had very rough teenage years, and I have some AWESOME and FUN memories of being from a large family. I could not imagine my life any other way. I am now 30 and still love every minute. My youngest sister is only 9. My mom hollered, she cried, she was a mess some of the time, but she is great. I wouldn’t have asked for a different family or childhood. And I will bet your children will say the same in 15 years. I find that I am drawn to your blog because you are so much like my family and life. I don’t feel like you sugarcoat or put up a front. You make me want to have 5 kids (I have 2) and stay home and make messes with them. I never comment on blogs, but think about it all the time. It is strange to feel like I know so much about someone I have never met. Maybe I will keep moving forward with starting my own blog. You are inspiring because you are normal. Thanks for the entertainment you provide me everyday!

cjs - yes, you’re normal.
that is why we love you.
one last thing…
I hate committees.

Stacey - Do I ever hear you on back to school. I have 5 more days. YESSSSS!
Love the new pic…cute glasses! 🙂
And lastly….I made your chicken enchiladas last night and they were yum! The boys didn’t like them, but they didn’t even try them once they saw a glimpse of the green sauce. LOL! Oh well, The Mr. and I enjoyed them.

Megan's Mom - There was also a GREAT ad with Alice Cooper…they were singing “School’s Out” and a little girl (his daughter?) looked at him like “yay, no more school for me?” and he shakes his head…No.
I’m going to go look for it.
Love visiting your “house” every day.

munchkinsandmusic - That was gut busting funny! Thanks for the laugh! I haven’t seen that yet!

Aubrey - You seem like a pretty awesome mom to me and your house sure looks clean enough in your pictures, but then I realize how easy it is to stage things. 🙂 At least you’re doing things with your kids, which I can’t seem to bring myself to do–I think I dread taking them out in public by myself so much I just don’t do it–and our count only up to three!

Jennifer P. - I remember seeing that photo of you before (was it on your Chicago trip?)–I think it’s perfect :)!
And i know we can all make ourselves appear better than we really are in our blogs–but I’ve never felt like you were one who did that. You’ve put it all out there–dirty laundry, grumpy kids, and all. That’s why I continue to read you even though TypePad blogs take foreeeeever to load on my computer :)!

Marnie - Oh you’re welcome Meg, your blog is first in my favourites list and I love reading it!

that girl - We start the 26th and I have not bought even one school supply… but the excitement is building!
PS – I just bought your camera but it doesn’t make my house look as nice as yours does. Strange…

Carrie - I recently found your blog. I am a big fan of Jennifer P.’s blog and she has a link to you. I actually went back through and read a lot of your older posts recently.
I don’t have kids of my own yet, but yours appear pretty happy and very well taken care of and loved. I am pretty sure that if you ask any teen no parent handles it well (or knows what they are doing). One of my best friends teaches 7th and 8th graders. She once told me that she likens this age to the terrible twos. They are trying to figure out who they are again. They are at this awkward stage where they still need their parents, but have discovered so many things they can do on their own, that they want to do it ALL on their own. And the worst is that they are testing the limits all over again. I don’t know if that story “helps” at all, but when you think about it, its probably pretty true.
For the record, I so want your craft room, and I wish I could have been on your christmas list for one of those fancy, cute aprons. I have a bit of an apron obsession.

PamperingBeki - Haha! I just blogged about back to school too.
It’s okay if you’re not perfect. I still want to be you. Oh wait, that was stalkerish again… haha!

Nikki - I soo love that commercial! I’m pretty tired of playing referee and hearing “I’m bored”.
We start back on the 25th and we are all pretty excited about it.
I really do believe it is the most wonderful time of the year.

traci - That commercial…FUNNY STUFF!!!
I think Im sorta in a club alone sometimes. My girls started school 2 days ago and I was NOT ready. One in Middle School which I was SOOOO not ready for and the other in 5th grade. I miss them.
You seem to “get it” with your teen daughter and we all love that. Mine isnt even a teen yet (only 12) and I struggle, struggle, struggle to want her to be polite, calm, loving, respectful and honest at all times….I dont want much, do I? lol

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