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old friends….

are the best kind of friends.

my best friend and neighbor from my childhood came to visit!

ahhhhhh…it makes my heart so happy and full.

this picture is silly but so perfect of us.

she brought her kids and her husband too whom we also love.

these two are too cute together.

we can’t wait to see “grace from california” again!

our time always goes so quick.

we want to come visit you but driving 5 kids to CA feels more like 

possible torture than vacation.  

(think national lampoon’s)

but we really do WANT to come.

we were in each other’s weddings.

-i’m sorry about that bride’s maid dress…

we were cheerleaders together.

-the hula bowl in hawaii…state championships in hutchinson…cheer camp!

we went to high school together

-i’m sorry about that time i talked you into skipping school with me…

and these boys were our high school sweethearts.

-double date 16 years ago and prom…i still love that striped dress!

we’ve gone on vacation together.

-you are brave people…no wonder you waited so long to have kids…

great memories.

i loved every minute of your visit tonya!

(except when annie hit your baby in the head with a basketball 

and knocked him down and my heart stopped thinking 

he would have no teeth when he lifted his head.)

Oh! we should have gotten out my notes from high school!

there’s always next time.

Deb - Oh, those are the BEST kinds of friends!
By the way, how do you get such brilliant color photos on your blog? Do you tweak the colors? Mine seem to wash out with the white background.

Keri - So sweet! This reminds me of the song I used to sing with my brownie troop in 4th grade: “make new friends, but keep the old – one is silver & the other gold.” Remember that??

Suzanne - that is so neat!
now where is the high school prom picture missy?!?!

Deputy's Wife - That is a great post! My best friend from high school (actually kindergarten) is STILL my best friend. We live five miles from each other and talk ALL the time on the phone.
After reading this, I think I will call her at work (which she hates, tee-hee) and tell her to come read this post.

carissa - how neat is that!
yall have come a long way together!
great pics!

pam - meg…you are such a joy to read and one of the first blogs i peak in on while sipping my starbucks…keep it up!!! xo

Pleasant Drive - I love your blog! You are a brave woman!

Nina - that is so wonderful for you…..old friends to visit!

traci - how wonderful for you all that you had a chance to reconnect. aren’t old friends just the best.

Ramona - Old friends are so special!!! I just came across your blog and wanted to tell you how amazing your house is! I clicked on the “my house” gallery and it is an incredible, inspiring home. Great job!

Jennifer - This post makes my heart happy! My very best friends are my HS friends and we are still in touch and get to see each other often! How great it is to share your adult life w/ memories of a “younger” you!!!!

Jennifer - This post makes my heart happy! My very best friends are my HS friends and we are still in touch and get to see each other often! How great it is to share your adult life w/ memories of a “younger” you!!!!

traci - I have a friend just exactly like that EXCEPT we didnt marry our high school sweehearts (I think she wished she had and Im very happy I didnt 🙂
Looks like AWESOME times!!!! Wouldnt it had been even better with a family DOG??? lol

PamperingBeki - How fun! And what sweet memories.

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